
Tyler Grace Cranks & A Little Stuck with Jenny, 2 of 2


August 23rd, 2015

Ok, so we're back with these two gals and the Jeep keeps stalling out as Tyler tries to get it moved.  She tries covering her embarrassment by laughing but the nervousness comes through still, which is fine as it adds to the realism here.  Jenny is just cracking up because she's 'been there, done that' in a previous series on the Monte Carlo in the same spot.  At 2:35, the look Jenny gives me is like, "Dude, you planned this...again, didn't you?!"  LOL! She's not stuck too terribly long, I mean, it is a Jeep afterall!  But with the Jeep constantly stalling, it makes it a struggle that is worth watching. :) view more.

Tyler Grace Cranks & A Little Stuck with Jenny, 2 of 2

Dirty Diana Cranking the Monte Carlo – #343

August 22nd, 2015

The scenario: "Dirty Diana is going to a childhood friends wedding.  We see her walk out the door, down the steps and over to the car.  She looks more like Classy Diana instead of Dirty Diana.  She slides in, looks in the rear-view mirror to check her makeup and lipstick.  She is excited about going........but the car isn't.  She twists the key no catch.  Tries again, no catch.  She's not pumping the gas yet.   She is dumbfounded!   Now she pumps it several times, turns the key and no luck...damn!  Well, looks like it's now going to be a crankin and pumpin marathon.  She tries several pumpin styles including the pump-n-grind and some rapid pumping but all the motor does is give her the raspberries.  She can't understand why its acting up and she pleas with it and begins to feel sad.  Her new pair of yellow pumps hurt so she slides them off rubs her stocking feet together (show this) and begins to pump and grind the gas pedal in her stocking feet. She puts her right shoe on for one last attempt but nothing.  She sits back and sulks as the wedding is about to start but the car isn't. Her iPHONE rings and it is someone wondering where she is at. She explains her sadness and they will be there in ten minutes. Oh what a relief!" view more.

Dirty Diana Cranking the Monte Carlo – #343

Britney Cranks & Revs the Stubborn & Very Smoky Bug, 2 of 2

August 21st, 2015

So, I can't believe I haven't posted a clip of Britney this year until just now!  So I'm giving a two-fer of her today! :) So things aren't going so well in this second clip.  They start out okay, with Britney revving away when I tell her to turn it off because it's starting to smoke.  All looks okay, I have her start it back up, well, at least try to start it back up.  She gets it running again and you get to see a bunch of exhaust smoke start coming out of the tailpipe in the last portion of this clip. view more.

Britney Cranks & Revs the Stubborn & Very Smoky Bug, 2 of 2

Britney Cranks & Revs the Stubborn & Very Smokey Bug, 1 of 2

August 21st, 2015

Just some cranking, revving and stalling as she's having a little one-on-one time in the old 1972 VW Super Beetle.  Sputtering, stalling, revving and some chugga-chugga-cranking.

Britney Cranks & Revs the Stubborn & Very Smokey Bug, 1 of 2

Vivian Driving the Jeep in Business Suit & Hose with Tracy


August 20th, 2015

Off to work they go, if Vivian can find the right key for the Jeep.  Both gals are 'dressed for success' in their business suits, pantyhose and white stiletto pumps.  Gotta swing by Cassandra's first to check on Tracy's car, so Vivian pushes that gas pedal down to make sure they aren't late for work.  She knows these roads well, so she's comfortable driving a little faster than she should.  The Jeep can handle it...she hopes. view more.

Vivian Driving the Jeep in Business Suit & Hose with Tracy

Brooke Revving the 77 Camaro – #606

August 19th, 2015

She's bored while waiting for you to come to the car, so she's going to kill time by revving it up.  She calls you up while she's revving to see if you can hear it through the phone and heck, if she revs hard enough, you can probably hear it from inside! view more.

Brooke Revving the 77 Camaro – #606

Rockell Starbux Cold Starting Dilemma in Denim & Boots, 3 of 3

August 18th, 2015

She's still stuck in the middle of the driveway with an old Jeep that won't start.  She's pumping the hell out of it and maybe that's the problem or maybe it's out of gas.  Does it matter though?  Nah, just keep at it. :)  She gets a little flirty at the end when the battery is about to die, playing up her cleavage and talking about how it might help her to get some assistance from someone. :D view more.

Rockell Starbux Cold Starting Dilemma in Denim & Boots, 3 of 3

Dirty Diana Piloting the Volvo in Thong Sandals, 2 of 4


August 15th, 2015

Now it's time to get some foood!  Diana uses those size 10 feet to work those pedals in the Volvo good!  Lots of shifting with her thong leather sandals as she chats with Cassandra.

Dirty Diana Piloting the Volvo in Thong Sandals, 2 of 4

Hana Stuck in the Mud & Stalling in Rain Boots, 3 of 3

August 15th, 2015

Her situation is getting worse by the second.  The car isn't really moving much anymore as she's dug a hole from spinning the wheels too much.  The car keeps stalling from her being too aggressive on the gas but it doesn't really matter now as she's sucked in by the gooey gloppy gunk.  The rain has slowed but it doesn't matter, the car is where it's going to stay, it's not coming out. view more.

Hana Stuck in the Mud & Stalling in Rain Boots, 3 of 3

Kimberly Heart Bikini & Barefoot Pumping the Jeep, 2 of 2

August 14th, 2015

Rolling along in her automobile...oops, stalled at the stop sign and now it won't start again!  Traffic whizzing by as she's just bouncing and begging for that old Jeep to start for her!  It sputters, coughs and chugs as her foot is just working that gas pedal quickly and not-so-effectively.  A car comes up behind her and she has to wave them around.  They pull up next to her and she's all flustered, apologizing and telling the guy she just has to prime it.  She thanks him for asking if she needs help and he drives off, leaving her to continue struggling. One of the finest, most realistic, genuine, candid cranking segments from one of the best!  But that's just my humble opinion. ;) Oh, after she gets it started, she romps on the pedal and kicks it into gear before the rpm's come down and she ends up stalling in the road!  After an much shorter but more embarrassing struggle, she is finally driving again and she's so so glad to make it home!! view more.

Kimberly Heart Bikini & Barefoot Pumping the Jeep, 2 of 2

Barbie Starts & Moves the Bug in Tan Leather Pants & Boots

August 13th, 2015

Overcast, damp days aren't the best days for trying to start this old VW.  Lots of sputtering and failed starts test Barbie's patience but she does manage to get it running.  She revs it up some and moves it off of the driveway, which she is really excited about because she's getting better at driving a stick.  She's been getting some practice in the Bug, which you'll see more of in another video series. :) view more.

Barbie Starts & Moves the Bug in Tan Leather Pants & Boots

Robin Masters: Ashley Getting Payback on Cheating Boyfriend

August 13th, 2015

She finds out her man is cheating on her and decides to take out her anger on his car.  Hopefully, she can drive, rev, slam on the brakes and peel out on the wet roads to it's destruction with her bare feet and bright pink toes.  That poor car! :( view more.

Robin Masters: Ashley Getting Payback on Cheating Boyfriend

Raquel Derek Adidas Sandals Pedal Pumping Fun, 2 of 4

August 9th, 2015

It takes a handful of tries but she gets the Jeep started and idling on it's own.  She walks back to the Monte Carlo and this time, it only takes 2 tries to fire it up and she sits there for a bit, letting it idle while her foot is resting on the brake pedal with her sandals.  After idling long enough, she hits the road to her first stop. view more.

Raquel Derek Adidas Sandals Pedal Pumping Fun, 2 of 4

Ellie Mae Sexy Secretary Pedal Pumping Tease

August 8th, 2015

She knows you've been checking her out in the office.  She loves to wear cute & sexy office outfits but you seem to have a real fascination with the shoes she wears.  You love those shiny, high heeled pumps she wears often and it's strange how you always seem to be around when her car won't start after work. Finally, Ellie Mae has figured out that it's YOU who are sabotaging her car so you can hang around and watch her pump the pedal, struggling endlessly to unflood her shitty car!  With that knowledge in hand, she decides to give you a little show that you don't know about.  She drives her car to run work errands with you but pulls over in a secluded spot, turns the car off and starts pumping that gas pedal.  The rest...well, the rest is the best! :) view more.

Ellie Mae Sexy Secretary Pedal Pumping Tease

Damara BF in the Coronet – #546

August 7th, 2015

Damara has information that could ruin her opposing client chances for early parole and he decides he needs her out of the way. He hires someone to tamper with her brakes. Damara is on the phone talking about what she knows and is on her way with the information. She gets in her car and drives off leaving puddles of fluid behind. As she drives her brakes become less and less responsive until finally going out brakes!!!! view more.

Damara BF in the Coronet – #546

Tyler Grace Cranks & A Little Stuck with Jenny, 1 of 2


August 6th, 2015

Got some running around to do and have to get the old Jeep started up first.  Jenny climbs in through the drivers door and crawls across the seat to the passenger side because it's Tyler's day to be the captain!  The girls compliment each other well; with Jenny being the outgoing one while Tyler is a bit shy.  Tyler has already had a few encounters with the Jeep before, so she knows what to do but she's very patient and careful with her movements.  Jenny is coaxing the Jeep to start from the passenger side and giving some pointers here and there.  They do get a little movement by the end of this first clip but it's mainly Tyler struggling to get the Jeep started and keep it running. view more.

Tyler Grace Cranks & A Little Stuck with Jenny, 1 of 2

Brooke & Gem Crank the Bug on a Cold & Windy Day, 2 of 2


August 5th, 2015

The girls are still at it, now it's Gem who is back in the drivers seat and putting those lessons from Brooke to use.  Brooke is still giving her some pointers from the passenger seat and even simulates how to pump the gas a time or two.  It's no use, Gem can't get it to fire up.  They get out, pop the hood to let it air out a bit and Brooke takes another stab at starting it.  She gets it fired up and revs it up to clear it out.  You can see Gem's foot pumping an air pedal in the background while Brooke revs it. lol view more.

Brooke & Gem Crank the Bug on a Cold & Windy Day, 2 of 2

Jamie Lynn Driving the Bus in Patent Tan Peep Toe Stilettos

August 2nd, 2015

Jamie Lynn is really enjoying driving this old Bus!  She changed into some cargo pants and patent tan peep toe stilettos for this trip.  She puts that floor mounted pedal down as she goes through the gears, keeping those rpm's high!

Jamie Lynn Driving the Bus in Patent Tan Peep Toe Stilettos

Cassandra Cranking the Monte Carlo – #624

July 31st, 2015

Cassandra is sitting in the Monte Carlo with her legs crossed and outside the car.  She's on the phone with Scarlet, who is at the bakery getting a cake for a surprise birthday party.  Cassandra's job is to pickup the birthday-boy and get him to the venue before the cake gets there.  After hanging up with Scarlet, Cassandra shuts the door and goes to start the car to leave but it ain't startin!  She tries luck!  If she doesn't get that car started, she's going to ruin the surprise birthday party! view more.

Cassandra Cranking the Monte Carlo – #624

Scarlet Gas Run in the Coronet – #583

July 30th, 2015

She's driving the Coronet in a pair of metallic colored loafers and is nervous the car is going to run out of gas before she gets to the gas station, so she two-foots the gas and brake as well as putting the car in 'Neutral' when she gets to a stop sign.  She made a mistake buying this car.  She puts it in 'Neutral' again and revs it lightly while coasting to the entrance of the gas station.  She gets gas and when she gets back in the car to leave, it doesn't want to start.  She lightly pumps the gas, trying not to flood it.  She's nervously looking around, making sure no one is watching...what a shitty car! view more.

Scarlet Gas Run in the Coronet – #583

Dirty Diana Piloting the Volvo in Thong Sandals, 1 of 4


July 29th, 2015

Double D is the captain this afternoon and Cassandra is her co-pilot.  In this 4 part series, the girls make a gas run, food run and shuffle us all to a location to film a custom and back again. This first clip is Diana getting the Volvo fired up and to the gas station to make sure it's topped off.  Since the gas gauge doesn't work, she doesn't want to be left stranded somewhere....darn!  Her long legs wrapped in some tight ass denim leggings and feet covered in some leather thong flat sandals makes for a great view as she works those 3 pedals like a boss!! view more.

Dirty Diana Piloting the Volvo in Thong Sandals, 1 of 4

Vivian Ireene Pierce, ‘Date Night Sabotaged’, 2 of 2

July 28th, 2015

Having given up on the Bus and getting an odd text from her boyfriend, Vivian goes to the Monte Carlo to see if it'll start to take it instead.  It's been sitting for a while and it's cranky but she keeps at it until it fires up for her and she can finally go on her date! She arrives at the parking lot where she's to meet him and it's eerily empty.  She waits patiently outside the car, checking her phone to see if there are any updates as to where he's at.  After a good while, her patience has worn thin and she gets back in her car to just go home...apparently she got stood up.  She turns the key and....uh-oh! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce, ‘Date Night Sabotaged’, 2 of 2

Tiffany Starts & Revs the Bug in Cuffed Jeans & Loafers

July 27th, 2015

Tiffany pumps the hell out of that gas pedal to get the old Bug started and then romps on it to rev it up and clear it out!  She's got on some stitched loafers and cuffed jeans while pumping the gas using her full leg.

Tiffany Starts & Revs the Bug in Cuffed Jeans & Loafers

Brooke Cranks & Drives the Volvo Yoga Pants & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

July 25th, 2015

She's gettin it now!  That lil engine is making some noise as her bare feet press down on that pedal!  :)

Brooke Cranks & Drives the Volvo Yoga Pants & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

Rockell Starbux Cold Starting Dilemma in Denim & Boots, 2 of 3

July 24th, 2015

Time to get back in the Jeep and give it some revs to get a charge flowing to the Monte Carlo's dead battery.  She romps on it hard with her cowgirl boots, making that Jeep's engine scream in pulses!  She then goes back to the Monte Carlo to try it again, giving it some good, firm, to-the-floor pumping before and during cranking but it isn't enough.  The battery keeps dying and even though she gives it a pause in-between some times, it's so dead that it doesn't charge enough to even spin the engine over.  Fuck it, she gives up and wraps it up so she can leave, she's already late.  She backs the Jeep up to turn around and stalls it out and now it won't start back up...what the hell?! view more.

Rockell Starbux Cold Starting Dilemma in Denim & Boots, 2 of 3

Audrey Running Errands in the Crappy Monte Carlo, 2 of 2

July 23rd, 2015

We pick back up with Audrey, running those errands on a cold day.  Her sexy leather boots work the pedals in traffic and those tight, unlined leather gloves look lovely on the steering wheel.  She parks in the parking lot and goes in.  Upon her return, she has to fight to get the Monte Carlo running again.  It's embarrassing to be stranded in the parking lot as people make glances.  When she gets it started, she sits there for a bit to clear the car out.  She keeps the rpm's pretty steady, she's afraid to let off the gas entirely for fear it'll stall again.  When she's finally comfortable it's going to stay running, she takes off to her next stop.  As she's pulling out of the parking lot, the damn car stalls on her again at the busy intersection!  Sorry for the sunlight making it hard to see her boots pumping the gas but you can see that leg of hers bobbing up and down as the traffic goes by.  She gets it running again and quickly pulls out onto the road to head home, screw the rest of the errands in this car! view more.

Audrey Running Errands in the Crappy Monte Carlo, 2 of 2

Mari Driving the Coronet – #419

July 22nd, 2015

She drives back and forth on this stretch of highway to see how much she can floor this big, heavy car while wearing her sexy purple pumps!  She keeps an eye out for a cop as we don't want her to get in trouble.  The Coronet kicks down a gear and takes off...well, kinda.  It sounds like it wants to do something but very slowly accelerates as she has that pedal to the floor, her toes and shoes scrunching as the presses the pedal down. view more.

Mari Driving the Coronet – #419

Scarlet After-Custom Shenanigans in Hose, Pumps & Bare Feet

July 21st, 2015

Customs are done, now time to start the cars and move them.  The Camaro is flooded from a cranking video, so some good flooded cranking in some white pumps.  After she moves it, she gets in the Monte Carlo, which was also flooded for a cranking custom and she's wearing black hose with not shoes. view more.

Scarlet After-Custom Shenanigans in Hose, Pumps & Bare Feet

Cassandra Driving the 77 Camaro Z28 – #337

July 19th, 2015

Going for a fun, spirited drive in the old Camaro wearing some blue patent peep-toe stilettos and opaque tights.

Cassandra Driving the 77 Camaro Z28 – #337

Raquel Derek Adidas Sandals Pedal Pumping Fun, 1 of 4

July 19th, 2015

This series starts out with a self-filmed view of Raquel starting the Monte Carlo and Jeep.  The Monte Carlo is somewhat cooperative today and doesn't take 3 batteries and 20 minutes to start! She moves it out of the way and idles for a bit with her foot on the brake pedal and her other foot just tapping away as she waits (by request).  Looks like the Monte Carlo is warmed up and going to stay running, so time to start the Jeep.  She walks over, gets in and does the same process to get the Jeep started....a little pumping before, spin it over and lightly pump on the gas while cranking it while trying not to flood it.  The Jeep battery is sounding weak and she ends up killing it when this video ends.  Maybe she should try talking to the car, that works better than being a mute. view more.

Raquel Derek Adidas Sandals Pedal Pumping Fun, 1 of 4

Reese & Scarlet Car Trouble Leaving the Store at Night


July 18th, 2015

They probably should have not taken the Volvo out tonight since it gave them a lot of trouble when trying to leave the house (not seen in this video).  Reese is a bit rusty at driving the Volvo, so Scarlet puts her behind the wheel first so that she can fine-tune those skills.  She goes to start the car and it won't start!  The battery is plenty strong...the choke is out...why won't it start?!  It takes a while for her to get it fired up but she eventually does and revs it up a bit before finally leaving. view more.

Reese & Scarlet Car Trouble Leaving the Store at Night

Scarlet Punches the Gas Pedal in the Jeep in Black Leather Pumps

July 14th, 2015

Gotta make a quick run to get something, so Scarlet punches the gas in the Jeep in some sexy leather pumps!  The leather wrinkles at the toes when she mashes the pedal down and the Jeep engine makes a lot of noise but doesn't really do much! Lol!  That old, tired motor tries to go fast but all it truly does is suck gas faster, that's about it. view more.

Scarlet Punches the Gas Pedal in the Jeep in Black Leather Pumps