
Jenny’s First Time in the Camaro, 1 of 3

July 2nd, 2014

She finally gets to play in the old beast and picks an outfit that matches the car.  She hops in and begins the process of starting it.  It takes a while to pump some life into the car and after much stalling when backing out of the parking spot...and going down the driveway...and pulling out...I think we're on our way now.
view more.

Jenny’s First Time in the Camaro, 1 of 3

Scarlet Tries Getting the Monte Carlo Unstuck, 2 of 2

July 1st, 2014

Scarlet is still at it, spinning those tires and flinging up mud!  She's trying her best to make some room so she can get the car rocking but is having a hard time at it.  This thing is s-t-u-c-k!

Scarlet Tries Getting the Monte Carlo Unstuck, 2 of 2

Vivian’s Volvo Car Troubles On Way to Lunch, 2 of 2

June 29th, 2014

Looks like she can FINALLY leave the house now!  She backs the car up and is starting to head down the driveway but ends up stalling the car out and now it wont' restart!  She fiddles with the choke and keeps cranking it until she gets is fired up again and now..maybe...possibly she can be on her way?!  She makes it to the road, turns at the stop sign, shifts through some gears and it looks like she's really on her way now. :)  She drives quickly to her destination, handling that long gear selector with her gloved hands like a pro!  No time for sputtering or stalling now, she keeps those rpm's up as she winds along these country roads. view more.

Vivian’s Volvo Car Troubles On Way to Lunch, 2 of 2

Dirty Diana Revving the Camaro Barefoot

June 28th, 2014

A little short-n-sweet clip of Dirty Diana revving the Camaro.  She slips her boots off and as she's doing so, the car stalls.  It takes her a few tries to get it fired up and then she does some sexy revving in skin-tight jeans and black-tipped toenails. view more.

Dirty Diana Revving the Camaro Barefoot

Gem Starting Up the Jeep in Nike Sneakers, 1 of 2

June 28th, 2014

It seems her battery is almost dead when Gem gets in her car to leave the house.  Being no stranger to car trouble, she takes action by getting the charger out and hooking it up.  She gets back in the Jeep to try it but after a few cranks, the charger turns off.  She gets out, resets it and the Jeep hesitantly fires up!!  It runs rough and stalls out from being flooded out from not starting earlier.  She keeps at it, working that gas in her sneakers. view more.

Gem Starting Up the Jeep in Nike Sneakers, 1 of 2

Cassandra, Elizabeth & Scarlet Pedal Pumping the Bus, 3 of 4

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June 27th, 2014

It's Elizabeth's turn to drive the Bus.  They swap seats and she starts driving around.  She stalls it only once and drives pretty conservatively around the neighborhood.  Don't want to raise too much hell on these small streets, lol!

Cassandra, Elizabeth & Scarlet Pedal Pumping the Bus, 3 of 4

Veronica Cranking the Coronet in Red Pumps

June 26th, 2014

This old, moldy, rusted, smelly, rough running, will-hardly-start, ugly, dirty and loud Coronet is Veronica's ride for the day.  However, it won't start...which she is probably jumping for joy inside! lol  She tries for the longest to get the damn thing running, which she has a little success but in the end, it won't stay running. view more.

Veronica Cranking the Coronet in Red Pumps

Raquel Derek Brakes Fail in the Coronet – #438

June 22nd, 2014

When you're a psycho bitch, karma comes and bites you in the ass when you least expect it!  Raquel's brakes on her Coronet are tampered with by some unknown person.  It was probably someone who tried to do something genuinely nice for her that she repaid them by spitting in their face.  When you have that kind of piss-poor attitude, people are probably standing in line to cut your brakes!  She doesn't have to drive very far to discover her predicament...can she stop in time? view more.

Raquel Derek Brakes Fail in the Coronet – #438

Daisy Schoolgirl Cranking the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

June 22nd, 2014

Oh yeah, the Headmaster isn't going to be happy with her today!  She's already been late this week due to her car not starting, not sure if he'll believe it a second time.  Besides, aren't private school girls supposed to drive nice cars?! **Sorry for the color and overall poor quality of this clip.  I was still learning the new camera we got.** view more.

Daisy Schoolgirl Cranking the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

Reese Revving the Jeep in Strappy Stiletto Sandals

June 22nd, 2014

Doing a little recharge revving after filming a cranking custom.  :)

Reese Revving the Jeep in Strappy Stiletto Sandals

Audrey Cranking the Bug in Clogs – #250

June 22nd, 2014

The Bug hates the damp weather!  That's not good news for Audrey as we see her come into the living room to slip on her brown clogs.  The rain has stopped mostly and she walks out to the car to try and get it started.  She does well as she gets it running, kind of...but it won't stay running.  Looks like she isn't going to get it started today. view more.

Audrey Cranking the Bug in Clogs – #250

Robin Masters:  JJ House Sitting & Takes Car for a Spin

June 22nd, 2014

She's doing a little house sitting and found the keys to the homeowner's car.  She LOVE driving a stick and she takes the car out for some peeling out, tire burning, don't-tell-anyone fun!  Barefoot, of course!

Robin Masters: JJ House Sitting & Takes Car for a Spin

Vivian Ireene Pierce Aggressive Driving in Suit & Boots, 2 of 2

June 22nd, 2014

We're back in the car with Vivian and riding with her while she's driving the Camaro around.  You can hear the Camaro is running rough whenever she floors it in the beginning.  It's hesitating and sputtering and in need of a tune-up but she doesn't care!  With traffic in her way, there's a good bit of gas-brake action of her feet.  She keeps her gloved hand gripped on the gear selector for most of this video.  Never know when it's a good time to kick it into 'Neutral' and rev it up while coasting. **Thanks to the fan for submitting this outfit for Vivian and our other models to wear!** view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Aggressive Driving in Suit & Boots, 2 of 2

Candleboxxx Patent Pumps Pedal Pumping the Monte, 2 of 2

June 19th, 2014

...and you're still on the side of the road, with Candle behind the wheel and her car isn't starting!  Sounds like a bad time, right?  No, I didn't think so either! lol  Her shiny patent pumps keep pumping the pedal as she spins the engine over and it's so close to catching! view more.

Candleboxxx Patent Pumps Pedal Pumping the Monte, 2 of 2

Robin Masters:  Ashley Tearing It Up at Night, 4 of 4

June 18th, 2014

The abuse continues and I'd think by now this poor girl would have blisters on her feet from pounding the pedal over and over in this series!  I guess she's been doing this so long that she's built up a tolerance. lol Lot's of hard flooring, max revving and some spinning out that turned into a bit of a stuck...oops! view more.

Robin Masters: Ashley Tearing It Up at Night, 4 of 4

Mandie & Tinlsey Cranking the Fleetwood, Go Go Tina!, 2 of 2


June 15th, 2014

Mandie is really getting into cranking the car in this 2nd part.  The Caddy sputters a lot and starts a few times but she's flooded it so damned much that it doesn't sound like she'll ever get it running long enough to move an inch!

Mandie & Tinlsey Cranking the Fleetwood, Go Go Tina!, 2 of 2

Reese Cranking the Volvo – #395

June 14th, 2014

5 minutes of Reese battling the Volvo filmed from one angle.  Her tan wooden sandals pump the floor mounted gas pedal over and over and over to try and get the old Volvo running.  Some fiddling with the choke, some choice words, some pumping and a turn of the key....nothin!! view more.

Reese Cranking the Volvo – #395

Rodeo Starts & Drives the Bus in Wedges & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

June 13th, 2014

Rodeo is still giving that old VW Bus hell with her bare feet and rolled jeans!  She's pretty comfortable behind the wheel of this Bus as she does a lot of shifting and high-rpm driving.  She's heading back to park it and when she pulls up into the driveway, she goofs and stalls it out!  Takes a few tries to get it restarted and she guns up it up the hill and then the ride is over.  Till next time! view more.

Rodeo Starts & Drives the Bus in Wedges & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

Damara Cranking the Jeep – #286

June 12th, 2014

This is strictly a foot-view custom video of Damara cranking the Jeep.  She starts out wearing a pair of stiletto peep-toe pumps and then changes into a pair of tan mules with pantyhose.  She does a little foot tease/show with the pantyhose one and after that, she gets the Jeep started and revs it up at the end. view more.

Damara Cranking the Jeep – #286

Star Pedal Pumping the Monte in Strappies & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

June 11th, 2014

Star is still cruising along with her bare feet working the pedals.  She heads down a dead-end road and turning the car around results in it stalling on her.  Oops!  She manages to get the engine fired up again and finishes her drive.

Star Pedal Pumping the Monte in Strappies & Bare Feet, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce vs The Bug

June 8th, 2014

She's having issues with her old Bug and is having to resort to using the charger to try and get it started.  Even with the charger, it's still weak and doesn't want to start for her.  She keeps fiddling with the connection and her frustration is obvious.  Poor Vivian!  All dressed up and her car won't start! :( view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce vs The Bug

Scarlet Tries Getting the Monte Carlo Unstuck, 1 of 2

June 8th, 2014

So Hana initially got the Monte Carlo stuck (video series yet to be posted) but you've been able to witness the severity of it by seeing Cassandra try to get it unstuck, but with no luck.  Scarlet had a previous attempt at it but her result was the same as Cassandra's.  So, fast forward to a couple of weeks later.  The rain has stopped and the ground has dried a bit, so Scarlet gives it another go. view more.

Scarlet Tries Getting the Monte Carlo Unstuck, 1 of 2

Robin Masters:  Ashley Tearing It Up at Night, 3 of 4

June 7th, 2014

This girl is still driving the piss out of this car!!  She revs it up to the max and drops it into 'Drive' to try and get the wheels to spin or chirp.  When she has it floored, she'll start pumping the pedal hard, trying to squeeze more powah from the car!! view more.

Robin Masters: Ashley Tearing It Up at Night, 3 of 4

Ellie Mae Getting the Volvo Running on a Hot Summers Day

June 6th, 2014

Her mission:  Get the Volvo started. Obstacles:  It's hot.  She doesn't know what state the battery is in.  It's almost (or is) out of gas. She is working that pedal good in her cowgirl boots!  She tries and tries to get the Volvo started before thinking it needs gas.  The gauge is on 'E'.  She gets the gas can, puts some gas in it and goes back to starting the car.  This time, she does a lot of pumping before turning the key to try and get the gas from the tank to the carburetor. view more.

Ellie Mae Getting the Volvo Running on a Hot Summers Day

Dirty Diana Hates the Coronet

June 4th, 2014

Sitting on the side of the road, trying to flood the old Coronet so it'll never start again!  She wants to burn that car to the ground!  But just as soon as the video starts, an old beautiful car pulls up alongside to check on Diana.  She gives a big 'thumbs up' and the car goes on it's way as we both just drool! But back to the Coronet...which she hates, still.  lol  She tries starting and it to her dismay, it starts.  Oh well, time to try and wear it out on the drive back home.  She puts her purple ballet flats to the floor and we take off! view more.

Dirty Diana Hates the Coronet

Kimberly Heart Starts & Drives in a Bikini & Bare Feet, 1 of 2

June 1st, 2014

Let's kick the first day of June off with something a sexy bikini from Kimberly Heart!!  :) She walks to the car wearing some clothes but does a little strip-down after she opens the drivers door.  She hops in, starts the car up and backs up to turn around.  The car conks out in the middle of her turning around and you're treated to her full, bare leg just going to town on that gas pedal!  Her sweet voice begging the car to start.  It takes her a few tries to get the car restarted.  She warms it up just a bit more before hitting the road. view more.

Kimberly Heart Starts & Drives in a Bikini & Bare Feet, 1 of 2

Star Getting the Bug Running in Cowgirl Boots

May 31st, 2014

The Bug needed starting and warming up since it hadn't been started in quite some time.  So I give the keys to Star and film her cold starting this little old engine!  This clip covers recent requests of sputtering/struggling cranking and smokey exhaust while cranking and just after startup. view more.

Star Getting the Bug Running in Cowgirl Boots

Cassandra Revving the Coronet – #357

May 30th, 2014

She says 'Hello' to you and tells you she has a surprise!  You follow her to the old Coronet where she gets in and starts the car up and revs it for you!  She doesn't hold back either!  She makes the car scream as her white stiletto pumps pump the gas pedal up and down! view more.

Cassandra Revving the Coronet – #357

Audrey & Scarlet Have Morning Jeep Issues, 2 of 2


May 29th, 2014

The girls are driving along when suddenly, the Jeep stalls out near a stop sign.  This is the same place the Jeep stalled on them in a previous video.  It takes Audrey a short bit to get it going again and thankfully, they don't have too much further to go.  But just before they reach their destination, the Jeep stalls out again.  They have a good conversation as Audrey keeps trying to get it started. view more.

Audrey & Scarlet Have Morning Jeep Issues, 2 of 2

Tinsley Sabotages Mandie’s Car – #461


May 26th, 2014

You are outside with Tinsley as she walks to the Coronet and gets behind the wheel.  She tells you to come over.  You notice she is pumping the gas pedal, flooding the car out.  She says she wants to make it hard for Mandie to start.  After some pumping, she instead decides to pull the coil-wire to make it impossible for Mandie to start the car. You're now in the backseat as Tinsley is in the passenger seat, taunting Mandie as she gets in behind the wheel.  From there, Mandie is desperately trying to start her car as Tinsley keeps making glances back at you while you both watch Mandie struggle! view more.

Tinsley Sabotages Mandie’s Car – #461

Damara Driving Around in the Bus in Patent Pumps

May 25th, 2014

This clip shows that Damara is one of our best stick-shift drivers!  She handles the old Bus with ease as she works the pedals in a pair of patent stiletto pumps.  It's misting as well but that doesn't stop her from driving it hard and aggressive!  You can hear the engine revving way up just before she shifts.  Near the end, she almost gets the Bus stuck trying to turn it around. view more.

Damara Driving Around in the Bus in Patent Pumps

Brooke Starts, Stalls & Drives the Camaro in OTK Boots, 1 of 2

May 24th, 2014

One cam behind the pedals, one on the front windshield and Brooke behind the wheel!  Lots of cranking, stalling, driving and some revving! :)

Brooke Starts, Stalls & Drives the Camaro in OTK Boots, 1 of 2