
Cassandra Cold Starts the Coronet & Volvo in Gloves & Boots

June 7th, 2015

This was shot the 2nd or 3rd time we worked with Cassandra.  It's cold out and she tries getting the Coronet to start but no luck.  She looks under the hood to see if anything obvious stands out but all looks okay.  She tries it a few more times then gives up and heads over to the Volvo, where she gets it started pretty quickly and then revs it up a little. view more.

Cassandra Cold Starts the Coronet & Volvo in Gloves & Boots

Dirty Diana Makes a Gas Run with Scarlet in the Bug

June 7th, 2015

They're going to run to the store to get some gas in the 72 Super Beetle but have to get it started first.  Hopefully it isn't already out of gas!  Diana pumps the gas pedal, feeding what little bit is left in the gas tank to the engine with her flip flops and sexy red painted toenails.  She's getting the car to sputter and keeps working it till it finally fires up and then drives down the road to the gas station.  The fill 'er up and go to leave but the Bug is being a bit temperamental in the parking lot.  She gets it unflooded and puts the pedal to the floor on the short drive back!  You can really hear her take those rpm's up! view more.

Dirty Diana Makes a Gas Run with Scarlet in the Bug

Riley Driving the 77 Camaro – #467

June 7th, 2015

Nothing but a passenger seat view of Riley as she works those pedals driving the loud, rumbling Camaro around.  Her petite frame, tanned legs and pretty painted toenails alone make it worthwhile to stare.

Riley Driving the 77 Camaro – #467

Kate Cranking the Mercedes in White Pants & Purple Boots

June 4th, 2015

Doesn't matter what kind of logo or where the car is from, car trouble is car trouble the world over!  Kate finds this out as she gets in her not-so-trusty Mercedes to find that it won't start.  Lots of pumping in those boots as she's puzzled why the damn thing won't crank!  After trying for what seems like forever, the car does fire up and run...roughly.  Not sure if she can trust taking it, she turns it off to see if it'll start up again but of course not. view more.

Kate Cranking the Mercedes in White Pants & Purple Boots

Scarlet Cranking the Bus – #633

June 3rd, 2015

We join Scarlet as she's having trouble getting the old VW Bus to start.  She does a LOT of begging the old thing to start for her as she pumps the gas in her leather stiletto pumps.  She glances at you from time to time, as if she's wanting you to watch her struggle.  She tries her best but looks like she's out of luck to day. view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Bus – #633

Hana Hard Driving the Jeep in Stilettos & Hose

May 30th, 2015

Just making a trip to the car lot, nothing special...except that Hana is driving the shit out of the Jeep in these sexy peep-toe sandals and sheer hose. ;)

Hana Hard Driving the Jeep in Stilettos & Hose

Reese Revving the Jeep – #384

May 29th, 2015

She's walking out of the store and crosses the large parking lot in her cowgirl boots and tall socks.  She hops in, starts up the car and starts romping on that gas pedal!  She slides off the boots halfway in the clip and starts revving up that motor in her Champion brand knee high socks.  She ain't shy about it either! view more.

Reese Revving the Jeep – #384

Cassandra Cranking the Coronet – #488

May 28th, 2015

Cassandra is keeping tabs on someone, doing a little 'Spy vs Spy' covert ops.  But she quickly finds out that she's not the one doing the stalking.  Her car gets sabotaged and her prey is getting away while she's broke down in a car that won't start! view more.

Cassandra Cranking the Coronet – #488

Audrey Cranking the Bug in Black Peep Toe Stilettos

May 27th, 2015

She's dressed up and ready to go but her old little VW Beetle isn't.  She's frustrated that of all days that she can't get her car to start, it's going to be this day.  She's pumping the hell out of the gas pedal with those sexy stilettos but no matter what method she tries, nothing.  She finally gives up in frustration and looks for another ride. view more.

Audrey Cranking the Bug in Black Peep Toe Stilettos

Christal & Gianna Have a Bad Day in the Monte Carlo, 2 of 2


May 26th, 2015

They made it to town, whew!!  Now Christal is going to drive them home but you can see that she pumps it a bit too much right away and it doesn't take much when it's hot to flood the car out.  Before making the situation unrecoverable, they decide to pop the hood and look underneath but they can't get it open.  But at least they get to make a show of their hot outfits for anyone passing by. :)  But yet again, experience pays off and she gets it started but the struggle isn't over yet. view more.

Christal & Gianna Have a Bad Day in the Monte Carlo, 2 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Camaro – #610

May 24th, 2015

We watch from an outside view, Scarlet climbs into the old Camaro to leave the store but it's not wanting to start.  You can see her bouncing in the seat as she's working gas pedal.  We then swap to an over-the-shoulder shot of her struggling, here, you can see her Vans sneakers and pantyhose nicely on the pedals.  She keeps at it as we see a few more angles but does she get it running? view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Camaro – #610

Princess Revving the Coronet – #325

May 24th, 2015

She comes to a stop to park the car and you're getting out when she tells you she's not done with you yet, you still have to see some of her revving.  Happily, you comply to stay and watch her romp on that gas pedal in her pantyhose and boots.  She does a lot of teasing revving where she's slowly pressing the gas then suddenly floors it.  It's like, you don't know exactly when she's going to do it, it keeps you on your toes.  :) view more.

Princess Revving the Coronet – #325

Vivian Ireene Pierce Flip Flops & Anklet Gas Run Shenanigans

May 23rd, 2015

Some folks seem to try and dictate that a 'real' pedal pumping clip is all serious business.  Bah, that's horseshit and we've proven it over the years with the numerous clips that capture the light-hearted side of filming this stuff.  Lots of times, I keep the cameras rolling because you never know what you're gonna get, as Forrest Gump's momma always said, so why miss an opportunity?  I love working with Vivian for many reasons but one reason is because she's just so dang fun to pick on!  She's laying on the sexy pumping in the beginning and when the VW starts up pretty easily, I make her do it again...since when is easy starting vehicles fun??  From there, the video just takes a life of it's own but you've got a great picture-in-picture video of Vivian's red hair, that killer cleavage (sorry Viv, it's just...well, there!), them itty bitty shorts and her sexy little feet! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Flip Flops & Anklet Gas Run Shenanigans

Dirty Diana Driving the Camaro SS – #562

May 23rd, 2015

She's wearing this sexy satin dress with a black leather jacket over it along with sheer hose and white patent thigh high boots.  She's in the Camaro, ready to make some noise!  She gets on it, getting up to speed pretty quick and throws it in neutral often to rev the motor up! view more.

Dirty Diana Driving the Camaro SS – #562

Pump That Pedal Default Image

May 20th, 2015

Got this lovely new gal with us and this is her first go at starting up an old car.  I just gave her the keys, told her a few basics and turned her loose. :)  The battery almost dies before she gets it started and when it's running, she starts out revving it very mild but then gets progressively more and more aggressive as the engine heats up a bit.  Those black strappy sandals wrap look good pumping those pedals! view more.

Kamilla Cranks & Revs the Monte in Flat Sandals, 1 of 2

Cassandra & Tinsley Cranking the Coronet in Red Pumps


May 17th, 2015

Tinsley is dropping Cassandra off at home since Cassandra was unable to get her car started that morning for work.  Tinsley walks over to the Coronet with Cassandra to see if it'll start now.  Both girls try their best to get the car started, pumping that gas pedal in their red pumps! view more.

Cassandra & Tinsley Cranking the Coronet in Red Pumps

Hana Stuck in the Mud & Stalling in Rain Boots, 1 of 3

May 16th, 2015

This 3 part series starts out with Hana having to turn the Monte Carlo around because I wanted her to.  I've used this muddy spot for unsuspecting models to get stuck in various cars.  Sure, it may not be country field with a model dressed like a fish out of water in a car that NO GIRL in their right mind would take into the mud but that's none of my business.  Anywho, watch as Hana's situation goes from bad to worse to almost out-of-the-woods. view more.

Hana Stuck in the Mud & Stalling in Rain Boots, 1 of 3

Brooke & Gem Crank the Bug on a Cold & Windy Day, 1 of 2


May 15th, 2015

Gem can't drive a stick, so Brooke is the teacher in this video.  She gives Gem a crash-course in how to start a manual transmission vehicle.  This first clip is Brooke trying to start the Bug to show Gem what all is involved.  Both girls are wearing a similar outfit:  white top, jeans and cowgirl boots over jeans.  Some great dialogue and if there was ever a perfect bouncer in the drives seat, it would be Brooke! view more.

Brooke & Gem Crank the Bug on a Cold & Windy Day, 1 of 2

Elizabeth Starts & Drives the Volvo in Leather Shorts with Jane Shotgun

May 14th, 2015

It takes a small struggle to start the Volvo (doesn't it always?) and then Elizabeth hits the road to drive back to PTP HQ. She starts the Volvo in some wedge sandals but kicks them off when it comes time to drive.

Elizabeth Starts & Drives the Volvo in Leather Shorts with Jane Shotgun

Scarlet Gas Station & Post Office Troubles in Boots

May 12th, 2015

Time to head to the post office to see what goodies you folks have sent in!  She has to stop for some gas first and almost is unable to leave from flooding the car out.  She pumps gas and then pumps the gas pedal in her white pants and tan cowgirl boots.  I guess no one bothered to see if she needed help since she's in that old rust bucket Chevy.  They're probably thinking that it's normal, she can handle it. :)  She makes it to the post office, gathers some boxes and has a hell of a time leaving there also.  When it's hot out, this car floods out if really bad if you look at it wrong. lol view more.

Scarlet Gas Station & Post Office Troubles in Boots

Hunter’s Golf Cart Brakes Fail Barefoot

May 12th, 2015

Uh oh...down the hill backwards she goes.  Will it ever stop?  I don't know.  Turn off the lights and she'll glow---wait, I'm getting confused.  ;)

Hunter’s Golf Cart Brakes Fail Barefoot

Damara Revving the Bug – #540

May 10th, 2015

Custom description: Inside the car, She tries to start it. She thinks barefoot is more comfortable and then she takes off her shoes and try to start barefoot. From then til the end she is barefoot. She start pumping hard barefoot to get the car start. When the car runs she must show it who's boss: revving! Damara revs hard the car barefoot to make it scream. She demonstrates pleased to hear the noise of the engine screaming loud every time she hammer her little foot on the gas. After giving the car a good revving she should take a hammer floored and hold for a while till make imprints on her soles. And show's the imprints of gas in his little foot to Cam. After showing the bottom of foot imprinted she should ask “Hard enough for you?" And then she goes back to gas pumping it hard and revving to give another full throttle and hold it down to imprint her sole. Then she shows the sole to the camera again to show the new imprint. {Cam shows Damara's soles and close up to show the imprints on her little foot} {From here the camera should be on the passenger side next to the throttle by side.} Then she slams on the brakes and clutch as if to leave with the car. But it dies. Then she starts the car with her foot on the brake and the heel on the gas. She played with the accelerator pressed and when the car starts, she takes the car to the proper treatment stepping hard on the gas with the heel as "punta-taco” She rev it hard to hear the engine screams strong and her heel is marked by the gas as she put the throttle even more and shows her heel imprinted by the gas. Then she gives some more hard revs with the toe at the top of the pedal. So she gives a full throttle rev stretching the leg and showing the leg and heel prick stretched to show perfection and every detail of that little foot stepping up and showing her big toe spreading the gas and imprinted. {Cam shows Damara’s foot and big toe imprinted by the gas} And she turn the car off and put her shoes saying, "Goodbye." view more.

Damara Revving the Bug – #540

Mandie Starts & Drives the Camaro in Loafers & Hose, Self-Filmed

May 9th, 2015

I gave her a camera and the keys to the Camaro and turned her loose.  A perfect example of Mandie being Mandie and why we love the hell out of her!  Some cranking in the beginning, lots of driving, some revving while coasting and a whole lot of 'Mandie flair' throughout the video.  She kicks her loafers off for a while and drives in her stocking covered feet. view more.

Mandie Starts & Drives the Camaro in Loafers & Hose, Self-Filmed

Paige Erin Turner Cranks & Drives the Jeep – #590

May 8th, 2015

Paige Erin Turner is your friendly neighbor that knows your car is broken and has offered to give you a ride anywhere if you need it.  Today, you decide to take her up on that offer and head over to her house.  You show up, knock on her door and she is true to her word about giving you a ride.   She mentions that she only has her old Jeep to drive and that it hasn't ran in awhile but she’s confident that she can get it started.  After a long bit of cranking, she gets it going and gives it some revs before taking off.  She punches it to the floor a few times to teach it a lesson for not starting. view more.

Paige Erin Turner Cranks & Drives the Jeep – #590

Vivian Ireene Pierce, ‘Date Night Sabotaged’, 1 of 2

May 7th, 2015

Vivian is all dressed up in her leather suit and boots and is ready to go out.  She's trying to get the Bus started but it just won't start.  She battles for quite a while with it, even getting it to sputter and run for a few moments before it conks out.  As she's getting out of the Bus, she sees a text message from her boyfriend that says, "Sorry about the Bus."  She's not sure what he means by that and as she starts putting the pieces together, she gets the feeling something is up.  So she decides to take another car... view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce, ‘Date Night Sabotaged’, 1 of 2

Jenny Cranks the Monte Carlo & Gets Stuck in the Mud, 2 of 2

May 5th, 2015

Lots of great stalling, flooded cranking, revving to clear the engine and wheel spinning in this clip of Jenny.  Her dialogue is hilarious and awesome as she's never been stuck before and this is the first clip she's ever done for us.  What was simply going to be a turn-around clip turned out to be much more.  During the outside view, you can see the hole she's digging and what is keeping her stuck.  The edge of the driveway is like a big concrete block and if you don't get a running start, well, you're gonna just spin.  She has the right idea of the rocking but her inexperience at being stuck is what is keeping her stuck.  Bad for her, good for us!  This is about as real, genuine and authentic as it gets! view more.

Jenny Cranks the Monte Carlo & Gets Stuck in the Mud, 2 of 2

Hana Pedal Pumps the Coronet in Sneakers & Sweatsuit

May 3rd, 2015

The Coronet needs to be moved from the bushes, tires aired up and driven to Cassandra's for parking.  This is one of those clips that I just pointed the camera and filmed, letting Hana just do her thing.  Lots of cranking when moving the Coronet around and when she's driving, she pops it up into neutral some to rev it up while coasting.  It's a 21+ minute clip, hopefully something for most everyone. :) view more.

Hana Pedal Pumps the Coronet in Sneakers & Sweatsuit

Rockell Starbux Cold Starting Dilemma in Denim & Boots, 1 of 3

May 3rd, 2015

It's a pretty chilly day and the Monte Carlo's battery is almost dead.  Rockell starts up the Jeep and brings it around to jump off the old cold Chevy.  She connects the cables, gives the Jeep some revs and slides behind the wheel of the Monte.  It spins over pretty strong now that it's connected.  She pumps the gas, spins it over again...nothing.  Rinse, repeat a few more times and you can hear the battery starting to get weak.  She pumps firmly to the floor each time with her cowgirl boots and the car sputters a few times but sounds like she's going to have to go back to the Jeep and rev it up.  She goes back to the jeep, revs it up pretty good and then goes back to the Monte to try it again.  The battery runs out of juice again and that's it for this segment.  Stay tuned for more! :) view more.

Rockell Starbux Cold Starting Dilemma in Denim & Boots, 1 of 3

Scarlet Slow Cranking the Volvo – #588

May 1st, 2015

Scarlet doesn't have a good day in the Volvo.  The starter turns over slow as she tries to get the car started in this clip.  Lots of begging and different angles of her trying her best to get the old car started in some open toe sandals.  There is also a lot of pumping the gas before turning the key in this clip also.  She loses this battle by killing the battery at the end of the clip. view more.

Scarlet Slow Cranking the Volvo – #588

Brooke Pedal Pumping the Bus in Leather Pants & Red Booties, 2 of 2

May 1st, 2015

Ah, the open road...finally!  She puts the hammer down in this Bus and drives around, working those pedals in a pair of sexy stiletto booties with some super hot leather pants!!

Brooke Pedal Pumping the Bus in Leather Pants & Red Booties, 2 of 2

Kmo & LoLo Get a Taste of the Monte Carlo, 4 of 4


April 30th, 2015

We pick back up with Kmo & LoLo in this last clip of the series.  LoLo is still behind the wheel of the stalled out and  badly flooded Monte Carlo.  Both girls are smoking a cigarette and after some attempts by LoLo to start the car, it reluctantly fires up and smoke rolls out of the exhaust as she is now able to rev it up.  She clears it out for a bit while finishing her cigarette and since they've had so many issues with it, they decide to find another ride so they won't be stranded. view more.

Kmo & LoLo Get a Taste of the Monte Carlo, 4 of 4

Tiffany Driving the Jeep in Pink Ballet Flats

April 25th, 2015

Time to make a gas run then head to where the cars are parked over at Cassandra's to do some more filming.  Tiffany is our pilot and casually drives the big old Jeep with her cute ballet flats.

Tiffany Driving the Jeep in Pink Ballet Flats