
Roxy Stressing Out, 2 of 3

May 12th, 2024

A close-up from the passenger side starts the segment where she's pumping on the gas while cranking the car in her boots. She gets it to sputter a few times but she's looking pretty 'blah' from the car not starting. She keeps at it until the car finally sputters to life and that belt screams like a pig being stuck with a hot poker. Her eyes are wide from the belt screaming but she keeps revving it. Once the car is finally running, she puts it in gear and starts to pull out of the bushes. The wheels spin a little and if you've seen past videos of girls trying to get out of these bushes, you already know it can be a tough challenge. Sure enough, after a few attempts, she's stuck but she thinks she did something wrong and starts getting nervous, asking questions off camera and things like that. I have to cut the video...again. I tell her this is all part of it. I'm not mad she's stuck, I'm not mad the car isn't starting...this is why you are here! So try to get it out and don't worry about the car. I start filming again as she tries getting the car unstuck, has to keep cranking it up again after it starts all while avoiding the trees and bushes. view more.

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Roxy Stressing Out, 2 of 3

Dirty Diana Fries the Volvo’s Clutch White Thigh High Boots, 2 of 2

May 12th, 2024

She's coming to another stop sign...hopefully it doesn't stall. She stops, no traffic and pulls away. *Whew* I guess it's running better now. She gets to her stop and video fades out. *booty call action occurs* She walks to the car, gets in and says, "Ugh, I'm ready to get back to the house...I'm starving!!" I guess that action would get you hungry. She gets the car cranked up after a few tries, gives it a few romps and heads back to the road. She pulls out and immediately mashes the gas to the floor to take off. She gets up to speed and starts revving it hard while coasting. She comes to a stop sign and it stalls out. It fires up after a couple of tries and she lays into the gas again, driving it hard regardless of it's protesting. The car still fights back and stalls on her and she has to get it started again while coasting. It does this a couple of more times and ends up stalling at the next stop sign. FUCK! When she pulls away this time, she romps on the gas and tries to bang 2nd gear but she can't get it into the gears. Something popped and sounded weird...uh oh, maybe she should take it easy. She gets it home, parks it but can't get the car into any gear, what's for lunch?? **Clutch ended up being ground down and was completely toast. view more.

Dirty Diana Fries the Volvo’s Clutch White Thigh High Boots, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Cranking, Revving & Hung Up On Curb Pre-Custom 924

May 11th, 2024

"Gotta get this car moved and everything set up for this custom." she says as she's walking to the old Chevy Monte Carlo with her purse and big ole camera in hand. The Monte hasn't been started today yet, so it's a natural old cold start in her daisy dukes and dark red patent peep to high heels. She gets the car running and revs it up a little before trying to back it up. For those of you who like the curb thing where a model runs over a curb or gets hung up on one, there's a good segment here where she's hung up on the lip of the driveway and the car keeps stalling out on her. I didn't tell her and wanted to see how long it would take for her to figure out her issue. Besides, I had a great view of her thick right thigh pumping on the gas so I didn't want to ruin that view. She eventually gets the car turned around and in the spot it needs to be for custom #924 here and then does some sexy hard revving before the video ends. view more.

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Jane Domino Cranking, Revving & Hung Up On Curb Pre-Custom 924

Jane Domino Driving 2001 Camaro SS Black Vinyl Pants & Adidas Sneakers, 1 of 2

May 10th, 2024

She's running the ole Camaro SS to the shop to get the power window motor replaced. She's got these shiny vinyl pants on with a leather jacket and black & white Adidas sneakers. She hasn't drive the ole girl in a while, so she's rusty but she does make some noise in it (while missing 3rd, doh!) because you can't drive this thing without wanting to hear it. view more.

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Jane Domino Driving 2001 Camaro SS Black Vinyl Pants & Adidas Sneakers, 1 of 2

Cassandra & Scarlet Cranking, Flooding & Revving the Bug in Boots


May 9th, 2024

Scarlet is out in the old Bug playing around in it by starting it up, revving it and then flooding it out while you watch. She gets it good and flooded to where it becomes a bitch to get started again. It's sputtering now and on the verge of starting while she begs the car, "Come on" over and over. Cassandra comes to the car and Scarlet tells her she's trying to get it started but it's flooded, which Scarlet doesn't tell Cassandra that she did it on purpose. Cassandra offers to give it a try and they swap. Cassandra is having a smoke since she's had a rough day. She tries a few times before she gets it cleared out and fired up, forcing a bunch of white smoke out the exhaust. She revs it up for a bit to get it good and cleared out. view more.

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Cassandra & Scarlet Cranking, Flooding & Revving the Bug in Boots

Jewels in ‘The Great Flood Returns’, 2 of 2

May 7th, 2024

You know how some girls just 'have it' and by 'have it', I mean 'have it'?! Well, Jewels definitely has it ALL in this hard revving video of her in the Monte Carlo after getting it cleared out. She's romping on that pedal really good and you can tell she's enjoying it. Like, thoroughly having a good time with it. She hits that pedal down aggressively quite a few times where all 4 barrels open up and that old Chevy 350 engine gets that distinct 'WOOOOMP' sound. "Told you I could do it." she says with a smile as she lets the car idle and she sits back and takes a breather from all that excitement. She gives it a cool-down drive to the shop to check on the Cadillac. view more.

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Jewels in ‘The Great Flood Returns’, 2 of 2

The Pierces Shuffle Some Cars Before Custom 1359


May 5th, 2024

So some musical cars has to happen for the next video, custom #1359 and Persephone is filming while Mama Pierce, dressed in her slinky miniskirt and patent high heels, does the cranking and driving of the cars. They start off in the Camaro, which fires right up to which Vivian starts revving it to drown Persephone's voice out from all the nagging. Damn kids! Geesh. Vivian reverses the car and finds a spot to park it. She gives it a few revs before killing the engine. The next car is the Jeep. They get in, Vivian gives it a few pumps and spins the engine over. It sputters and stalls. She pumps it again, turns the key and the engine sputters to life. She revs it up before reversing it and also finding a spot for it. A few revs again before killing the engine. They head to the Monte Carlo, get in and the old clunker fires right up, imagine that! A few revs and she pulls it into a spot. No revving before killing the engine. Lastly is the Volvo. "You sure that thing is gonna start today?" Persephone asks as she follows Vivian to the Volvo, which has the hood up. Vivian shuts the hood, gets in while Persephone films from the open drivers door. Vivian gives the car a few pats then holds the pedal as she spins it over with a very weak battery. "The battery is still dead." Vivian says with the sound of the engine just clicking in the background. She grabs her things and gets back out of the car. A little while later and with a better battery, Vivian gets back in the Volvo, pulls the choke out and spins the engine over, gently pumping the gas while cranking it. It takes a few tries but she gets the car fired up. "Yay, you did it!" Persephone says, excitedly. "Give it a second, let me rev it a couple of times." Vivian tells her, nervously expecting the car to conk out again. She reverses it up the driveway, parks it and does some revving to finish out the video. view more.

The Pierces Shuffle Some Cars Before Custom 1359

Jane Domino Old & Damp Starts the Z28 in Converse Sneakers

May 4th, 2024

It's a dreary day out and she's trying to get the Camaro started and running. Not the easiest thing to do on chilly damp days. She's got her trusty Converse sneakers on and a pair of comfy, loose-fit jeans on. It's not quite cold enough for a jacket yet but you can smell the upcoming Fall season in the's coming. Not at the time I'm posting this because it's about to be Summer for us (boo!). Lots of cranking, sputtering, stalling and some revving from two camera angles: open drivers door and her POV. view more.

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Jane Domino Old & Damp Starts the Z28 in Converse Sneakers

Vivian Jeep Evening Crank & Hard Drive Home Tan OTK Snake Boots

May 4th, 2024

Done shooting and heading back home with Vivian driving, of course. I think the video starts and she says, "I'm pumping." ....or she could be saying, "I'm a pumpkin." not really sure. The Jeep is hard to start because remember, hot starts are different than cold starts. She gets a little gas heavy when starting it and floods it out some. She gets it cleared out and fired up where she tests how warmed up it is by giving it a few stabs. If it stays running, it's good to go. She reverses it but stalls it on the incline. It's a bit hard to fire up again but she manages and gives it some hard romps before putting it into gear with a loud *THUNK*. She heads down the driveway, makes it to the road and rolls into the throttle, putting it to the floor before letting up for the blind curves and hills. She smiles at you before getting back on the gas, pushing it as far down as she can before she has to let up to hit the brakes. She tries doing a burnout at a stop-sign but she's not done one before and only heard me talking about it, so her proficiency at it is lacking. But hey, at least she tried! The Jeep did stall but fired right back up. When she realizes she's not doing the burnout technique right, she just floors it to pull away and continue driving. view more.

Vivian Jeep Evening Crank & Hard Drive Home Tan OTK Snake Boots

Jane & Veronica Go to the Parts Stores, 4 of 6


May 3rd, 2024

This part starts out with Jane speeding back to the house in the Monte wearing these black leather boots where they go inside, find out some info then come back out to the car with Veronica changed out of her boots. She's wearing some flip flops now and it's her turn to drive. She gets the car fired up, revs it up and then backs out of the driveway to head back to the parts store again. Her big feet work the pedals and her fresh pink pedicure shows up nicely in the footwell. They talk and joke around while driving through traffic. She's not as aggressive as Jane is because she doesn't have as much playtime in the car but Jane says she'll fix that. We'll see... view more.

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Jane & Veronica Go to the Parts Stores, 4 of 6

Jane Domino Red Suede Thigh High Boots Old Start Fail in the Monte Carlo

May 2nd, 2024

Just got a fresh starter put on the Monte Carlo and she heads out to see if it will start. She broke the starter, which was the reason for it needing the starter in the first place. So she's a bit timid to hold the key too long the first few tries and this floods the car out...thus, wearing the brand new starter out before it ever had a chance to see the world. *sigh* Filmed from her pov while wearing daisy dukes and red suede thigh high boots. I didn't even know she was going out to get the car started till after she had been trying for over an hour...made for a damn great video in my mind though. lol She ends up draining the battery and tries letting it sit for a bit so it can chemically recharge but that doesn't last long enough to clear out how badly she flooded it. view more.

Jane Domino Red Suede Thigh High Boots Old Start Fail in the Monte Carlo

Jane Domino Drives Moms Mustang Around Town with Jewels

April 28th, 2024

Go for a drive with Jane in her moms Mustang while Jewels films and rides along from the passenger side. Jane is wearing these pink strappy sandals that show off her pedicure and toe ring really well. These two gals cruise around the neighborhood and too bad they didn't think to drive topless. view more.

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Jane Domino Drives Moms Mustang Around Town with Jewels

Vivian Ireene Pierce Vintage Heeled Cowgirl Boots Cranking Tease in the Bug

April 28th, 2024

She walks to the drivers side of the car and just before opening the door, she stops, and looks at you with a smile. She then walks to the rear of the car, opens up the hood and pulls the coil wire while looking directly at you. She then walks back to the drivers door and motions for you to come with her. She gets in and tries getting the car started but you both know it's not going to start. She doesn't say a word for the longest while cranking the car. Her left leg out of the car while her right leg and foot are just pumping away on the gas pedal. After a while, she gets back out of the car and goes back to the engine to reconnect the wire she pulled. She gets back in, fires it up and back its up out of the garage. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Vintage Heeled Cowgirl Boots Cranking Tease in the Bug

Brooke Driving the Jeep Tan Pantyhose & Pink Toes

April 26th, 2024

She's adjusting her tan sheer pantyhose on her feet before firing up the Jeep, revving it a little and heading out. She's driving with just her pantyhose-clad feet and you can see her bright pink nail polish through the hose. She stretches her foot out, using her big toe to press on the gas and get up to speed. Her foot goes back-and-forth from the brake to the gas quite often as this big old Jeep isn't made for speeding on these curvy roads. No dialogue, scenario or story here; just a girl driving her old Jeep around. view more.

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Brooke Driving the Jeep Tan Pantyhose & Pink Toes

Dirty Diana Fries the Volvo’s Clutch White Thigh High Boots, 1 of 2

April 25th, 2024

Filming from the backseat, you can see Diana walking to the Volvo wearing this short red dress, a black leather jacket, tan sheer pantyhose and white thigh high boots with chains and buckles on them. She's got this whole classy biker babe vibe going on. The Volvo is very hard to get started and she gets it started a few times but it stalls on her. Her phone rings and she answers, "Hello? This is she. Yeah, I'll be right there." and hangs up. We don't know who the caller was...a booty call maybe? Is that why she's wearing those 'fuck me' boots? As she was talking, the car died so she has to get it fired up again. She gets it started again and starts revving the shit out of it. She's getting into a bit, feeling the car vibrate and seeing her boots pump up and down on the gas pedal gets her kinda turned on. Once she's had her fun it's time to leave. She peels out of the driveway and the car stalls at the stop sign. She gets it going and keeping the rpms high, she pulls away from the stop sign and drives the old Volvo hard! She bangs up and down through the gears, making the little engine scream but even with all the abuse, it's still running rough. Surely it's warmed up by now, right? As she's coasting down a hill, the lights on the dash light up because the engine stalled out. While coasting, she cranks the car a few times until it fires back up. She revs it some more while coasting before making her turn where she can open the car up a little more since no traffic is in front of her. view more.

Dirty Diana Fries the Volvo’s Clutch White Thigh High Boots, 1 of 2

Jane & Riley Get the Monte Carlo Started in the Garage in Boots


April 24th, 2024

They're heading out and are walking to Riley's car that's parked in the garage when Jane notices the hood is up. "Why is the hood up?" Jane asks. "Oh, I was messing with it earlier." Riley replies dismissively. Not sure what she was messing with but it's not starting for her. Jane wants to try and trades places. She is able to get the car started and cleared out...*whew* Riley closes the hood and gets back in the drivers seat to leave. view more.

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Jane & Riley Get the Monte Carlo Started in the Garage in Boots

Jane Domino Revving the Z28 in Orange Wedge Sandals

April 21st, 2024

She's wearing a long dress with a high slit and orange strap wedge sandals. She gets in, spins the engine over and pumps the gas until it starts. She gives it a few revs and backs it up into the light. Once she gets the car situated, she does some hard revving while teasing you. view more.

Jane Domino Revving the Z28 in Orange Wedge Sandals

Jane & Vivian Run Errands in the Caddy in Their Boots, 4 of 5


April 21st, 2024

So Vivian is driving still as they're heading to the grocery store to et some stuff. Vivian floors the pedal in short bursts as the traffic doesn't allow for much more than that. The chat about their plans, their boots and the fact that people won't get out of their way. She plays as much as she can until they get to the store. She finds a parking spot and they go in and peruse the aisles in their boots. view more.

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Jane & Vivian Run Errands in the Caddy in Their Boots, 4 of 5

Daisy Hot Starts the Dodge Coronet in Red Flip Flops – Quickie

April 20th, 2024

She's in the car already and the car is parked in a parking lot. I forgot where we stopped but she's trying to hot-start the car and it's flooded. She begs the car and keeps cranking it till she gets it to finally sputter and fire up. She gives it a good rev and drives off. She's wearing short denim shorts, an orange tank top and red flip flops. Her toenails are painted purple. view more.

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Daisy Hot Starts the Dodge Coronet in Red Flip Flops – Quickie

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Monte Carlo Custom 1364 Leftover Scenes

April 19th, 2024

Various scenes of her cranking the old Monte Carlo in red slippers that didn't go into the final edit of custom #1364 here. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Monte Carlo Custom 1364 Leftover Scenes

Jane Domino Starting Up & Moving the Coronet & Volvo Pink Studded Sandals

April 18th, 2024

She's down by the cars and is going to startup the Coronet and Volvo to rearrange them a little and to ultimately bring the Coronet back to HQ. She's got these pink leather stiletto sandals on that have studs all over them along with a pair of her infamous booty shorts. She's filming herself as she gets the cars started up and moved. When she gets the Coronet running and out of the way, she leaves it idling and walks over to the Volvo. The pedal breaks off the hinge before she even pumps it once and she has to fix it. She tries again and the old Volvo fires right up. She gives it a few revs, moves it, parks it and heads back to the Coronet which is still idling. She gets in and drives the short distance home. view more.

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Jane Domino Starting Up & Moving the Coronet & Volvo Pink Studded Sandals

Vivian Ireene Pierce Pedal Pumping the Caddy (No Motor) Yellow Snakeprint Boots

April 14th, 2024

This was after Rebecca blew the motor in the Cadillac and it was in the shop to get a new engine for it. Vivian wanted to give the Caddy some love because the poor thing has been neglected for a while. She brings a pair of boots to change into and gets behind the wheel to feel her boots on the big floor-mounted pedal of the old Caddy. Just listen to her soft and sexy voice talk about pumping the pedals while her boots pump on the pedal. She plays with the key and goes through the motions as if she was trying to start the car. A great story time scene but in an actual car instead of simulating one. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Pedal Pumping the Caddy (No Motor) Yellow Snakeprint Boots

Jane Domino Struggles with the Jeep Bikini Top & Wooden Sandals

April 14th, 2024

She's got her black bikini top, daisy dukes and wooden sandals on and ready to go to layout. She gets in the old Jeep, puts her beach bag down and starts the car. It fires up and she lightly revs it to warm it up before going to leave. She puts it in 'Reverse', hits the throttle and the car conks out. That's all it takes for it to flood out and is a bitch to get started again. Lots of struggling to get fired up and keep it running in this clip as it stalls on her multiple times during her drive. One of these days it's just going to leave her permanently stranded. view more.

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Jane Domino Struggles with the Jeep Bikini Top & Wooden Sandals

April Lee Warming Up the Monte in Riding Boots for Custom 1401

April 13th, 2024

She's got this southern rocker cowgirl look going on and it looks good on her! She puts her soft leather riding boots on the pedals, gets the car fired up after some protesting from the engine and starts out revving it up mildly and progressively gets harder and harder. She gets the car rocking from her quick pumps of the gas pedal and occasionally does some romps to the floor to make the engine let out a quick scream. view more.

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April Lee Warming Up the Monte in Riding Boots for Custom 1401

Roxy Stressing Out, 1 of 3

April 12th, 2024

The scenario started off great with her saying her 'goodbyes' to you. She was having trouble getting her car started and calls you over to help. Unfortunately, it was because she was using the wrong key. I had to put a cut in and when she got the correct key and the engine started spinning over, she looks at me and says, "Oops." From there, with the 4th wall broken, I just filmed casually to see what I could get out of it. She tries for a while to get the Monte started but it isn't starting. She was starting to get stressed out for some unknown reason and I stopped to tell her it's not her fault, she's not in trouble, she's not responsible and that this is a good thing for the sake of video....that real car trouble is what I've hired you for. She was getting mad at the car and more stressed as the battery was getting weaker until it ended up dying. view more.

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Roxy Stressing Out, 1 of 3

Jane Domino Driving Mustang Black & White Checkered Vans

April 10th, 2024

She gets in, starts the car and heads out for a drive in her moms 1983 Ford Mustang convertible. It's a little 4-cylinder but it's a perfect 'chick' car. Not long into her drive it starts raining and she then finds out that her wipers don't work. Grreeeaaaaat! :/ So she turns around and heads back home before she crashes into a ditch and gets the car stuck...I mean, the crashing part would be bad but the stuck part, well, that wouldn't be soooo bad. lol view more.

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Jane Domino Driving Mustang Black & White Checkered Vans

Heidi Gets the Camaro Started to Rev It with Jane’s Help

April 7th, 2024

The girls head down to the old Camaro to see if it'll fire up. Heidi gets in and when she turns the key, the engine spins over very slowly a few times before it just stops. Damn, dead battery. With Jane's help, they get the battery changed out and Heidi gets the car fired up this time. She backs it up out if it's parking spot and does some hard revving in her Reebok Princess sneakers. view more.

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Heidi Gets the Camaro Started to Rev It with Jane’s Help

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Vision Crank & Drive in Purple Suede Boots, 1 of 2

April 6th, 2024

You're in the Volvo waiting for her armed with your night vision camera because you want to watch her pump the pedals in the old Volvo. She gets in, has a hard time getting it started and scolds you for not helping her with any advice on getting the car started. When she does get it started, she revs it a little before getting on the road. It's cold, so she's got the heater in the old Volvo running and thankfully all the headlights work. The car stalls during her drive and at a night, it makes things a little more scary. She finally makes it to where the Camaro is parked as that is the car she is wanting to drive. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Vision Crank & Drive in Purple Suede Boots, 1 of 2

Jewels in ‘The Great Flood Returns’, 1 of 2

April 6th, 2024

For those who don't like me dictating to the model what to do, this video might not be for you. The car got so flooded from her pumping earlier that morning that we let it sit for a few hours in hopes it would clear out enough to use it for some customs. Since we had customs that needed to get done, I was filming her in more of a behind-the-scenes way and this is why I'm talking to her and telling her what to do. If you've seen the previous 'Great Flood' clips, you are already familiar with how the Monte Carlo gets. We've had it take weeks and many many tries for model(s) to get it started and we couldn't have that happen right now. So this first clip is her doing her best to get the car started as she tries things and listens to my instructions. view more.

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Jewels in ‘The Great Flood Returns’, 1 of 2

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #17

April 5th, 2024

Time to see if the old 1972 VW Super Beetle and 1974 Dodge Coronet will start up on this chilly day.

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #17

Scarlet Can’t Start the Jeep w/Bad Fuel Pump in Tan Dan Post Boots

April 4th, 2024

We tried electric fuel pumps for a while but they were a headache. Went through them more than we went through starters. Scarlet tries getting the Jeep to start but you can hear the fuel pump ticking but not moving any fuel. She drains the battery in the that's that then. view more.

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Scarlet Can’t Start the Jeep w/Bad Fuel Pump in Tan Dan Post Boots

Brooke & Jane Take the 1972 Nova to the Car Wash, 4 of 4


March 31st, 2024

As they're just about to pull into Brooke's driveway, the car makes an odd sound and then dies. She's coasting still and realizes this as you hear the electric fuel pump whining in the background. She brings the car to a gentle stop right in front of her driveway. "I don't really know...I don't think I had the clutch all the way in when I was trying to change gears." she says, thinking out-loud what might of caused the car to stall. She fires it back up and as she's about to put it into gear, it dies. When she goes to fire it up again, it doesn't start. She's pumping the gas pedal but it's just spinning over and not starting. Watch this great hot-flooded cranking from three different camera angles that alternate throughout this clip. view more.

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Brooke & Jane Take the 1972 Nova to the Car Wash, 4 of 4