
Dirty Diana Cranks Up the Renault GTA in Blue Heels

August 4th, 2016

Mostly upper body shots of Diana trying to get Pepe Le Pew fired up. Begging, bouncing and spinning that little engine over and over, hoping it'll fire up for her. It's been parked for a while, so it's being a pain in the ass but she does get it to choke, cough and sputter to life! Just a little revving at the end to clear it out some. view more.

Dirty Diana Cranks Up the Renault GTA in Blue Heels

Paige Erin Turner Pregnant Night Cranking the Monte, 2 of 2

August 3rd, 2016

The saga continues...Paige vs the Monte Carlo! She tries negotiating the car to start for her in exchange for a car wish but it just laughs at her. Now the battery is starting to get in on the fun by getting weaker and weaker and wea--dead! view more.

Paige Erin Turner Pregnant Night Cranking the Monte, 2 of 2

Sylvia Can’t Start the Cadillac in Leather & Boots, 2 of 3

August 2nd, 2016

Let's hope the car makes it to the gas's on fumes! Sylvia is calm though, I guess she has more faith in her car than anyone else. She pulls up to the pump, gets out and pumps her gas. A full tank..much better! She gets in and gets the car started at a try or two and then lightly revs it up while a loud-ass car alarm goes off at next pump. Now that car is fat and happy, she starts back home. view more.

Sylvia Can’t Start the Cadillac in Leather & Boots, 2 of 3

Damara Driving the Bug Barefoot – #654

July 31st, 2016

Scarlet and Damara went to pick up the Bug. Damara has to turn it around first while Scarlet is filming from the outside. It takes Damara a bit but she gets it turned around and floors the hell out of it on the drive back. She takes the rpm's up high and even though she's using the reverse ring in each shift, she fortunately never puts it into reverse...whew! view more.

Damara Driving the Bug Barefoot – #654

Kamilla Kaboose Revving the Camaro – #663

July 30th, 2016

Kamilla is alone in the office, waiting for Scarlet (her boss) to show up. She's in the 'big chair' and enjoying the feel of her pantyhose covered legs. She crosses them often, props them up on the desk and dangles her leopard print stiletto pumps. She's definitely enjoying the time alone but remembers that Scarlet keeps the keys to her old Camaro in one of the drawers. She looks for the, finds them and peeks outside to see the old car sitting there, just waiting to be revved! She goes outside, gets in and before starting it says, "You're finally mine!" view more.

Kamilla Kaboose Revving the Camaro – #663

Scarlet Cranking the Volvo in White Boots & Cuffed Jeans

July 30th, 2016

It's getting dark out and the temperature is dropping, time to move the Volvo. Scarlet battles with it for over 9 minutes but doesn't win this bout...oh, darn.

Scarlet Cranking the Volvo in White Boots & Cuffed Jeans

Brooke & Her Daily Struggles, #644, 5 of 6

July 29th, 2016

She's heading out again, this time wearing some denim shorts, a blue shirt and white/blue wedge peep-toe sandals. She's in a bit of a hurry and it takes some struggling to get the Monte Carlo to start on hot days and when the engine is floods really easy. She gets it started finally and revs it up a bit to make sure it's cleared out. She's driving along but the car is sounding funny and she pulls over quickly so she's not stranded in the road and the car dies on her. She jams the gear selector into 'P' and starts cranking the car again, really begging the car to start and trying to get too upset. Cars pass by as this pretty blonde is just cranking away in her old clunker. Fortunately she doesn't need help as she gets it fired up again, puts it into 'D' and floors it. view more.

Brooke & Her Daily Struggles, #644, 5 of 6

Cherry Driving the Bus Barefoot with Dakota – #706


July 28th, 2016

It takes a couple of minutes for Cherry to get the Bus started and she gives it a few good revs to clear it out before she drives back to where our cars are parked. As you know, when girls drive this Bus, they drive it hard! She works the 3 pedals in her bare feet with her good friend, Dakota, riding shotgun. view more.

Cherry Driving the Bus Barefoot with Dakota – #706

Scarlet Drives the Monte in Slippers & Tights – #452

July 24th, 2016

She's wearing a short skirt, white tights and maroon with gold trimmed slippers as she floors the gas pedal in the Monte Carlo. She stops a few times to push the parking brake to the floor, just to make sure it works.

Scarlet Drives the Monte in Slippers & Tights – #452

Riley Cranking the Jeep for Potential Buyer – #481

July 24th, 2016

She's trying to sell the Jeep to a possible buyer. She slipped on some Birkenstock sandals over her white socks to walk out to the car. The buyer wants her to start it up and uh-oh, she's having some issues getting it cranked. She eventually gets it started and tells him, "See, nothing to worry about!" and gives a million dollar smile...hopefully he'll ignore the starting troubles. view more.

Riley Cranking the Jeep for Potential Buyer – #481

Scarlet Runs to the Parts Store in the Coupe Deville, 1 of 2

July 24th, 2016

We've gotta run to our cars and pick up a part to exchange. Scarlet gets her first 'play time' in the Cadillac. Nothing like a good, old-fashioned pedal-pumping show to get the old car started. She drives it along the back roads till we get to where the cars are. When we go to leave, it's another pedal-pumping fest to get this big land barge started again. She romps on that pedal once it's started to clear it out! view more.

Scarlet Runs to the Parts Store in the Coupe Deville, 1 of 2

Anabelle Pync Uncovers & Fires Up the Camaro

July 22nd, 2016

The Camaro has been parked for a while and is usually covered up to try and keep it somewhat clean. She's going to see if she can get it started in her cute little dress and cowgirl boots.

Anabelle Pync Uncovers & Fires Up the Camaro

Mari Struggling in the Volvo in Ankle Boots & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

July 21st, 2016

She's hugging the steering wheel while cranking the Volvo in her bare feet. She's been at it for a while and her luck isn't getting any better. All kinds of angles in this clip: from the rear to see the exhaust shaking, looking through the rear hatch window, outside from the passenger side and drivers side. She finally has had enough and puts her socks and booties on to go call a cab. view more.

Mari Struggling in the Volvo in Ankle Boots & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

Hana Driving the Camaro Z28 – #474

July 17th, 2016

It's time to go for a drive but first, she needs to change shoes. She takes off her black leather pumps and puts on some red leather pumps. Now it's time to go drive!!

Hana Driving the Camaro Z28 – #474

Vivian Ireene Pierce Crank & Drive the Monte – #347

July 16th, 2016

Boy, does Vivian have one hell of a day in the old Chevy. This thing just keeps stalling on her everywhere...leaving the parking lot, at the grocery store, stop signs and red lights. Lots of frustrated pumping, bouncing and begging the car to start with segments of driving in between. She starts out in some strappy stiletto sandals but kicks them off early to go barefoot. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Crank & Drive the Monte – #347

Dirty Diana Starts & Revs the Coronet – #563

July 16th, 2016

She's wearing a sexy red dress, black leather jacket, tan sheer pantyhose and white thigh high boots. It takes some work to start the old Coronet before she can rip it up in those sexy stiletto boots! Lots of flirty, teasing fun with Diana! view more.

Dirty Diana Starts & Revs the Coronet – #563

Mandie Driving the Bug Bare Legs, Feet w/ Pink Toes

July 15th, 2016

A sexy drive around the neighborhood with Mandie in the old 72 Super Beetle. She stretches that foot of hers to floor the pedals often. Lots of gas, brake and clutch work.

Mandie Driving the Bug Bare Legs, Feet w/ Pink Toes

Gina Stranded in the Coronet – #743

July 14th, 2016

Gina is driving through the countryside in the Coronet when she thinks she's getting a flat tire. She pulls over to check but all looks okay. When she gets back in the car to leave, it won't start. She tries her best to get the car started again, pumping it different ways in her ballet flats but nothing is working. A few cars go by but no one stops. She finally gets out, pops the hood and looks around to try and figure out what she should do next. view more.

Gina Stranded in the Coronet – #743

Sylvia Can’t Start the Cadillac in Leather & Boots, 1 of 3

July 10th, 2016

The Cadillac is on 'E' but hopefully it has enough gas to make it to the gas station down the road. She tries for a few minutes to get the car started but she's not having much luck. The battery is starting to get weak so maybe she should get out, chill for a minute and call you for some help. You come over and she explains it's not starting and she wants you to watch what she's doing to see if she's doing it right. She gets back behind the wheel and after a few tries it finally starts up. She revs it up a bit to make sure it's going to stay running before buckling up to hit the road, which is where this segment ends. view more.

Sylvia Can’t Start the Cadillac in Leather & Boots, 1 of 3

Reese & Scarlet Food Run at Night in the Volvo


July 9th, 2016

The girls are dressed and ready to go out for a bite to eat. Reese gets in the car while Scarlet closes the garage door. You hear the throttle linkage click as Reese pumps the gas a few times and turns the car over....nothing. Pump pump, turn the key...nothing again, damn! Scarlet buckles up while Reese keeps trying and finally gets the car to start! But the next problem is that Reese is a bit rusty at driving a stick. She revs the car for a bit to warm it up and then tries to back the car up but keeps stalling it. So after a bit of instruction from Scarlet and Reese still not doing that good of a job, they swap and Scarlet gets them heading towards their destination. They order at the drive through and chat while they wait in the drive-thru line. Video ends after they get their food. view more.

Reese & Scarlet Food Run at Night in the Volvo

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Bug – #447

July 8th, 2016

Black leather jacket, black tank top, short tweed skirt, pantyhose and black leather stiletto pumps is the outfit-of-the-day for Kimberly as she begs and pleads for the old Bug to start for her.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Bug – #447

Cassandra Revving the Renault GTA Barefooted

July 5th, 2016

She was just revving a big American V8 in some high heeled boots the other day. Now, let's see her feet and toes while she revs up a little French convertible that has some smoky exhaust. :)

Cassandra Revving the Renault GTA Barefooted

Crystal Catatonic Cranking the Volvo – #656

July 4th, 2016

Lots of begging, bouncing and desperate cranking attempts by Crystal in the old Volvo wagon. It's being stubborn as a brick and not wanting to start. When the car starts sputtering near the end, lays on that begging thick and the car responds by starting up for her. You can see a thick cloud of smoke in the background as she warms it up a bit before the video ends. Enjoy your Independence Day!! view more.

Crystal Catatonic Cranking the Volvo – #656

Cherry Morgan & Dakota Charms Gas Run in the Jeep


July 3rd, 2016

The girls climb in the Jeep with Cherry Morgan hopping behind the wheel. It's too early for the struggle but it's real and it's now. The Jeep is cold and you can hear the battery is starting off kind of weak. Cherry gives it some full pumps to the floor while cranking it and after about 3-4 tries, she gets it started. They stop by the gas station to get some gas before heading off again. While driving, they chat about all kinds of, friends and sugar daddies! lol view more.

Cherry Morgan & Dakota Charms Gas Run in the Jeep

Tinsley Cranking the Coronet in Flip Flops – #150

July 2nd, 2016

You're going to ride to work with Tinsley in her moms old Coronet because Tinsley's car is in the shop. Her mom told Tinsley that she has to pump it to get it started, so she's pumping it some before trying to start it. After a few tries it starts up but then conks out. She tries starting it up again, making sure to pump the gas like her mom said. She keeps telling you that she has to pump it, I mean, her momma said so and her momma can't be wrong about her own car, right? After some more failed attempts, she finally says that you might be right about giving it too much embarrassing! view more.

Tinsley Cranking the Coronet in Flip Flops – #150

Scarlet Cranking the Monte Carlo – #496

July 1st, 2016

You're watching from an upstairs window at the Monte Carlo parked in the driveway. You see Scarlet walk down the steps and get in the car wearing a tshirt, jeans and flip flops. How many times have you watched a woman get into an old car and hope that it won't start for her? Unfortunately for Scarlet, today she finds that she's on the receiving end of bad luck and can't get the car cranked! It sputters some and you can see that she's visibly frustrated but all that pumping has just flooded the engine. view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Monte Carlo – #496

Cassandra Revving the Coupe DeVille in Snakeskin Boots

June 30th, 2016

This was the next day after picking up the Caddy. The night we brought it home the transmission took a dump in my driveway. Cassandra tries again to move it but nope, the transmission is shot! Oh well, guess she'll just do some revving in it since she got all dressed up. :) view more.

Cassandra Revving the Coupe DeVille in Snakeskin Boots

Damara Driving the Bus in Pantyhose (no shoes)

June 29th, 2016

Another rip-roaring driving session with Damara in the old candy van! She's sporting some tan sheer pantyhose and with the camera down by the pedal, you can imagine yourself being smashed in the face (or pecker) every time she floors it. :) It's chilly out, so she's wearing a leather jacket and leather gloves, if either of those are your thing. view more.

Damara Driving the Bus in Pantyhose (no shoes)

Rockell Starbux Cranking the Volvo in the Garage, 1 of 2

June 26th, 2016

She comes into the garage, opens the door and gets in the car. The Volvo is parked in the garage because it's getting cold outside and can be impossible to start. Well, it seems the garage doesn't help much in that aspect as the old wagon isn't starting up. She fiddles with the choke, pumps the gas and spins it over again and again and again but it just won't start. She pops the hood to check under the hood but nothing looks wrong from what she can tell. Some exhaust shots of the tailpipe shaking. view more.

Rockell Starbux Cranking the Volvo in the Garage, 1 of 2

Tracy & Vivian Cold Cranking the Bug in Boots


June 25th, 2016

Vivian tries first to get the old Bug going while Tracy looks on. We watch from the front windshield as Vivian's face says it all...blegh! She's a pro, that's for sure but some days, the cars don't care who you are! Tracy watches for a while before suggesting Vivian take a break. Tracy gets behind the wheel and manages to get it going. I guess it just wasn't Vivian's day. Tracy revs it up for a bit to warm the engine up but we have to stop abruptly because some mysterious smoke was coming from the car..doh! view more.

Tracy & Vivian Cold Cranking the Bug in Boots

Hana ‘Gas & Jerky Run’ in Flip Flops in the Z/28, 1 of 2

June 24th, 2016

This video has a picture-in-picture of Hana as she starts and drives the old Camaro down the street to get some gasoline. A nice cranking segment in the beginning with her flip flops pumping the pedal right into your face. She pulls up to the pump and sits in the car while I get out and do the manual labor. We chat a little and then she wants some gas station cuisine in the form of some beef jerky, which is where the video ends. view more.

Hana ‘Gas & Jerky Run’ in Flip Flops in the Z/28, 1 of 2

Mandie Revving the Coronet Black Stiletto Boots

June 23rd, 2016

Just a quickie of Mandie in the driveway revving the piss out of the Coronet. There is a nice 'grand finale' at the end of this clip. :)

Mandie Revving the Coronet Black Stiletto Boots