August 8th, 2014
She was driving the Coronet over for a shoot when it stalled on her at a stop sign. She called to tell me she was broke down and couldn't get the old Dodge to start. I hopped in the Jeep and started driving to her rescue. This video picks up with me arriving on scene to be the hero! :) Won't find anything more real and genuine than right here! view more.
August 8th, 2014
The battery is dead very weak and after a few tries, it's pretty much dead. The Jeep is hooked up to the Camaro to give it some juice but it's not enough. She's filming herself as she tries getting the old car to start, pumping that gas in her flip flops. There are some engine shots as the motor is turning over slowly. view more.
August 6th, 2014
She's ready to head out and can't believe that she has a flat, of all times! She's going to move the Monte Carlo out of the way so she can take the Coronet instead. Of course, the Monte is a pain to start and is a bit of a struggle to get started. She prevails, unfortunately for us, and backs it up and parks it in front of the garage. She then hops in the Coronet and gets to start all over with another old start, cold start! The Coronet gives her fits but she does finally get it going, albeit rough, and hits the road! view more.
August 3rd, 2014
She's carrying the box of new shoes that a fan sent in as she walks to the Bus in her rain boots. She gets in and changes into these sexy white-n-pink peep-toe wedge sandals. She's wearing tan pantyhose under jeans and you watch her slip them on and tighten the ankle strap. Once she's got her new shoes situated on her feet, she slips her gloves back on and starts the Bus up...with a lot of pumping! She gets the old motor started and starts backing it up but stalls a time or two in the process of getting the old thing turned around. This first part ends with Hana finally reaching the end of the driveway. :) view more.
August 3rd, 2014
The Monte Carlo is stuck in the muddy pit it is usually parked in. She knows you like to watch her struggle so she let's you tag along. She has to get it started first and you know how she has a hard time at that. You watch intently as she pumps the gas pedal in her patent tan high heels. Once it's started, you let her do her work. Mostly upper body and full-car angles in this clip. view more.
July 26th, 2014
She's starting out in the Jeep so she can move it to clear a path for the Monte Carlo to get out. She cranks the Jeep for a bit before it finally starts and then hops in the Monte Carlo and has the same struggle. She is wearing a pair of patent pumps when cranking the Jeep but then changes into some strappy wedge sandals for the Monte Carlo. Once she gets the Monte running, she drives us down the road for a quick errand. I wonder if any of you will be as jealous of that seat-belt as I am. ;) lol view more.
July 24th, 2014
Tinsley ends up making a wrong turn down a dead end road. She feels she might be lost and backs the car up to retrace her route. Unfortunately, her car conks out and her cell phone isn't working. Hopefully someone will pull-over and help her but until then, she keeps cranking the car, trying to get it started before she kills the battery. view more.
July 23rd, 2014
Uh-oh, this little night drive got a bit more dramatic when Khara tried cutting across a yard and got stuck in the slick grass! The damn 'low traction' warning keeps going off as she spins her wheels trying to move the car. Hopefully no one calls the cops on her. Mostly feet shots with a shot or two of the wheels spinning. view more.
July 22nd, 2014
So it's Cassandra's turn and she has some issues starting off in first during her time behind the wheel. She's the kind of gal who is 'all go' when it comes to taking off. Easing off the clutch is for sissies! She stalls it a good bit and more than a few times she has trouble getting it going again. She does, eventually, make it back to the house and the driving adventure with the 3 ladies comes to an end. view more.
July 20th, 2014
She's broke down in the old Chevy and trying to restart the engine with her black leather ballet flats on. It sounds very flooded and wants to start but she can't get the right pumping rhythm to get the engine fired up completely. She keeps cranking it, putting her whole leg into it sometimes but the damn thing won't start!! She kicks off her shoes and tries it barefoot where you can see her anklet and toe-ring better. She keeps begging the car to start and with the battery getting weaker, the video ends...I wonder if she ever got it started? *shrugs* view more.
July 19th, 2014
Tall socks, itty bitty shorts and some pedal pumping in the old Coronet is what Kristen does in this video. She makes a gas run in the old boat and fills her up while wearing those tall, white socks with her shorts. Shoes? Nah, who needs 'em? She drives around, now that she has some gas. Some sock pedal pumping pleasure for you folks!! :) view more.
Cassandra, DirtyDiana, Scarlet
July 19th, 2014
Finishing their last drink after the concert, the girls hang out in the now empty parking lot and chit-chat. They pack up their junk and pile into the Volvo to leave and continue the fun at the house. Diana hops behind the wheel and they quickly find out they may not be leaving after all. She cranks the car multiple times and it doesn't seem to want to start. There's only a grounds keeper and a car or two left, so they either need to get their car running quickly or find someone to help them. Finally, after quite some time, Diana gets the car started and backs up out of the parking spot. But she stalls it when trying to go and it's flooded again...damn! ***Disclaimer: There were no alcoholic beverages consumed before driving. Alcohol consumption was simulated.*** view more.
July 18th, 2014
Hana isn't afraid to push that pedal in the old Camaro down! Her white stiletto pumps romp on the gas pedal with the car in gear and in neutral. Lots of hard revving while coasting in this clip! If you like a girl being hard on a car and having a good time at it, you'll wanna see this one. :) view more.
July 14th, 2014
It's errand day, joy! Not! lol I'm riding along with her as she has to make a few stops. The Monte Carlo isn't too temperamental today, it only takes a few attempts to start it up. Looks like it might be a good day! Some driving in town, on the interstate and some back-roads. Her day takes a turn for the worst when she takes a wrong turn downtown and ends up stalled underneath the overpasses. She was going to be slick and try to make a speedy 180 but the car stalls when she gets on the gas a bit too quickly. Now the car won't start and someone is walking over but before they reach the car, she gets it fired up and gets back on the road only to have it stall again at the next stop sign. Ugh! The trip started out so well... view more.
July 12th, 2014
This was a little scenario we were playing around with where Paige is the 'entertainment' for some notorious bad guy who she knocks out, takes the keys to his car and tries to get away but the car won't start. It's a little rough and cheesy but we were just toying with the idea to see how it looked. For you Volvo fans out there, she can't get the car started! view more.
July 12th, 2014
Already late and getting later by the minute, Raquel Derek battles with the Bug this morning! She's trying hard to get the Bug cranked but it just won't start! She's wearing a pair of strappy stiletto sandals with a knee-length skirt and a button down blouse. When you're not much for brains, you gotta get creative in your attempt to work up the chain. A few strategically undone buttons should help a little bit, hopefully. Now, if only she can start the car and show up to work... view more.
July 10th, 2014
This video was impromptu and as a result, Damara found herself stumbling over the lines I gave her just before I pressed the 'Record' button. Tiffany, never letting a chance to laugh at Damara be missed, starts laughing at Damara in the background which makes Damara crack up. So yeah, it didn't take but a few seconds to turn this into a casual, funny clip that was supposed to have a story-line. Anyways, Damara was wanting a cigarette, so she gets in the car, starts it up and has a smoke as she revs it! There isn't much of a focus on the smoking, just a heads up. view more.
July 7th, 2014
Back in the car with Kimberly as she's still driving in that sexy blue bikini and bare feet! She takes a few turns, pulls up the driveway and parks the car...shows over, right? Wrong! After turning the car off, she starts pumping that gas pedal and does some flooded cranking for ya! Once the car starts, she romps on it a few times and NOW the shows over. :( view more.
July 5th, 2014
She shows up sporting her sexy patriotic outfit. She wants to drive the Camaro because it doesn't get any more Americana than that! She hops in, has some trouble starting it, as usual, but finally gets it going! You get a self-filmed point of view as she drives over to where she's going to watch a tiny parade. She finds a tailgate to sit on from a stranger and when the parade is done, she's ready to leave but her damn car is being a pain to start! Her new-found friend is lingering and after another battle, she gets the car started and takes off! But it's a bit premature as she stalls at the stop sign. Round 3, begin!! Just a normal day for her and this old Chevy! view more.
July 3rd, 2014
Thinking this road is the shortcut, Riley takes a sharp right and stalls the car in the process! Now the girls are lost and stranded in a creepy area. Riley tries getting the car to start but no luck. They get out to look under the hood but neither really knows much about cars. Barb decides to give it a try and her luck is the same as Riley's, bad! She can't get the car to start and the battery is getting weaker and weaker's dead! view more.
July 2nd, 2014
June 29th, 2014
Looks like she can FINALLY leave the house now! She backs the car up and is starting to head down the driveway but ends up stalling the car out and now it wont' restart! She fiddles with the choke and keeps cranking it until she gets is fired up again and now..maybe...possibly she can be on her way?! She makes it to the road, turns at the stop sign, shifts through some gears and it looks like she's really on her way now. :) She drives quickly to her destination, handling that long gear selector with her gloved hands like a pro! No time for sputtering or stalling now, she keeps those rpm's up as she winds along these country roads. view more.