
Brooke Drives the Coronet – #566

October 2nd, 2015

She offers you a ride, how can you refuse?  She drives aggressive, mashing the pedal down and driving this big old car on these roads faster than she should.  Those white pumps work the gas and brake like a pro and the sheer hose glisten in the sun!  She gives you a sexy leg show while working the pedals and when she arrives at your destination, she gives you short but super sweet revving show!! view more.

Brooke Drives the Coronet – #566

Damara Pumps the Bus in Tan Mules & Barefoot w/ Green Toes

October 1st, 2015

Let's kick off October with a hot clip from Damara!  This clip has some fast action pumping while cranking and some hard revving in mules at first but then she goes barefoot.  Close-ups of her green toenail polish and toes pressing down on that floor mounted gas pedal!  That poor Bus engine...this is why we have 3 of them.  That's right, three!  That's more engines for one car than some sites have vehicles...but that's none of my business. ;) view more.

Damara Pumps the Bus in Tan Mules & Barefoot w/ Green Toes

Rockell Starbux Gets Mad When the Monte Won’t Start

September 30th, 2015

It's not good for a car to give Rockell Starbux a hard time.  She's got a big foot that can put a hurtin on the gas pedal when the car doesn't cooperate.  She battles for almost 12 minutes with the Monte Carlo and a few times, it looked as if she was going to win.  She finally just says, 'Fuck it!' and gets out of the car. view more.

Rockell Starbux Gets Mad When the Monte Won’t Start

Cassandra Cranking the Volvo – #413

September 29th, 2015

Just another daily battle with the Volvo for Cassandra.  Lots of quick pumping in this clip with upper body shots and over the shoulder shots.  The Volvo is sputtering at her but it just ain't startin!!

Cassandra Cranking the Volvo – #413

Kimberly in the Possessed Camaro – #449

September 27th, 2015

We pick up with Kimberly having issues with her gas pedal sticking to the floor.  It's not the first time it's happened, so she's not too worried about and manages to get it unstuck.  With a sigh of relief, she mumbles about needing to get a new car when suddenly, the gas pedal pushes itself to the floor and pins Kimberly's foot beneath it!! "Oh no, oh god!!" she screams as the car is accelerating with no chance of stopping it!  After a few horrifying miles, she's able to free her foot with the combined efforts of her leg and hands. "Thank God!!" she says, with a huge sigh of relief. She places her foot on the brake pedal to slow down and pull over but....oh god....her brakes don't work!!! view more.

Kimberly in the Possessed Camaro – #449

Mandie Morning Trouble in the Jeep in Suit & Boots

September 27th, 2015

She's already running behind and she still has to battle with the Jeep on this cold, damp morning.  She pumps it a bunch before spinning it over and turns the key, quickly pumping it while cranking it.  She knows it's going to take a bit but damn, after a half dozen tries or so, seriously?!  She's getting annoyed with it and when she least expects it, VROOM!!  She pulls it out of it's parking spot onto the driveway and when she goes to put it in 'Reverse', it stalls and she's back to having issues starting it again.  This goes on for a while, the stalling, starting and revving, which draws the attention of a neighbor.  She's not in the mood and gets snappy with the lurker, asking him if he came to help or what?  After a few more tries, she kinda demands a ride because she's soooo late! view more.

Mandie Morning Trouble in the Jeep in Suit & Boots

Tracy Blaze & Vivian Ireene Pierce Sandals PP Fun


September 26th, 2015

This is a 52+ minute video of driving, revving, cold starting, cranking at the gas station and some stalling in various cars with these two gals!  Both are wearing strappy stiletto sandals with jeans and leather jackets.  Enjoy this feast!! :) view more.

Tracy Blaze & Vivian Ireene Pierce Sandals PP Fun

Hana Cranking the Coronet – #314

September 25th, 2015

Hana is giving a classmate a ride home.  They're both taking some night classes and as they walk to the car, the cold is getting to Hana a bit.  Her car is temperamental, so it takes some work to try and get it started.  She reassures her friend that it's no problem but as the battery dies, it looks like they're in some real trouble.  The have to find someone to jump them off, which they do and they're finally on their way home. view more.

Hana Cranking the Coronet – #314

SugarMomma Cranking the Bug in Red Peep Toe Stilettos

September 25th, 2015

Dammit!  Looks like the girls parked their car in the way of Sugarmomma's.  She has to move it so she can take her car but the little Bug won't start!  She might of flooded it, so she pops the hood so let it air out some and keeps trying.  It's no use though, it ain't startin!  Gotta find another ride. view more.

SugarMomma Cranking the Bug in Red Peep Toe Stilettos

Cassandra & Laney Make a Panty Run in the Camaro


September 24th, 2015

Gotta head to the store to get some panties because Laney, well, she prefers going commando! Lol!  Cassandra drives first while Laney films.  Sorry that she doesn't get any foot shots, it was her first time filming.  Laney drives on the way back and Cassandra is filming and getting some feet shots. :)  Just a casual video. view more.

Cassandra & Laney Make a Panty Run in the Camaro

Vivian Ireene Pierce Rough Driving the Volvo in Ballet Flats- #575

September 20th, 2015

This Volvo is giving Vivian a headache as she's trying to figure out where her destination is.  She's lost and the Volvo keeps stalling out on her when she comes to a stop.  The battery sounds weak and it's really getting her very emotional. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Rough Driving the Volvo in Ballet Flats- #575

Kristen Starts & Drives the Monte in Jeans & Sneakers

September 19th, 2015

Typical day starting the Monte Carlo but she pumps it into submission and gives it some good, old fashion hard revving to warm it up.  Smoke blows out of the exhaust at first but gets less with each rev.  She hits the road and pushes that pedal down with her well-worn sneakers, flooring it here and there.! view more.

Kristen Starts & Drives the Monte in Jeans & Sneakers

Britney & Cassandra Cranking the Frozen Bug Going Out, 1 of 3


September 19th, 2015

Britney yells up to Cassandra, "You guys finish getting ready, I'm going to get this car warmed up!  It's freezing!" She climbs into the Bug and starts cranking it, pumping the gas in her boots and hoping it'll start up. After a few tries, she mumbles, "This is embarrassing!" and keeps at it.  She gets the car to sputter some, so she's on the right track but still has a long ways to go!  She doesn't realize that Cassandra has finished getting ready and is sneaking up on her trying to get the car started...oh the tricks girls play on each other! lol view more.

Britney & Cassandra Cranking the Frozen Bug Going Out, 1 of 3

Hana Driving Bus Pumps & Bare Feet (Extra Footage), 1 of 2

September 18th, 2015

Just some extra footage of Hana driving the Bus and getting familiar with it.  It's been a while since she had last drove it, so I go over some things with her while the camera is rolling.  The last bit of this clip is her driving with her bare feet. view more.

Hana Driving Bus Pumps & Bare Feet (Extra Footage), 1 of 2

Reese Stuck at Home in the Flooded Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

September 16th, 2015

She's dressed in a sexy leather outfit with pantyhose and some stiletto leather pumps.  She walks to the car, gets in and cranks the doesn't start.  No big deal, it takes a few times to get started.  She tries again and again, still nothing.  She's pumping it lightly before turning the key and it usually works but maybe the hill has messed something up?  She tries desperately to get the old junker started.  She even calls for help on her phone because it's looking that bad at getting her car started. view more.

Reese Stuck at Home in the Flooded Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Coronet – #451

September 13th, 2015

No luck at getting the Coronet started today...

Scarlet Cranking the Coronet – #451

Scarlet Driving the Bug in Jeans & Brown Cowgirl Boots

September 13th, 2015

A nice old start with some exhaust smoke in the beginning followed by a fun, hard driving session in the Bug to the house.  When she pulls into the driveway, she uses too high of a gear and stalls out.  Takes a bit to get it unflooded before she can finally park it. view more.

Scarlet Driving the Bug in Jeans & Brown Cowgirl Boots

It’s a Pedal Pumping Party, 1 of 2

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September 13th, 2015

2 girls is what you mostly see in clips but today, we got 3 of them in on the action as you view it from Scarlet's camera.  This first clip is a lot of cold start, flooded cranking of both of the Chevy's with a lot of revving mixed in. Cassandra & Anabelle try getting the Monte Carlo started with Scarlet filming in the backseat.  Doesn't take too much coaxing, so they move on to the Camaro...which has a dead ass battery!  We hook the Jeep to the Camaro to jump it off as Anabelle gets back behind the wheel and begins the struggle!  The Camaro sounds like it's out of gas or something, very strange the way it's behaving with it wanting to start...fuel pump issue?  After a while, Cassandra gets behind the wheel and works her magic and gets it started, with a little help from Kimber behind the wheel of the Jeep giving it some go-juice!  The girls end up getting into a revving face-off while I'm cringing, waiting for one of the engines to blow! view more.

It’s a Pedal Pumping Party, 1 of 2

Damara Cold Starts the Camaro in Red Pumps

September 12th, 2015

It's cooold and this is how the old Camaro behaves in the cold weather.  It has all kinds of trouble staying running for Damara.  Even with her experience, she has to fight it.  The first couple of minutes is her trying to get it running and turned around.  Lots of stalling, starting and revving.  But when she hits the road, she lays into it and drives it hard as a little payback for being a stubborn bitch! view more.

Damara Cold Starts the Camaro in Red Pumps

Robin Masters: Ashley & Noelle Give the Cutlass Hell, 1 of 2

September 10th, 2015

It's a bit rainy out, so a great day to drive some slick roads and try to get the old Cutlass to peel out!  Ashley, with her messed up hand, pilots the car first and mashes that pedal down to try and get the little car to make some squeeling noise!  She doesn't have too much success but they do a lot of pedal play, revving in neutral and raising some hell through town.  Bright pink toes, bare feet, tanned legs and two girls having fun in an old car...yeah, that's a recipe for fun! view more.

Robin Masters: Ashley & Noelle Give the Cutlass Hell, 1 of 2

Cassandra Cranking the Bus – #629

September 6th, 2015

Cassandra wakes up in the back of the Bus that her and her boyfriend took out for some great camping fun!  But it's not so fun to wake up alone.  Cassandra mumbles out his name to see where he is but she gets no reply.  She calls out some more, still nothing.  She sees that his phone is still in the car, which only adds to her concern.  Cassandra gets up and looks around while still in her pajamas, hoping that he's just tinkering on the engine or maybe collecting some wood nearby.  When she gets out of the car to look around, nothing.  She's calling out his name and as the rain starts to trickle down, she decides she's had enough of his stupid game, she's getting out of there!  She gets all the Bus doors closed, gets behind the wheel and it won't start!  She tries and tries to get it started but maybe the choke is stuck, so she gets out and quickly looks at the engine.  While at the back of the bus, she hears a strange noise and nervously calls out to reply.  Fuck it, she closes the hood to the engine, runs back inside the car and frantically tries to get it to start! view more.

Cassandra Cranking the Bus – #629

Paige Erin Turner Pumps & Barefooted Struggle in the Dodge

September 6th, 2015

This is an almost 18 minute clip of Paige cranking, flooding, stalling and revving the old Dodge in some tan peep toe stiletto pumps at first but she kicks them off to go at it barefoot.  Lots of dialogue that only Paige can deliver! :)

Paige Erin Turner Pumps & Barefooted Struggle in the Dodge

Vivian Ireene Pierce Makes an Ice Cream Run in the Jeep

September 5th, 2015

Takes a try or two to get the Jeep going but watching those white flower wedge sandals pump that pedal is worth taking the old beast!  She drives to get us all some ice cream because it's hot and what better way to cool off than watch her lick, slurp and suck on a huge ice cream cone while driving in some cute shoes! ;) view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Makes an Ice Cream Run in the Jeep

Scarlet Revving the Coronet – #426

September 5th, 2015

She's going to show you that she knows how to really rev a car while teasing you by lifting her skirt up.  She romps on that Coronet's gas pedal, giving you a hard revving show with her white pumps!

Scarlet Revving the Coronet – #426

Elizabeth Cold Starts the Camaro in Leather & Cowgirl Boots

September 5th, 2015

Gotta love that cold weather that makes these old cars hard to start.  Elizabeth is working over the old 77 Z/28 on this chilly morning.  She's got her leather jacket and gloves on along with her sexy dress cowgirl boots.  It takes a lot of pumping to get the old car to start but she tries moving it before it's warmed up properly and it keeps stalling out on her. **Sorry about the general darkness of the video, turn the brightness up on your player.** view more.

Elizabeth Cold Starts the Camaro in Leather & Cowgirl Boots

Raquel Derek Adidas Sandals Pedal Pumping Fun, 3 of 4

September 5th, 2015

She starts up the Monte (with some issues) and drives back to the house.  Mostly self-filmed with a short outside shot of her cranking the car.

Raquel Derek Adidas Sandals Pedal Pumping Fun, 3 of 4

Mandie & Tinsley Cranking the Jeep – #372


August 30th, 2015

Ah, the work day is done, time to leave the clinic.  The girls are carpooling in the Jeep, Mandie is driving them home but the damn car won't start.  Both girls take turns cranking the Jeep in their scrubs and clogs.  What a way to end the day...:( view more.

Mandie & Tinsley Cranking the Jeep – #372

Cassandra & Hana Driving the Bus Barefoot


August 29th, 2015

It's a roaster today!  The girls are barefoot in the VW Bus.  Hana is driving first, she's taking Cassandra to a place to practice her stick shift driving.  Cassandra is done with me teaching her, so Hana is going to try and see if she can do better.  They find a nice little spot, swap seats and Hana becomes the teacher and Cassandra the student.  Cassandra has a habit of coming off the clutch way too fast and results in constantly chirping the tires every time she shifts. A very casual video filmed by Cassandra & Hana. view more.

Cassandra & Hana Driving the Bus Barefoot

Prue Tinkering on the Monte Carlo in Thigh Highs

August 28th, 2015

She's ready to go on her date but that damn Monte is acting up again.  She can from dolled up to grease monkey in a few seconds and she does that here.  The car is in need of a tune-up but she's been putting it off.  She pops off the spark plug wires to check the boots and plugs.  Whatever she does, it works, the car finally cranks! view more.

Prue Tinkering on the Monte Carlo in Thigh Highs

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Coronet – #350

August 25th, 2015

You head out to the car before Vivian comes out to turn on the lights, in hopes that it'll make for a good show.  She finally comes out, tries to start the car and as usual, it doesn't start up right away.  She notices the battery is going weak and it eventually dies, just clicking.  She's putting 2+2 together and figures out that you're behind this, or at least she thinks you are...uh-oh! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Coronet – #350

Damara Cranks & Drives the Volvo in Moccasin Boots, 2 of 2

August 24th, 2015

This video starts out with action.  She fires up the Volvo and immediately romps on the gas pedal, revving the hell out of it before taking off.  She drives the Volvo like a race car, so get in, sit down, shut up and hang on! lol

Damara Cranks & Drives the Volvo in Moccasin Boots, 2 of 2

Tyler Grace Cranks & A Little Stuck with Jenny, 2 of 2


August 23rd, 2015

Ok, so we're back with these two gals and the Jeep keeps stalling out as Tyler tries to get it moved.  She tries covering her embarrassment by laughing but the nervousness comes through still, which is fine as it adds to the realism here.  Jenny is just cracking up because she's 'been there, done that' in a previous series on the Monte Carlo in the same spot.  At 2:35, the look Jenny gives me is like, "Dude, you planned this...again, didn't you?!"  LOL! She's not stuck too terribly long, I mean, it is a Jeep afterall!  But with the Jeep constantly stalling, it makes it a struggle that is worth watching. :) view more.

Tyler Grace Cranks & A Little Stuck with Jenny, 2 of 2