
Buddah Late for the Costume Party & Coronet Won’t Start

October 29th, 2016

You're in the garage, fiddling around with some chores when Buddah comes into the garage and quickly walks by...she must be late, as usual. She says she'll be back later, she loves you and bye! She gets in the car and you go back to your chores. She's tried starting the car several times now and it's not starting. You've told her in the past to not flood it but she rarely listens. She loves driving this car but unfortunately, she's hell on it. You keep looking at her from the garage with a scowl to show your displeasure of her messing the car up. After a bit longer, you decide to stop what you're doing and go over 'Starting Old Cars 101' with her. You two fuss, she keeps cranking, you fuss some more and finally she starts the car and leaves....ooohh but not yet as she stalls the car backing up. You fuss some more and she leaves, for real this time. Later in the afternoon, Buddah pulls back into the driveway and is all excited that she won the costume contest! She made some money and you suggest she can take you out to dinner. She gives a revving show out of excitement before turning the car off. view more.

Buddah Late for the Costume Party & Coronet Won’t Start

Tinsley Cranking the Monte Carlo in Ballet Flats – #600

October 29th, 2016

Trying to go but the car says, "No!" Tinsley cranks the old Chevy as the battery gets weaker. She's wearing tight leggings, pantyhose and black ballet flats.

Tinsley Cranking the Monte Carlo in Ballet Flats – #600

Jane Domino Cranking the Volvo in Platform Peep-toe Stilettos

October 28th, 2016

Jane is having some issues starting the Volvo today. It's overcast and chilly out but still good enough weather for her to wear her expensive peep-toe platform stilettos. She fights with the Volvo, even wins a few battles but it keeps stalling out on her. She finally gives up, she's had enough. view more.

Jane Domino Cranking the Volvo in Platform Peep-toe Stilettos

Sydney Spectra Takes Anabelle & Cassandra on a Ride, 1 of 2

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October 26th, 2016

The girls pile into the Camaro with Sydney getting behind the wheel. It's been ages since she's had car trouble but she's never had any like she's about to experience in the old Camaro. It takes almost this entire clip to get the Camaro going but when she does get it running, she can't hide that big smile!! view more.

Sydney Spectra Takes Anabelle & Cassandra on a Ride, 1 of 2

Scarlet Struggles to Clear Out the Monte Carlo that Reese Flooded

October 25th, 2016

The Monte is sitting crossways on the driveway from where Reese stalled it when backing it up out of the bushes. Reese is changing for the the next video so I get Scarlet to come out and see if it'll start. It's barely running when she does get it fired up and keeps stalling out. She works the process for a bit until she's finally able to get it juuuust right and clear it out! view more.

Scarlet Struggles to Clear Out the Monte Carlo that Reese Flooded

Cassandra Flooring the Caddy in Racer Costume – #736

October 25th, 2016

Cassandra hops in the Cadillac sporting this cute red racer costume. The skirt is tiny and shows off her super long legs. She's wearing red thigh high fishnets and white shiny pumps as she romps around in the big car. She floors the gas, glancing at you with a big smile because she can see you're enjoying the show. She tries peeling out a few times by doing a mild brake stand at stop signs but no luck. She pulls back in the driveway and revs it up a few times before the video fades out. view more.

Cassandra Flooring the Caddy in Racer Costume – #736

Anna Komis Cranks, Revs & Drives the Z28 in Keds, 2 of 2

October 24th, 2016

So we're back with the long-legged Anna as she finally gets the Camaro fired up and I quickly show her the gears because the needle on the dash doesn't work. After that, we're good and we go for a drive that isn't without a few issues. Fortunately, we make it back and this 'break in' session for Anna is about done. :) view more.

Anna Komis Cranks, Revs & Drives the Z28 in Keds, 2 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Volvo in Flat Sandals – #781

October 23rd, 2016

Scarlet struggles for most of this clip to get the damn wagon to start! She's pumping in some flat thong leather sandals and either it's out of gas or it's just in dead dead! Various shots including lots of tailpipe shots. If you like shaking tailpipes while a car is cranking, this has a good bit of that. :) view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Volvo in Flat Sandals – #781

Crystal Catatonic Jeep Brake Failure in Boots – #676

October 23rd, 2016

She's driving through the countryside on a late afternoon in her old Jeep when she has car trouble of the worst brakes! She's pumping the brake pedal in her tall overtheknee boots but it's not slowing the car down at all! *sorry for my hand in the frame for some of the clip...oops!* view more.

Crystal Catatonic Jeep Brake Failure in Boots – #676

Wonder Vivian Zipping Around in the Coronet in Hose & Boots

October 21st, 2016

Vivian is in her 'Wonder Vivian' costume as she drives us back home. She uses those red, shiny boots to floor the gas in the Coronet and teases you a little bit when she runs her hands over her pantyhose-clad legs. She's got the Coronet going pretty good on these curvy back roads and ends up throwing me almost in her lap as she takes one curve pretty fast. I'm sorry, Vivian, I didn't mean to get all up in your junk! LOL! view more.

Wonder Vivian Zipping Around in the Coronet in Hose & Boots

Laney Torino Smoking, Cranking & Revving in Wooden Sandals

October 21st, 2016

She gives you a little bit of a show while she's pumping on the gas of the old Monte. She might be keeping it a bit flooded so she can crank it longer for you. Heck, she's still got a lot of cigarette left, so let's make it last! She gets the car started after a few minutes and finishes out the video and her cigarette by revving it up. She then gets out of the car and squishes her cigarette butt into the concrete. view more.

Laney Torino Smoking, Cranking & Revving in Wooden Sandals

Hana Cranking the Bug in White Pants & Black Cowgirl Boots

October 20th, 2016

We follow her out to the car where she's in a bit of a hurry to go. She gets in, pumps the gas and spins the cold, damp engine over. It doesn't start and it's not sounding like it's going to start either. She's careful to not pump it too much but she might not be pumping it enough. She sweet talks the car some, pumps the gas and keeps trying...and trying...and trying. view more.

Hana Cranking the Bug in White Pants & Black Cowgirl Boots

Tinsley Driving the Bus Barefoot (backseat view)

October 16th, 2016

This is some leftover footage from a custom of Tinsley in the old VW Bus. I'm hunkered down in the back of the Bus and filming her for a bit as she has a rough time cranking the Bus and then drives the shit out of it for a bit! Being way in the back makes the Bus seems a lot bigger than it is. Still a great view though! view more.

Tinsley Driving the Bus Barefoot (backseat view)

Scarlet Broke Down in Black Hose & Pumps – #532

October 16th, 2016

She finds herself stranded in the Monte Carlo when she slams on the brakes to avoid hitting a baby deer. When she tries restarting the Monte Carlo, it isn't starting up. It's probably flooded from stalling out. She tries for a while, pumping the gas in her black leather pumps but it just won't crank! She kicks off her shoes and rubs her feet together for a moment in her stockings before going back to pumping the gas to try and get the car started. Just as she's about to lose all hope, she gets a phone call and help is on the way! view more.

Scarlet Broke Down in Black Hose & Pumps – #532

Cassandra Cranking Cars in Clogs – #328

October 15th, 2016

She steps out the door, slips on her brown clogs and enjoys the view for a moment. She then heads over to the Camaro to see if it'll start but after a few tries, the battery is dead. She then hops in the Monte Carlo, which has a good battery but it's not wanting to start. She gets it to sputter and somewhat run a few times but it keeps stalling out. She finally gets it running at the end. view more.

Cassandra Cranking Cars in Clogs – #328

Brookes Brakes Fail in the Cadillac – #741

October 11th, 2016

Brooke works for a shady business owner and she recently found out that he's been cheating on his wife. She's decided that today is the day she's going to meet his wife and tell her everything he's been doing behind her back. She's just about ready, all she has to do is put on her boots. Meanwhile, unknown to Brooke, someone is cutting the brake lines to her car...looks like Brooke might not be telling anyone anything! DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN!!! view more.

Brookes Brakes Fail in the Cadillac – #741

Mari Struggling to Cold Start the Coronet & Rev It

October 10th, 2016

The Coronet plays with her emotions as it sputters, cough, chokes and constantly dies on Mari in this clip. It takes her most of the clip to get the damn thing to stay running so she can rev it and warm it up. Lots of bouncing, begging, coaxing, pumping and struggling of little Mari in this big car. view more.

Mari Struggling to Cold Start the Coronet & Rev It

Audrey Cranking the Camaro – #370

October 9th, 2016

She's taking her kids to school and they are waaay behind! She's scurrying to the Camaro with the camera point-of-view from one of her kids in tow. They all climb in the car and all eyes are on Audrey as she's finally situated and turns the doesn't start. She tries it again and pumps the gas pedal...still doesn't start. She reassures her passengers that she'll get it, not to worry. But as the no-start attempts increase, so does the nervousness in the car. She even tries starting the car with her shoes off but that doesn't work either. With the battery now dead, she hurries to get them out of the car so they can take the bus instead. view more.

Audrey Cranking the Camaro – #370

Cherry & Dakota Hot-N-Sweaty Flip Flop Drive in the Bug, 2 of 2


October 8th, 2016

It's Dakota's turn to take the wheel of the Bug! The girls swap and Dakota rips it up on the drive back to the house. When the park the car in the driveway, Dakota revs it up a bit before doing some picture posing to wrap the video up.

Cherry & Dakota Hot-N-Sweaty Flip Flop Drive in the Bug, 2 of 2

Sylvia Can’t Start the Cadillac in Leather & Boots, 3 of 3

October 8th, 2016

On the drive back to the house when she takes a sharp turn and ends up stalling out the Caddy. She pulls off the road, gets it started again and finishes the drive. Working those pedals in those big black cowgirl boots!

Sylvia Can’t Start the Cadillac in Leather & Boots, 3 of 3

Vika Hungover & Trying to Leave in the Volvo

October 6th, 2016

After having a bit too much to drink, Vika is paying for it this morning with a serious hangover. She's also paying for it by having a terrible one-night-stand. She's at the door, ready to leave but the sunlight is like needles in her eyes. She can't find her sunglasses so she steals a pair on the counter and walks to the Volvo. Each step is like having concrete blocks for shoes and walking through quicksand. She finally reaches her car and has to dig for the keys. After all that work, her car doesn't want to won't start. Watching through the front windshield, you get a good view of facial expressions and the fact that she isn't wearing a bra. She struggles for a while before accepting the horrible fact that her car isn't starting and she's going to have to go back and ask 'that guy' for some help...ugh, she so wasn't wanting to see him again. view more.

Vika Hungover & Trying to Leave in the Volvo

Jamie Lynn Driving the Bus Barefoot w/ Orange Toenail Polish

October 5th, 2016

Working those pedals and shifting that long stick in the old Bus with her bare feet! She drives the Bus around with only minor issues of stalling it. That loose tank top gives a nice distraction! ( . Y . ) :D

Jamie Lynn Driving the Bus Barefoot w/ Orange Toenail Polish

Vivian Ireene Pierce ‘Daphne & Scooby’ Stranded – #396

October 2nd, 2016

The Scenario: Vivian Irene Pierce is going to a Halloween party at the area middle school to help out. Her friend is riding with her dressed as Scooby Doo so she has dressed as DAPHNE. She walks out of the house and walks to the car and sees her little friend, Ralphie, waiting in the car. She hops in and says, "Ready to go?" She don't realize that Ralphie has taken the distributor cap and spark plug wires without permission. She twists the key and no catch. She tries again no catch. She tells her little friend it's just cold. She tries again and Scooby says, "Try pumpin it." So she does but nothing. She keeps crankin and pumpin with a few long tries but all she gets is the raspberries. She stops to chill a moment and uses that time to send out a text to Madalynn Raye, but she gets no reply. She assures her little friend it will start and they won't miss the party. She tries a few more times and still nothing but the raspberries. She don't understand why Madalynn hasn't replied. Then she slides off her shoes and tries crankin and pumpin in her stocking feet but the battery is starting to drain. She keeps trying though and just when things couldn't get worse, she sees a strange car pull in with someone in a mask. She starts to panic! She's cranking the car desperately now and tries reassuring her friend they will be safe...if only she can get the damn car to start! When she finally looks up she realizes the masked perp is just Madalynn...whew! She tells Scooby that we are going with her to the party. She slides her shoes back on and the end.   view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce ‘Daphne & Scooby’ Stranded – #396

Robin Masters: Noelle Stuck & Hard Driving While Drizzling

October 1st, 2016

She's got Robin Master's car and ready to rip up the roads with it but she's gotta get it out of the yard first. It's been a little damp today and she's a little stuck in the yard. Fortunately the ground isn't saturated and she's able to get free and uses the pavement to scrub the tires clean of any mud and dirt. She pushes the pedal to the floor using her big and second toe. The rpm's climb and shift before she lets off. She runs around the neighborhood for a bit, raising hell in the process! :) view more.

Robin Masters: Noelle Stuck & Hard Driving While Drizzling

Rockell Starbux Cranking the Volvo in the Garage, 2 of 2

September 30th, 2016

She's sweet talkin the car and petting the dash in hopes the car will be kind enough to start for her. She's still trying to get the old wagon started and out of the garage so she can go out. Pumping the gas pedal in her gray riding boots is great to watch but as the battery gets weaker and weaker, you kinda start feeling bad for Rockell. :( view more.

Rockell Starbux Cranking the Volvo in the Garage, 2 of 2

Anabelle Pync Cranks in Patent Loafers & Revs the Bug Barefoot

September 29th, 2016

She hops behind the wheel of the 1972 VW Super Beetle wearing a blue long sleeve top, tight acid washed skinny jeans and black patent loafers. It takes her a few minutes to get the car fired up and she revs it to clear it out and warm it up in her loafers before kicking them off and finishing out the revving with her bare feet. view more.

Anabelle Pync Cranks in Patent Loafers & Revs the Bug Barefoot

Scarlet Runs to the Parts Store in the Coupe Deville, 2 of 2

September 27th, 2016

Gotta go pick up some parts and it's time for her to get some 1-on-1 time with the 1980 Cadillac Coupe Deville! She's got her Dan Post cowgirl boots on and does some floor-stomping driving to the store. She has some troubles starting it and keeping it running when she's trying to leave but manages to get it sorted out before hitting the road again. She tries to punish it some on the trip back but traffic is heavy. view more.

Scarlet Runs to the Parts Store in the Coupe Deville, 2 of 2

Gina Cranking the Renault in Open Toe Sandals – #735

September 25th, 2016

Not having much getting the little car fired up. She's wearing these wooden, low-heeled sandals and some cuffed jeans on this hot day. She begs the car to start for her as we get multiple angles of her struggle. She gets more and more frustrated at the car not starting and is putting her full leg into as the battery gets weaker and weaker. view more.

Gina Cranking the Renault in Open Toe Sandals – #735

Kimberly Heart Night Vision Tease in the Bus

September 23rd, 2016

She enjoyed the last time you two played together at night with the camera in night-vision mode. This time, it's a bit cooler out so she's wearing a sweater dress, thigh high boots and leather gloves. She tells you to get in the passenger seat and proceeds to try and get the old Bus started in way only Kimberly Heart can do. view more.

Kimberly Heart Night Vision Tease in the Bus

Jane Domino Revving the Volvo in Blue Sneakers – #711

September 22nd, 2016

She walks to the Volvo, gets in and revs it up good and hard in these blue Reebok sneakers and leggings. There is a picture-in-picture view of the tailpipe for the whole video to capture the exhaust.

Jane Domino Revving the Volvo in Blue Sneakers – #711

Samantha Ford Late for Work & Car Won’t Start Black Pumps

September 21st, 2016

You know those mornings where you're late and you feel like you've lost your mind? Yeah, it's one of those mornings for Samantha and to top it off, her damn car won't start!

Samantha Ford Late for Work & Car Won’t Start Black Pumps

Barbie Driving the ’61 Caddy in Torn Jeans & Boots

September 20th, 2016

She takes the big Cadillac for a drive around town in some torn jeans, brown cowgirl boots and white sweater. Hard not to notice when she comes passing by!

Barbie Driving the ’61 Caddy in Torn Jeans & Boots