May 22nd, 2014
She's on the phone as she's walking out to the car, talking with her friend about their lunch plans. The car doesn't start up right away but that isn't uncommon on a cold day. She has to take the old Volvo because her man needed the good car for a business trip. She's cold and wants to get the car started so she wraps up her conversation so she can focus on cranking the car up. She ends up killing the battery and has to call for help on how to change it. Once that is done, it looks like she might have kicked this problem in the butt... view more.
May 16th, 2014
She's got this super sexy outfit on and wants to go start up the Coronet and take it for a spin with you riding along! It takes her a while to get it started up and out of the driveway. It's hot out and the sweat is starting to show and she can't wait to get some speed up so the wind can cool her off! She drives around through town, hits some traffic at stop lights and tries to floor it as often as possible. Her itty-bitty shorts give you a great view of her killer legs as she works the pedals! view more.
May 9th, 2014
Both gals are dressed up and ready to head out tonight. Mandie gets in the drivers seat as Tinsley rides shotgun. Mandie starts the process of starting the old Caddy with her tan leather boots pumping on that floor mounted gas pedal. The car is spinning over and over with some signs of life but it's not starting. They can smell the gas in the air from her flooding the engine out with all the pumping. Tinsley slides over next to Mandie to give it a while in her black peep-toe pumps. Her long legs reach over the hump in the floor-board and start bobbing up and down from her pumping the gas pedal. Still, no luck! view more.
May 4th, 2014
Hitting the back-roads in the Jeep, Dirty Diana puts the pedal down and makes that old motor work! She's trying to beat the rain and things are going well until the Jeep cuts out while she's driving. She pops it into 'Neutral' and cranks it while the vehicle is rolling....slower and slower. She gets it started just as it's coming to a stop and takes off again only to have it stall out again as she's coming to a stop sign. She's all over that gas pedal, trying to hurry... view more.
May 2nd, 2014
She's driving along when the Bug decides to take a dump on her on this back-road. She's pumping the gas, begging the car to start for her but not getting anything but the raspberries from the little air-cooled engine. She tries texting for help but no luck. She keeps trying and after a bit more cranking, she thinks that maybe the car doesn't like her shoes. She kicks them off and tries starting the car in her nylon-clad feet but STILL nothing! She hops out of the car and pops the hood and waves her hand in the air from the smell of gas...she definitely flooded it! view more.
May 1st, 2014
This is the first time Candle has played in the Monte Carlo. It takes her a few tries to get it started and drives down our road to get a feel for the car. She makes a 3-point turn at the end of our road and drives around some more. She decides to pull off to the side of the road to do some fun revving for you, so you can hear the sound of the engine and exhaust. After some playful revving, the video fades out just as she's turning the key off. :) view more.
April 24th, 2014
This is one of those situations where we SHOULD have brought a second car with us in case the car we're using for a video REALLY breaks down. We just finished shooting a custom video in the Jeep and the custom video ended with her stranded on the side of the road. The Jeep engine got really flooded from all the cranking and it usually starts up after letting it sit for a few minutes. Not this the end of the video, I had to use my phone because my main camera battery died and I had already called Scarlet to head our way for rescue. It's hot...we're both thirsty...the car battery is starting to show signs of dying and Vivian just wants to get the car started. view more.
April 24th, 2014
Now, let's watch all the fun from a different camera angle! If you haven't seen the first part, you should check it out here!
April 20th, 2014
This is her trying to leave earlier today to go hunt some eggs as a sexy Easter bunny! She thought she'd go in style by taking the Camaro. Her patent pale pink platform pumps (alliteration FTW!! lol) ...oh, wait, her Pretty Patent Pale Pink Platform Pumps Pumping Pedals Perfectly ...9, who can beat that? ...Ok Ok, back to the clip. So, she has to work to get it going and while driving, she has some fun on the backroads, pushing the pedal down and revving it up while coasting. Of course, the Camaro is having fun too by stalling on her at some of the stop signs in traffic. Uh oh, our sexy bunny may have to walk in those killer heels... **Please read THIS POST about helping Cassandra out. She is looking for any and all help she can get with the recent passing away of her father-in-law.** view more.
April 20th, 2014
She's still stranded in her old car with a flooded engine! She keeps pumping the gas in her tan boots, hoping to get the car started before the battery dies, it gets dark or something jumps out of the woods and eats her. The car teases her by sputtering a lot, hell, it even starts a time or two but only for a few seconds and then it conks out. If only she can pump it just right... view more.
April 15th, 2014
She ran out of gas again...dammit! She's arriving back at the car after a long walk with her little gas can. She empties the container into the old Coronet, hoping that it's enough to get her to the gas station. She slides in behind the wheel and starts spinning the motor over and pumping that gas pedal....nothing. She tries again...nothing! She keeps trying but isn't getting a response from the car. She takes a break to send out an S.O.S for help but gets no response! She tries starting it some more times with her stocking-covered bare feet and just as all hope is about to be lost, it sputters and fires up!! view more.
April 12th, 2014
It's a HOT one today!! Tiffany gets behind the wheel of the Monte Carlo as her unnamed friend (not a model, nor will be) gets in the passenger seat. She starts fooling with the seat-belt but decides to get the car started first. She starts pumping that gas pedal good, bouncing in that seat as her friend watches. At one point, her friend says, "Get it girl!" to Tiffany's firm pumping of the gas pedal. After some attempts, the battery appears to go dead. So now I, ShisH, gets to explain to Tiffany how to tighten down the terminals as her friend gets behind the wheel to see if we have a connection again. Finally, we get this battery connection issue resolved and hit the road...with some more stalling issues and scary driving by Tiffany. view more.
April 11th, 2014
They just want to head to town and do a little shopping but this damn Jeep doesn't want to start. Audrey patiently works the problem: pumping the gas, spinning it over and giving it a pause in between attempts. It finally starts but dies as she applies the brakes at the end of the driveway. Round 2, GO! After a while, she gets it running again and as she hits the brakes to stop at the stop sign....the car dies again! Its starts up quicker this time and they actually make progress when they don't have to stop...looks like they might finally be in the clear! view more.
April 10th, 2014
What do you get when you give the keys of a rental car to Ashley? A whole lot of stomping that pedal to the floor and making the little 4banger scream!! Peeling out, hard flooring, aggressive driving...check! We'd love to hear from you. Please comment below with your thoughts on this clip! Robin Masters has been working hard behind the scenes to get some new footage to us. Let him (and us) know what you think! view more.