
Mandie Revving the Bug in Buffalo Sneakers & Socks

April 24th, 2015

A little quicky revving clip of Mandie in the Bug after having a hard time starting it for a custom video.  I just wanted her to rev it up good to clear out all that gas that built up from pumping it a bit too much during the video and flooded it out really bad.  She romps on it good! view more.

Mandie Revving the Bug in Buffalo Sneakers & Socks

Scarlet Cranking the Cranky Coronet in Wedges & Nylons

April 24th, 2015

This is a pre-custom video of Scarlet as she's trying to start the Coronet to go do some custom videos.  Not sure why it was being so hard to start here but we've been having some issues lately with it which makes for some good extra, unplanned videos. view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Cranky Coronet in Wedges & Nylons

Brooke & Mari Drive & Crank the Jeep in Cowgirl Boots


April 24th, 2015

It was a hot one and I had these two gals go through most of the cars and try to start them up to see if they'd run.  They're driving back to HQ in this clip and Brooke isn't afraid to make the engine of that old Jeep scream!  She's driving it like a boss on these backroads but all that hard driving goodness comes to bite her in the ass when the car conks out at a stop sign.  She tries but she's just flooding it.  She swaps with Mari and Mari starts working the process.  She actually makes some progress and so Brooke wants to try it again and she is able to start it, after a few more stalls and my battery dies on the camera.  AARRGGH! view more.

Brooke & Mari Drive & Crank the Jeep in Cowgirl Boots

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Monte – #446

April 23rd, 2015

A neat clip where we start out looking through the steering wheel as Kimberly gets in the car and tries to start it.  It's a great shot of her worried face as the car won't start no matter how she pumps it.  We then see a drivers side shot of her kicking off her shoes, sliding her right leg under her left and starts pumping the gas with her left foot...still no luck though.  She wiggles her toes, scrunches her soles and rubs her foot some during this time but her main focus is trying to get the car started.  After another while of no luck, she's almost given up and pulls the door closed so she can prop her feet up while giving the car a few more attempts without pumping the gas. view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Monte – #446

Vivian Ireene Pierce Being a Cranking Tease in the Bug

April 19th, 2015

She's waiting by the Bug, ready to try and start that old thing just for you.  She's got her fancy red stiletto boots on that match her sweater along with some black leather gloves.  She dangles the key at you and gets in behind the wheel while you walk over.  Before she turns the key, she softly tells you to watch her feet and you eagerly comply.  She pumps that gas pedal in those boots and spins the engine over...thus begins this super sexy flooding-tease video. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Being a Cranking Tease in the Bug

Star Driving the Jeep Barefooted & Gettin On it!

April 18th, 2015

She fires the Jeep up, revs the engine a bit in her tan loafers then kicks them off before hitting the road.  She stretches her size 6 foot out to push the pedal down and isn't afraid to goose it!  It's a big, heavy car so to get speed you gotta push that pedal and don't be shy!  Lots of gas-brake action as she opens the throttle when she can but has to slow down for the sharp curves.  She uses her big toe for most of the pedal pushing force but sometimes her toes spread across the gas pedal when she pushes it down. view more.

Star Driving the Jeep Barefooted & Gettin On it!

Veronica Cranks & Pushes the Volvo – #205

April 16th, 2015

Dressed in her leather jacket, leather pants and boots, Veronica is trying to leave in the Volvo to go on her date but the damn thing won't start!  "Come on, start!" she says but no luck.  She tries for a while to get it started and then decides she'll get physical with the old thing.  She gets out and tries pushing the car from the front and back.  Groaning, moaning and straining to try and get this thing moved! view more.

Veronica Cranks & Pushes the Volvo – #205

Tinsley Cranking the Monte Carlo – #605

April 14th, 2015

Tinsley is dressed in this crazy outfit and is supposed to be meeting Mandie at this location but Mandie isn't there.  Tinsley is on the phone with her, asking where she's at and that she's getting impatient waiting on her.  Tinsley starts pumping the gas, making the car lurch a little bit to express her anxiousness and ends up stalling the car.  Mandie hangs up at the same time and sends a text, "Good luck starting your car."  Tinsley asks you if you had anything to do with this and you just shake your head.  Looks like someone is playing games with Tinsley as she tries getting the car started in these sexy stiletto sandals! view more.

Tinsley Cranking the Monte Carlo – #605

Dirty Diana Wants to Drive to Family Picnic

April 12th, 2015

She's excited to be going with you to your annual family picnic.  She hopes your family likes her and her cute outfit.  She wants to drive there because she loves your Camaro.  When she gets in and tries to start it, it sounds like the battery is disconnected.  Don't worry, she can handle it and gets out to connect it.  When she slides back in, you're treated to a sexy struggle between Diana and the old Camaro...two redheads trying to get the best of the other.  She works that gas pedal in her sexy yellow heels and sheer pantyhose.  All that gas pedal working is getting you worked up but gotta wait till after the picnic.  She finally gets it running, revs it up and keeps those temps high by rubbing her hands over her legs and thighs....mercy me! view more.

Dirty Diana Wants to Drive to Family Picnic

Cassandra Moving & Cranking in White Pumps for Customs

April 11th, 2015

This is another one of our, what I've labled as, "Customs Shenanigans" clips.  There is some talking, joking and foul language between Cassandra and myself as she's getting the Camaro situated and trying to start up the Coronet.  These are times when I keep the camera rolling because you never know what you're going to get and most of you know that I use just about every second of footage I can!  In the words of Ricky Bobby (, "If you don't like this clip, then f*** you!" ;) view more.

Cassandra Moving & Cranking in White Pumps for Customs

Kate Cranking the Stubborn MGF in Leather

April 10th, 2015

She may be a new face here but certainly not a new face to the community.  Welcome our newest addition, Kate!  First time I heard this girl utter a few words about her car not starting, I had to find a way to get her on-board!  She's making her debut in this massive 17+ minute clip rocking some leather & boots while trying to start up this old MG F that is very cranky and temperamental.  A lot of this video is from her point-of-view looking down at herself trying to start this car. A great view of her hand turning the key, her legs/thighs bouncing up and down with each pump her foot makes on the gas pedal.  There are also some in-car shots from the passenger side and over-the-shoulder.  She makes this little car seem much bigger on the inside with her handy camera work!  More to come of Kate in the future,but right now, enjoy the sights and wonderful sounds of this little Euro car being sweet talked by this gal! view more.

Kate Cranking the Stubborn MGF in Leather

Robin Masters: River Rips It Barefoot

April 8th, 2015

River takes Robin Masters' car and gives it a nice, long barefoot flooring session!  The roads are wet, so she can spin the wheels a good bit when she punches it!

Robin Masters: River Rips It Barefoot

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brakes Fail in the Camaro – #572

April 8th, 2015

Vivian finds herself in a precarious situation when she's driving her Camaro and the brakes go out because someone tampered with her lines.  Will she stop?  Will she DIEEEE?!?!

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brakes Fail in the Camaro – #572

Reese Cranking the Camaro – #382

April 5th, 2015

Reese has to show her boyfriends car to a potential buyer.  She answers the door and slips on her Adidas sandals to walk with you to the car.  She tells you a few things about it and you ask her to start it up.  She eagerly agrees and gets in the drivers seat to start it up.  It's not starting as the buyer offers some suggestions.  She says it's been sitting for a bit and she keeps at it.  After a few minutes, she's getting chilly and runs inside to get a jacket.  She comes out in a pair of sneakers this time and gets back in to try and get the car started.  Her boyfriend isn't going to be happy if she screws up the sale of this car...she's pumping away, trying and trying and trying... view more.

Reese Cranking the Camaro – #382

Audrey Running Errands in the Crappy Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

April 5th, 2015

Audrey has some places she needs to go to and it's never just a quick 'get in get out' deal when taking this old piece of crap car!  She quickly walks to the car, her heels on her boots just clicking away against the concrete, and slides in behind the wheel.  It's a chilly day, so she's wearing some really tight leather gloves and a leather jacket.  She pumps the pedal, turns the key and waits to see if the engine catches.  She pumps some more, tries again and waits...and waits.  Ugh!  It's gonna be one of those days... view more.

Audrey Running Errands in the Crappy Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

Hana Driving the Camaro SS – #516

April 3rd, 2015

This is the follow up to #515 with Hana.  She's changed and ready to do some more fun driving in Shish's Camaro SS.  Sorry for all the screaming and yelling she does but she's having a good time in this powerful car.  She weaves through traffic, taking it up to 100mph or more a time or two.  Lots of revving the engine while coasting because she loves the sound of that engine! view more.

Hana Driving the Camaro SS – #516

Jenny Cranks the Monte Carlo & Gets Stuck in the Mud, 1 of 2

April 2nd, 2015

This is the first video Jenny did with us.  She introduces herself before getting behind the wheel of the very temperamental Monte Carlo.  She has a little experience starting some old cars and it pays off as she gets it started before killing the battery.  Now I have her turn the car around where it's really muddy and her reaction to being stuck for the first time is priceless!  You can see that "Oh shit, oops!" look on her face. view more.

Jenny Cranks the Monte Carlo & Gets Stuck in the Mud, 1 of 2

Tracy Blaze Revs the Coronet – #594


April 2nd, 2015

Vivian gives a little coaching to Tracy on revving up the Coronet for a special customer of ours.    Vivian even gets in on the action by sliding over and doing some revving from the passenger seat!

Tracy Blaze Revs the Coronet – #594

Damara Flooring the Monte Carlo in Pantyhose

March 29th, 2015

Tiffany is along for the ride while Damara is the pilot for this afternoon ride.  She takes a minute to get the car cranked, pumping on that gas pedal with just her jeans, dark pantyhose underneath and those bright pink toenails showing through.  Damara gets on it when she hits the road, flinging Tiffany around in the backseat and when Damara aggressively brings the car to a stalled stop, you can hear Tiffany get thrown into the floorboard!  Oops, lol! view more.

Damara Flooring the Monte Carlo in Pantyhose

Sugarmomma Driving the 72 Super Beetle in Boots

March 28th, 2015

Takes a few attempts to start the old Bug but after that, it's smooth sailing (after she gets familiar with the new gear shifter) with Sugarmomma driving this old VeeDub on the back roads in some shiny black leather boots.

Sugarmomma Driving the 72 Super Beetle in Boots

Rodeo Starts Up Coronet in Heels Too High

March 28th, 2015

This was an interesting request to have a girl wearing heels too high for her.  Rodeo has a slightly wobbly time walking in these tall patent peep toe pumps as she uncovers the Coronet.  When she gets in the car, she's not used to pumping a pedal with such a tall heel on her shoe, so it's a bit difficult for her.  But since she owned an old Chevy truck that was hard to start for years, those heels didn't stop her from pumping the Coronet just right to get it started.  She warms that engine up by making the rpm's bounce around. view more.

Rodeo Starts Up Coronet in Heels Too High

Riley Cranking the Camaro – #469

March 28th, 2015

Looks like the peeping pervert is at it again, this time, Riley is the girl of choice.  She walks out to her old Camaro as we watch from an upstairs window and through a set of blinds.  Riley has this cute denim outfit on with her jeans rolled up like capri pants and a pair of flip flops.  She slips in behind the wheel and you can only hope that her car doesn't start.  She turns the key and you hear the engine struggle to turn over...and over...and over.  Yes!  Enjoy the show! view more.

Riley Cranking the Camaro – #469

Cassandra Revving the Volvo in Open Toe Sandals

March 28th, 2015

Wearing black pantyhose and a pair of wooden open-toed sandals, Cassandra gives the Volvo engine a nice little workout!

Cassandra Revving the Volvo in Open Toe Sandals

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Blazer – #186

March 28th, 2015

She's gotta hurry up to make her flight and it figures, her car won't start.  She begs the old Chevy to start for her but it isn't listening.  She has to call the airline to see if they'll hold the plane for her because can't miss this flight!  They tell her they can't hold the plane for her and she either needs to make it or miss it.  She gets back in and hopes it'll finally start for her but no dice.  Screw it, she gets out and starts pushing the damn thing in her high heeled boots, leather skirt and lace top.  A girl who takes matters into her own hands, gotta love that! She strains, moans and groans for a bit but can't get the car to budge.  So, to take a breather, she gets back behind the wheel to see if it'll start.  Nope, still not startin!  So she gets out to push some more...not budgin!  Back in to try and start it..not startin...time to call someone. view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Blazer – #186

Christal & Gianna Have a Bad Day in the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2


March 22nd, 2015

The ladies get in the old Chevy all dressed up to go to town.  Gianna slips behind the wheel and you watch her struggle to start the old car from outside the car.  You can hear the dialogue between the two as they talk to each other while Gianna keeps trying to start the car.  When she does get it running, she doesn't baby it, she revs it up pretty good before turning the car around and hitting the road.  While driving, she put it into a lower gear by accident and you can hear the car staying at a higher rpm than normal as they drive to town. view more.

Christal & Gianna Have a Bad Day in the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

Tiffany Needs to Head to Town but the Monte Carlo Won’t Start

March 22nd, 2015

She tells you she's heading to town to get some things and gets in the Monte Carlo.  Sounds like it isn't going to start for her today no matter how much pumping she does in her ballet flats.  She keeps at it, trying not to get too frustrated at this old car being a pain in the ass!  She does manage to get it unflooded and it finally starts where she proceeds to rev it and clear it out. view more.

Tiffany Needs to Head to Town but the Monte Carlo Won’t Start

Raquel Derek Blocked in & Wants to Go Out, 1 of 2

March 20th, 2015

The old Monte Carlo was left parked behind her sexy red Z/28 that she had planned to take out tonight. No biggie, she'll just move the Monte Carlo...yeah, easier said than done!!  Now isn't the time she should be fighting this old junker since she's dressed up too nice in her leather skirt, sheer pantyhose, sexy boots and shiny blouse.  Oh well, maybe smelling like a grease monkey will increase her appeal. **Turn up the brightness on your player.** view more.

Raquel Derek Blocked in & Wants to Go Out, 1 of 2

Cassandra Gettin It in the Coronet in Sneakers

March 19th, 2015

We have to make a run back to her house and I think this was the quickest trip anyone has made from PTP HQ to Cassandra's the Coronet, which doesn't drive bad at all! :)

Cassandra Gettin It in the Coronet in Sneakers

Brooke Pedal Pumping the Bus in Leather Pants & Red Booties, 1 of 2

March 18th, 2015

Brooke struts her stuff to the Bus with you fixated on those legs of her wrapped in some tight black leather pants and her feet encased in red leather ankle boots. She knows you're checking her out, that's okay, she likes it. She climbs into the Bus and we watch as she struggles to get the Bus started and turned around. Most of this clip is her just getting the Bus aimed for the road. Stalling, cranking, stalling, revving and straining to turn the steering wheel in this non-power steering rust bucket! view more.

Brooke Pedal Pumping the Bus in Leather Pants & Red Booties, 1 of 2

Mandie Cranking the Bug – #456

March 13th, 2015

Mandie cranking the 72 Super Beetle in some thick-sole Buffalo sneakers, scrunch socks and a short denim skirt.  A mix of pumping styles are on display from Mandie.  The car sputters a few time but she's unable to get it running. **These shoes were sent in by a fan, thank you!** view more.

Mandie Cranking the Bug – #456

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranks & Drives in Peep-toe Heels & Business Suit

March 12th, 2015

Get it, sit down, shut up and hang on....well, just watch her start her car first.  Which takes a bit because it's an old, finicky rust bucket!  She works it, pumping the gas pedal just right to eventually get it started.  She whips the car around and we're fades out. We pick up with Vivian stalled on the side of the road, cranking the car...not sure what caused it to stall.  She gets it fired back up, quicky revs it and kicks up some gravel as she slings the car around and puts the pedal to the metal in those sexy black leather peep-toe ankle strap high heels.  Whew, that was a mouthful! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranks & Drives in Peep-toe Heels & Business Suit

Scarlet Boot Cranking the Volvo – #433

March 11th, 2015

Scarlet is already in the car, trying to get it started as the video fades in.  It's a cold day and she's wearing her leather skirt and boots to stay warm.  She tries and tries to get the old wagon started but either it's out of gas or it's just being extremely temperamental.  No sputter or nothing! view more.

Scarlet Boot Cranking the Volvo – #433