
Cassandra Cranking the Volvo in Ballet Flats – #603

December 27th, 2015

She's got her cheetah (or leopard print...whatever) pajama's on to run to the store but on the way back, her car broke down, which is when the video starts. She's trying to get the old Volvo started again because it's going to be awkward if someone tries to help her or if she has to walk home in her pajama outfit. A picture-in-picture video with a foot cam behind her feet for the whole video as the other camera gets her full body and a few other closeups. **Sorry for the ugly camera-work at one portion of the video, I should have put a cut there.** view more.

Cassandra Cranking the Volvo in Ballet Flats – #603

Dirty Diana Cranks & Revs the Bug in Boots

December 26th, 2015

I think this was the very first video I did with Dirty Diana. She hops in the Bug to see if she can get it started up. After some short work of pumping the gas, she gets it running and revs it up! She's enjoying the revving and starts slowly running her hands of her legs, playing it up a bit for you. But it sounds like the engine is running out of or starving for gas as it sputters and conks out. After some more cranking, she gets it to sputter to life once more. view more.

Dirty Diana Cranks & Revs the Bug in Boots

Brooke Driving the Camaro SS – #695

December 25th, 2015

This is a long video (54+ minutes) of Brooke driving and hot-rodding my Camaro around. She uses a few different pairs of shoes and drives, revs and revs while driving the 6-speed Chevy! Filmed from the passenger side for the whole video, she works those 3 pedals and has some fun! view more.

Brooke Driving the Camaro SS – #695

Scarlet Cranking the Monte Carlo – #402

December 24th, 2015

Dressed in a white button down shirt, black leather skirt, tan pantyhose and tan stiletto pumps, Scarlet tries to get the Monte Carlo cranked.

Scarlet Cranking the Monte Carlo – #402

Tinsley Car Won’t Start for Cheerleading Practice, 1 of 2

December 22nd, 2015

Gotta put in the time for those great half-time shows but as much as she loves her old cars, they can really test her patience. Today is one of those days. It's a beautiful day and she's leaving the house to take the old 77 Z28 to practice. She's got her practice uniform on already to save some time, which is a good thing since her car won't start. You watch from the window and a few other angles as she cranks her old Camaro. view more.

Tinsley Car Won’t Start for Cheerleading Practice, 1 of 2

Jamie Lynn Drives the Monte in Tan Peep-Toe Pumps

December 20th, 2015

Just doing some running around in this clip with Jamie Lynn at the helm of the Monte Carlo. She definitely isn't a timid driver, that's for sure. She's raising some hell on these back-roads and working them pedals with some tan patent peep-toe pumps with a platform! We chat a bit, mainly when she scares me and I tell her about Mari almost killing us in the same spot. lol view more.

Jamie Lynn Drives the Monte in Tan Peep-Toe Pumps

Kmo Smokes & Revs the Coronet in Wooden Sandals

December 19th, 2015

The Coronet is idling in the background as Kmo lights up a cigarette, takes a few drags and gets behind the wheel of the old Dodge to rev it up! She revs as long as it takes for her to finish that cigarette and when done, she crushes it with her sandals. view more.

Kmo Smokes & Revs the Coronet in Wooden Sandals

Cassandra & Crystal Fight with the Mopars in Boots, 2 of 2


December 18th, 2015

Well, now it's Crystal's turn. The girls get in the Jeep with Crystal behind the wheel and looks like their black cloud is still lingering overhead. Cassandra tries giving Crystal some sass but gets stopped in her tracks by Crystal telling Cassandra to 'don't even start!' They swap seats and Cassandra ends up killing the battery. So much for that... view more.

Cassandra & Crystal Fight with the Mopars in Boots, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce in White Cranks & Drives to Church, 2 of 2

December 17th, 2015

Vivian is coming back to the car and wonders where you've been. You missed service, oops, has it been that long?! She gets in and tries starting the car but guess what? It won't start...imagine that! She wonders if you did something to the car as she's pumping on the gas pedal. She gets it started and drives back while you continue your sinful behavior of staring and lusting after her! It's not a trouble-free drive home as the car stalls on her more than a few times and at one point, she has to pull over and try to get the car fired up again right by an intersection with cars going by. I guess she's being punished for not dragging you to the pew! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce in White Cranks & Drives to Church, 2 of 2

Mandie Cranking the Coronet – #157

December 16th, 2015

Mandie is waiting on the front porch for Tinsley to show up. After becoming impatient, she decides to leave but her car won't start. After pumping & cranking for a few minutes, she shoots a text to see where Tinsley is at and before trying to start the car again, she kicks off her leather heels, rubs her feet together a bit with her pantyhose and tries round 2 of starting the car. But still no luck and the battery is dying as well... view more.

Mandie Cranking the Coronet – #157

Brooke & Her Daily Struggles, #644, 1 of 6

December 13th, 2015

This series follows Brooke on her daily routine and what it's like to have so many crappy cars! We start out with her trying to start the old Jeep while her husband is out of town. She's on the phone with her girlfriend and explaining to her that she has to start it up every now and then while he's gone. After she gets it started, she changes so she can head to the trails to do some walking! She gets in the Monte Carlo and doesn't have too much trouble getting it started before the video fades out. view more.

Brooke & Her Daily Struggles, #644, 1 of 6

Audrey Moving Some Cars Around Denim & Boots, 2 of 3

December 13th, 2015

She's still working on that getting that Monte Carlo moved and parked. Lots of flooded starts, revving, stalling and cranking. It also sounds like the battery is getting weak. Once she's turned it around and somewhat parked it, she can't get out of the car fast enough because she's had enough of it! Now she gets to do it all over again with the Volvo. view more.

Audrey Moving Some Cars Around Denim & Boots, 2 of 3

Vassanta Driving the Camaro – #665

December 12th, 2015

She hops in, fires it up and takes off, not wasting any time to try and make it to the bus stop on time to pick you up. Her platform stiletto sandals mash that gas pedal down as she drives along these curvy country roads. She ends up making it a bit early, so she revs it up while she waits for you to arrive. view more.

Vassanta Driving the Camaro – #665

Scarlet Driving the Volvo – #497

December 10th, 2015

She's in a hurry and drives the Volvo as fast as traffic will allow her. When she gets behind slow people, she complains about them and wants to pass them but can't. Shes' driving in some white sneakers and shorts.

Scarlet Driving the Volvo – #497

Britney & Cassandra Cranking the Frozen Bug Going Out, 3 of 3


December 9th, 2015

Cassandra is still working it, trying to start the Bug but the battery is dying and the car still isn't wanting to start. Before the battery dies completely, Britney wants another turn in the drivers seat but she doesn't get too many chances before the battery finally goes flat. view more.

Britney & Cassandra Cranking the Frozen Bug Going Out, 3 of 3

Anna Komis First Time in the Monte, 2 of 2

December 6th, 2015

Part 2 and Anna still isn't making in progress in the old Chevy!

Anna Komis First Time in the Monte, 2 of 2

Hana Revving the Camaro – #473

December 5th, 2015

A short denim skirt, bare legs and black leather stiletto pumps romping away on the Camaro's gas pedal!

Hana Revving the Camaro – #473

Riley Cranking the Volvo – #653

December 5th, 2015

Riley is sitting at home, on the couch, when her phone rings. A friend is inviting Riley over to a bbq she's having this afternoon. Riley accepts the invitation and heads out the door to drive over there. The only problem is that her car won't start. view more.

Riley Cranking the Volvo – #653

Dirty Diana Hard Driving the Jeep with Bare Feet

December 3rd, 2015

The Jeep doesn't want to start with her wearing those thong sandals, so she kicks them off and pumps with her bare feet. Success!! She's smiling as she revs up the Jeep, happy that it's working for her today. She's driving along, punching the gas when she can but runs into trouble a few times where the Jeep cuts out while driving. She has to put the car in neutral and crank it while coasting. It stalls a few more times when she comes to a stop, probably needs to get that looked at soon. view more.

Dirty Diana Hard Driving the Jeep with Bare Feet

Cassandra & Scarlet Crank & Rev the Volvo in Cowgirl Boots


December 2nd, 2015

They take turns starting up and revving the old Volvo. Cassandra is wearing black boots over her jeans and Scarlet is wearing tan boots under her jeans.

Cassandra & Scarlet Crank & Rev the Volvo in Cowgirl Boots

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Coronet – #444

November 29th, 2015

Lots of begging, pleading and pumping the gas pedal by Kimberly in some itty bitty shorts and flip flops!

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Coronet – #444

Star Revving the Monte – #539

November 28th, 2015

She does a little grocery shopping first in her outfit before doing some hard revving in the parking lot with some high school kids watching nearby. She isn't shy about making some noise and throwing some exhaust their way! Get it girl!

Star Revving the Monte – #539

RockettGirl Cranking the Volvo in Sweater Dress & Boots

November 28th, 2015

Trying to old/cold start the Volvo in the driveway without using the choke, to make it more of a challenge. This video cuts from a dash mounted camera to a footwell cam. Lots of begging and pleading to get the car started by her but she only ends up killing the battery. view more.

RockettGirl Cranking the Volvo in Sweater Dress & Boots

Damara Starts & Revs the Z28 in Peep Toe Pumps

November 27th, 2015

Damara gets the Camaro started and revs it up good in some shiny peep toe pumps, black stockings that you can see her bright pink toenail polish through.

Damara Starts & Revs the Z28 in Peep Toe Pumps

Tinsley Brake Failure in the Monte Carlo – #616

November 27th, 2015

Tinsley has been caught snooping where she shouldn't be snooping. One day, while she's getting ready to leave, someone is sabotaging her brakes to be done with her once and for all. As she pulls away, you see the puddle on the ground and it's only a matter of time before she finds out her fate... view more.

Tinsley Brake Failure in the Monte Carlo – #616

Vivian Ireene Pierce in White Cranks & Drives to Church, 1 of 2

November 22nd, 2015

She's driving you both to church today in the old Bug. You get in the car and she asks if you've gotten everything you need for church. You know, the pen to write out the check for compensation of your weekly sins! lol She goes to start the car and gives you a little smirk since the car won't start right away, which she knows gets you going. She says, "Better get it all out before we get to church!", referring to your last minute sins of lusting after her breasts, legs and feet working those pedals! Her high slit skirt shows one leg completely as she's pumping the gas and when the car sputters to life, it must of been meant-to-be to go to church today. Or was it, since the car dies right after she says that. She gets it started again and this time, looks like it'll stay running. She drives, along with the rest of the Sunday worshippers, across town. The whole time, you're constantly staring at those legs and feet! When she pulls in the parking lot, the car stalls out and she has to crank it while it's coasting. Fortunately, she gets the car in a parking spot in the over-flow lot and notices that you might need another minute or two to, umm, take care of yourself. She tells you to not leave her along too long and walks off. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce in White Cranks & Drives to Church, 1 of 2

Crystal Catatonic Cranking the Monte – #662

November 22nd, 2015

Crystal gets into the car, ready to do some revving but she's having trouble getting the car to crank. She's giving it a lot of gas, that's how Cassandra told her to get it started but it's not working. After some good attempts, she gives Cassandra a call to find out what the deal is. She is instructed to pump it a lot and to pump it fast, so Crystal complies but isn't so sure it's going to work. She gets off the phone to focus on starting the car with the advice Cassandra gave and after another few minutes of unsuccessfully getting it cranked, Crystal calls Cassandra again. During this conversation, Crystal finds out her car has been deliberately sabotaged and the 'advice' she was given was to make the car even harder to start so that you could have a pedal pumping show. After getting over her shock, Crystal looks at you and talks about how you like watching her pumping the pedal..when she's fucking pumping it...pumping it and pumping it... ;) view more.

Crystal Catatonic Cranking the Monte – #662

Princess Cranks & Drives Volvo in Metallic Gold Peep Toes

November 20th, 2015

We came to Cassandra's to grab the Volvo. Scarlet is getting in the Jeep to leave as I'm already in the Volvo waiting for Princess to carefully walk in heels over to where it's parked. She gets in, takes a bit to get it running and then drives it on this nice, sunny day! view more.

Princess Cranks & Drives Volvo in Metallic Gold Peep Toes

Cassandra Revving the Jeep – #491

November 20th, 2015

She walks to the Jeep, gets in and fires up the Jeep to do some revving in the parking lot. She leaves the drivers door open and she gets the Jeep rocking by quickly hitting the gas pedal. After a couple of minutes, she takes her right boot off to rev it up with just her tall socks. view more.

Cassandra Revving the Jeep – #491

Brooke Driving the Bus – #598

November 18th, 2015

Her smile in the beginning of the video quickly goes away when the Bus is a bit of a pain to get started. Once running, she drives around but there is an issue with power from the little engine. She's driving fine at first but then she has some trouble and we decide it's best to head back to the house. Still, a great video of this gorgeous gal driving this old Bus in some strappy leather sandals. view more.

Brooke Driving the Bus – #598

Daisy Trying to Get the Camaro Running Ripped Jeans

November 14th, 2015

It's a pretty day out and perfect to uncover the old Camaro, fire it up and let it run for a bit since it's been sitting for a while. Daisy tries her best to get it running but it keeps flooding out and won't start. She pops the hood take a peek, yup, definitely flooded but not a big deal...but then the battery dies. :( view more.

Daisy Trying to Get the Camaro Running Ripped Jeans

Rose Pedal Cranking the Celica in White Peep Toe Heels

November 13th, 2015

In this clip, Rose attempts to take the cameraman to a social gathering nearby. Her dependable Echo is in the shop, so she must rely on the old 74 Celica to get her there. However, it puts up a fierce battle and does not want to catch at all but it does sputter and come to life. Then there is some flooded cranking play at the end of the clip with her bare feet. view more.

Rose Pedal Cranking the Celica in White Peep Toe Heels