
Dirty Diana Cranks & Revs the Monte Carlo – #342

January 28th, 2015

She quickly gets in her car and turns the won't start.  Damn!  She tries again but same thing.  She's trying to get you both somewhere but the damn car won't go anywhere!  She gets the car to start a few times but it stalls after a few feet.  Apparently you're mesmerized by her struggling with the car and she catches you staring at her feet.  She realizes that you're enjoying and, what the hell, she decides to give you something to look at! view more.

Dirty Diana Cranks & Revs the Monte Carlo – #342

Elizabeth Cold Starting the Volvo in Cowgirl Boots

January 23rd, 2015

She's bundled up and is cranking the Volvo till it starts.  A mixture of priming the carb, using the choke and having some patience. :)

Elizabeth Cold Starting the Volvo in Cowgirl Boots

Scarlet Self-Filmed Cranking the Coronet to Go to Doctor

January 22nd, 2015

She's dressed up for a doctor's appointment but her car won't start.  Maybe she's recording her issues to send to the doc to show why she can't make it or why she'll be late?  Who knows?  But she's trying her best to get the car started in her leather skirt and sexy caramel colored boots. view more.

Scarlet Self-Filmed Cranking the Coronet to Go to Doctor

Damara Driving the SS – #548

January 21st, 2015

Damara isn't happy at her boss trying to make a pass at her.  She's telling him she's going to get his ass as she fires up her car and leaves.  She drives the Camaro SS aggressively, punching the gas when she can but the car has some power and she can't stay in it long.  She revs the hell out of it while coasting sometimes, maybe her boss can hear her anger from far away? view more.

Damara Driving the SS – #548

Vivian Cranking the Camaro – #571

January 20th, 2015

It's a damn cold morning and if you want to see what a real cold start looks like, here it is.  Just because we're planning to film this doesn't make it any less candid, real or genuine, as some folks would have you believe.  You also won't miss any action, either.  She gives it a good attempt but gives up because it just won't start.  We had single digits the night before and it wasn't even above freezing when we shot this.  As real as it gets! view more.

Vivian Cranking the Camaro – #571

Mari Pedal Pumping the Jeep in Shiny Brown Peep Toe Heels

January 19th, 2015

She hops in the Jeep, touches up her lips and drives us home.  But no good trip is without it's struggle.  She's driving the Jeep pretty aggressive when she quickly comes to a stop sign and stalls the Jeep out under braking.  Her toned legs and petite feet get to work trying to restart the Jeep which now smells really flooded.  Yay! ...I mean, Oh-no. view more.

Mari Pedal Pumping the Jeep in Shiny Brown Peep Toe Heels

Dirty Diana Rough Ride in the Rain with the Volvo, 3 of 3

January 18th, 2015

So she's driving and all is going well until she takes a sharp turn and the motor dies.  She pulls off the road and begins another struggle at refiring the Volvo's engine.  Now the rain starts to come down and makes her struggle even worse.  But for you, it's a glorious view!! :)  She gets it going again and what better time to discover your windshield wipers don't work than when you're miles from home in the pouring rain! view more.

Dirty Diana Rough Ride in the Rain with the Volvo, 3 of 3

Mandie in “Caught You Talking to Another” – #378

January 18th, 2015

Mandie is pissed...I mean, P-I-S-S-E-D off at you!  She's not sure why she's letting you take her out after she caught you talking to another girl.  You may think it was harmless talk but she doesn't see it that way.  Don't even think about touching her, either!  She can't really think because she's mad but whatever, she goes to start the car and it doesn't start for her.  Yeah, that's not going to help at all!  She scolds you in-between cranking the car and her dialogue is as much to the car as it is to you.  Even though she's mad and you're in the doghouse, you can't help but admire her amazing legs wrapped in some sheer white pantyhose and her feet sporting some shiny white leather stiletto pumps.  You try to make a move as you get close to her legs but she shuts you down with the quickness!  She eventually kicks her shoes off and tries cranking the car in just her nylon covered feet and she finds success with that, looks like she got one of her pieces of shit to behave. The video continues with her working the pedals in her pantyhose and as the drive progresses, her anger is cooling off and it looks like you might make it through this after all. view more.

Mandie in “Caught You Talking to Another” – #378

Cassandra & ShisH Make a Gas Run in Tan Pumps

January 18th, 2015

Don't worry, I'm not wearing tan pumps in this video also but I am checking out Cassandra's shiny, square-toe stiletto pumps as she drives down the road to get some gas in the Jeep.  It's just a quick drive there and back but she's in a goofy mood...Oh lawd help us all!! lol view more.

Cassandra & ShisH Make a Gas Run in Tan Pumps

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Volvo – #448

January 18th, 2015

She's on the phone as she comes out the door asking where the keys to the Volvo are so she can run to the grocery store.  When the Volvo won't start for her, she calls the person back to try and get some tips on getting it started.  She's instructed to use the choke and from there, she keeps trying but doesn't have much luck other than some sputtering from the engine. view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Volvo – #448

Hana Revving the Coronet – #240

January 18th, 2015

She gets in the Coronet to leave the shopping center but not without revving up the Coronet in the parking lot.  She did some browsing in the stores in some tight leggings, knee high socks and well-worn cowgirl boots.  She starts out revving in her boots but then slips them off to press on the gas pedal in her Wigwam socks. view more.

Hana Revving the Coronet – #240

Scarlet Driving the Monte Carlo – #247

January 13th, 2015

She puts the pedal to the floor often in this clip, so you hard driving fans should enjoy this.  Her white shiny pumps and tan pantyhose make an aesthetically pleasing sight as she works the pedals in traffic, on the highway and on the backroads. view more.

Scarlet Driving the Monte Carlo – #247

Daisy Cranking the Monte Carlo in Leather & Boots, 1 of 3

January 11th, 2015

This is a unique request and one I thought I'd give a try.  Daisy is decked in leather and is going to try and get the Monte Carlo started.  Lots of thigh shots as her leg bobs up and down from pumping the gas pedal.  As her frustration builds throughout the series, she calms herself by by rubbing and grabbing her inner-thigh.  She's got a very natural style of cranking the car, it's obvious she's got experience.  Last time she was here, she said something about just getting an old Ford truck! :) view more.

Daisy Cranking the Monte Carlo in Leather & Boots, 1 of 3

Ellie Mae & Queen Red Pedal Pumping the Bus in Cowgirl Boots


January 11th, 2015

These two southern babes are a treat for your eyes and ears as they work the gas pedal of the Bus to try and get the old engine started.  Ellie Mae, who is one hell of a pedal pumper, gives it a try first and doesn't have much luck.  Queen Red starts coaching from the back of the Bus until she's had enough of Ellie Mae 'not doing it right', so she takes over and tries her pumping technique at getting the Bus to start.  Once the Bus is running, the girls rev the piss out of it together! view more.

Ellie Mae & Queen Red Pedal Pumping the Bus in Cowgirl Boots

Brianna’s Crappy Mechanic Didn’t Fix Her Camaro

January 11th, 2015

Apparently this shade-tree mechanic does more lounging in the shade than working on cars.  She gets dropped off to pick her car up and it's not even ready.  She gets in to try it and can tell right away she's going to have some issues.  The mechanic gets a good show though as she's wearing some really short shorts, a sexy low-cut top and some hot patent yellow peep-toe high heel pumps.  Doesn't take long for the battery to die and now she's stranded here with this shitty mechanic! view more.

Brianna’s Crappy Mechanic Didn’t Fix Her Camaro

Tinsley Kills Battery in Jeep & Jumps It Off With Bus, 1 of 2

January 11th, 2015

It's a hot, muggy day and she's heading out in the Jeep.  Shes' wearing some short shorts, a pink off-the-shoulder top and a pair of brown leather thong flat sandals.  She hops in the Jeep, gives it a few pumps and spins it doesn't start.  A few more pumps and another twist of the key...still won't start.  After a few more tries, the battery is already sounding weaker and she's getting pissed at it.  She ends up draining the battery and has to bring over the Bus to jump it off, after she gets it cranked, of course! view more.

Tinsley Kills Battery in Jeep & Jumps It Off With Bus, 1 of 2

Elizabeth & Jane Crank & Rev the Bug


January 7th, 2015

Sometimes it takes teamwork to get these cars started.  Elizabeth and Jane get to it in the Bug and after they get it running, they swap out with each other so both can get some seat-time revving it.

Elizabeth & Jane Crank & Rev the Bug

Damara in the Volvo – #547 (2nd Edit)

January 4th, 2015

Same clip as the original here...Trying to find her destination.  Lots of stopping, reversing, turning around and stalling with flooded hard-to-start cranking.  This edit is with the main view and picture-in-picture feeds swapped. view more.

Damara in the Volvo – #547 (2nd Edit)

Alex Rayne Cute-N-Sweet Cowgirl Car Trouble

January 4th, 2015

She's going with a cowgirl theme for the festival tonight but can't get her Bug or Chevy to crank.  She's been having trouble and is vlogging her attempts this evening in hopes she can get some help from friends on what is wrong with her cars. view more.

Alex Rayne Cute-N-Sweet Cowgirl Car Trouble

Riley Driving the Jeep in Tan Leather Wedges

January 4th, 2015

She was pregnant during this video and after having some slight issues starting the Jeep, Riley drives pretty aggressive across town.  Those pink toes showing through the leather straps of these sexy wedges she's driving in.

Riley Driving the Jeep in Tan Leather Wedges

Cassandra Revving the Coronet – #536

January 4th, 2015

Cassandra agreed to tend to a house with the people are away.  She shows up the first day and parks the Jeep next to some car covered up.  She keeps glancing back at it as she walks to the house.  The allure of some mystery machine underneath the cover that needs started and revved up remains on her mind as she walks through the house, checking to see if everything is okay.  As she leaves a note on the fridge, she sees a set of keys dangling in front of her like the forbidden fruit to Eve.  The urge is getting stronger as she can see the car out the window, the cover flapping in the wind beckoning to be removed.  She starts pumping her right foot up and down as her mind wanders off to her sitting behind the wheel, pumping that gas pedal...the hell with it, she grabs the keys and gets to it!! view more.

Cassandra Revving the Coronet – #536

Vivian Ireene Pierce in “PTP Shuffle”, 2 of 2

January 1st, 2015

Let's kick off 2015 with the 2nd part of Vivian in the Volvo AND this lovely lady being available for custom videos.  Click here to fill out a form.  Sorry it's short notice, holidays slowed me down on this. Now she's heading back home and it's like deja vu!  The car doesn't want to start again and this time seems a bit worse than before.  She probably should get it looked at.  Being no stranger to flooded and finicky cars, she keeps at it and finally gets it started.  She makes the return drive home, still wearing those cute sneakers and tight jeans!   view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce in “PTP Shuffle”, 2 of 2

Kmo & LoLo Get a Taste of the Monte Carlo, 2 of 4


December 31st, 2014

Kmo starts romping on the gas in this clip, really revving up that old engine to clear it out!  LoLo is just smiling away, watching the action and inhaling those exhaust fumes!  After a lot of revving, maybe it's finally time to get going.  Kmo puts the car in gear and finds out quickly that the Monte Carlo is being a bitch today... view more.

Kmo & LoLo Get a Taste of the Monte Carlo, 2 of 4

Mandie & Tinsley Go to Work in Scrubs & Clogs


December 28th, 2014

We get to watch the girls carpool today.  Mandie is driving to work in her white clogs.  The Jeep starts right up and she drives the few minutes to their clinic.  After work, Tinsley is going to drive home.  She ends up having more trouble starting the Jeep as well as having it stall on her.  She's wearing some brown suede style clogs. view more.

Mandie & Tinsley Go to Work in Scrubs & Clogs

Hana Brake Failure in the Monte Carlo – #523

December 26th, 2014

Uh-oh, someone isn't happy with Hana.  Her brakes are cut and it's not long into her trip that she discovers she can't stop!!

Hana Brake Failure in the Monte Carlo – #523

Tyler Grace Cranking the Bug in Cowgirl Boots

December 24th, 2014

It's a cold day and she struggles to get the old Bug cranked.  Wearing some super tight white pants, cowgirlboots, a leather jacket and tan driving gloves, she tries sweet talking the car to cooperate with her.  She even looks to you for some suggestions. After quite some time, she gets it to sputter and eventually start. view more.

Tyler Grace Cranking the Bug in Cowgirl Boots

Robin Masters: Ashely & Noelle Raise Hell in the Rental

December 23rd, 2014

Someone left them the keys to the rental and the girls are going to abuse the hell out of it!  Ashley is behind the wheel first and tries to smoke the tires as much as possible.  She stops the car in the road and floors the shit out of it over and over!  She then asks Noelle if she wants to try, which is a dumb question because of course she does!! Noelle starts out in her sneakers but kicks them off quickly to finish out the video in her bare feet.  That poor rental...that poor poor rental! lol view more.

Robin Masters: Ashely & Noelle Raise Hell in the Rental

Audrey in “A Woman With a Plan”

December 22nd, 2014

Audrey is in her car, about to leave her friends house with that friend calls her.  They're chatting about some things they forgot to mention and during the conversation, her friend tells Audrey that her brother is leaving.  Audrey has a crush on her friends brother and gets excited because she rarely gets to see him.  Audrey quickly discovers that she is blocking in the brother and suddenly comes up with an idea on how to stall her departure in hopes of getting to talk to him for a few moments.  She starts pumping on that gas pedal with her brown boots....she's got a plan! view more.

Audrey in “A Woman With a Plan”

Scarlet Driving & Gets Stuck in the Coronet – #424

December 21st, 2014

She's flooring that gas pedal in the old Dodge to try and make up some time.  She's running late and so long as slow ass folks don't get in front of her, she might be able to make it on time.  Her shiny patent pumps bury that pedal into the floorboard time and time again but because they are back roads, she has to get on the brakes just as often.  She's finally made it to her last turn but the road doesn't look like she made the right turn.  It's an old, rutty dirty road and she finds herself stuck more than a time or two.  She doesn't dare cross a huge puddle she comes upon, so turns around and tries to find another way.  Yup, she's gonna be late! view more.

Scarlet Driving & Gets Stuck in the Coronet – #424

Cassandra Cold Starting the Bus in Taupe Boots

December 21st, 2014

Cassandra had stopped by the house for something unrelated to filming.  She slipped on these brand new boots that a fan sent in and decided it would be a great idea to break them in by trying to start the Bus.

Cassandra Cold Starting the Bus in Taupe Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce in “PTP Shuffle”, 1 of 2

December 21st, 2014

The Volvo died at the end of the driveway in a previous video (not posted yet) and she's now changed and going to try to get it started so she can run back over to Cassandra's.  It's been sitting for a few hours and has hopefully become unflooded.  She whines and moans when it doesn't seem to want to start.  After a frustrating few minutes, she does get it started and drives off, working those 3 pedals in her comfy sneakers. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce in “PTP Shuffle”, 1 of 2

Tinsley ‘Urban Cowgirl’ Cranks, Drives & Stalls, 2 of 2

December 19th, 2014

It's so easy on the eyes to watch the gorgeous Tinsley drive that old Camaro!  Those tight pants, that low-cut top and her hot little cowgirl boots working the pedals!  Things are going good until she's coming to a stop sign and you can hear the engine of the Camaro surging as she's slowing down and then it conks out.  She tries for quite a while to get it restarted and it almost got to the point where we were going to have to call for help but fortunately, she got it to start again.  We head straight back for the house. view more.

Tinsley ‘Urban Cowgirl’ Cranks, Drives & Stalls, 2 of 2