
Scarlet Cranking the Coronet – #425

April 9th, 2014

Scarlet suspects you keep doing stuff to her car to keep it from starting.  She's pissed because she's ready to go but apparently you've messed with her car again and she can't get it started.  She ends up killing the battery and tells you to find your own ride! view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Coronet – #425

Dirty Diana in “Sexy Sports Girl Pedal Pumping in Stiletto’s & Socks”

April 8th, 2014

The hood of the Bug is open so that Dirty Diana can put her gear in the car.  She slams the hood shut and you see that she slipped on some sexy sports gear for your little outing today!  She walks to the drivers door, slips behind the wheel and asks, "Are you ready to go for a ride?" Umm, hell yeah!!  You jump in the car and she begins the process of getting it cranked!  Pump the gas, spin it over, pump it some more....rinse, repeat until success or a dead battery.  Fortunately, she gets it started and after some stalling while backing up, she pulls out on to the road and hits the gas!  She works the pedal in her tall socks and thin-strap stiletto sandals. At one point during the drive, the car stalls out and she starts cranking the car while it's coasting.  Fortunately it's a back-road and she can bring the car to a stop and keep trying to get it going again. view more.

Dirty Diana in “Sexy Sports Girl Pedal Pumping in Stiletto’s & Socks”

Princess Driving the Coronet in Shorts, Nylons & Boots, 1 of 3

April 6th, 2014

Princess takes the keys to the Coronet and goes for a drive, by herself.  I set up some cameras and told her to go, have fun and come back whenever you're done.  I was playing around with this over-the-left-shoulder angle again. This first clip is her just trying to get TO the road!  She has to work to get the Coronet started and moved out of it's parking spot.  Lots of maneuvering, stalling, cranking, revving and gas/brake pedal work. view more.

Princess Driving the Coronet in Shorts, Nylons & Boots, 1 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce in “Daphne’s Cold Start of the Bus”

April 6th, 2014

It's a cold morning and Vivian is ready to start the Bus and get it warmed up.  It takes a good bit of pumping and cranking to get it going but she gets her makeshift 'Mystery Machine' going!

Vivian Ireene Pierce in “Daphne’s Cold Start of the Bus”

Cassandra Trying to Undo Hana’s Stuck Work

April 5th, 2014

Hana is filming Cassandra trying to get the Monte Carlo unstuck AFTER Hana buried the thing while trying to move it.  As you can see from the ground, she made a mess!  This is filmed entirely from the outside as Cassandra tries her best to get the car unstuck. view more.

Cassandra Trying to Undo Hana’s Stuck Work

Hana Revving the Coronet – #241

April 5th, 2014

Hana is at the gas station, getting gas for the Monte Carlo.  It's cold out and she's trying to stay warm with a big sweatshirt, some tight leggings, knee high socks and a pair of black Boss rain boots.  Once the tank is filled up, she gets in the car and slides her boots off so she can drive back to the house in her socks.  Once at the house, she slips on a pair of brown Ugg boots and does some good ole revving!  After a while, she swaps back to the black Boss rain boots and shows the car who is boss!! view more.

Hana Revving the Coronet – #241

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Bug in a Bikini, ‘Spring Fever’

April 2nd, 2014

Weather is warming up, the sun is shining bright and girls are starting to wear less and less!  Kimberly Heart slips behind the wheel of the Bug wearing this killer pink bikini and some cowgirl boots!  You get a 'naked' view of her gorgeous legs pumping on that gas pedal!  She sweetly begs the car to start, bouncing up and down in the seat with each pump she gives the gas pedal.  She eventually gets it started and revs it up but the fun doesn't end there! view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Bug in a Bikini, ‘Spring Fever’

Damara’s Car Breaks Down – #288

March 29th, 2014

Damara is driving the Monte Carlo when it starts to sputter.  She pulls off the road and the car stalls out.  Traffic continues to go by as she tries getting it started.  It sputters and sounds like it wants to start but never quite gets there.  She does some shoe play while she gives the car a break, hoping that it's only her impatience that is causing her to flood it out.  Unfortunately, the breaks do nothing as the car still won't start! view more.

Damara’s Car Breaks Down – #288

Brooke & Mari Driving the Jeep in Bikini’s


March 29th, 2014

Brooke is wearing some old sneakers, super short cut-off shorts and a bright pink bikini as she has some trouble getting the Jeep started.  Mari gives a few pointers and after a minute or so, the Jeep starts and Brooke drives around, punching her foot to the floor every now and then on these backroads. view more.

Brooke & Mari Driving the Jeep in Bikini’s

Reese Cranking the Volvo in OTK Boots – #386

March 28th, 2014

This old Volvo won't start for Reese.  The battery is weak and the car is cranking over slowly as she works the choke and gas pedal to try and get it started!

Reese Cranking the Volvo in OTK Boots – #386

Gina Cranks & Drives the Monte in Nylons & Strappy Stilettos

March 27th, 2014

It takes her more than a couple of tries to get the Monte Carlo started.  It's more like a few minutes...but she does get it fired up in her strappy black stiletto sandals, tan pantyhose and red dress.  She romps on it a few times to make sure it'll stay running, pulls out onto the road and mashes the pedal down! view more.

Gina Cranks & Drives the Monte in Nylons & Strappy Stilettos

Cassandra & Scarlet Crank the Camaro – #341


March 26th, 2014

Both ladies are wearing some rugged, leather sandals with socks as they crank up this old Camaro.  Cassandra tries to start it first but no luck.  Scarlet gets behind the wheel and shows Cassandra up by getting it started and she then proceeds to rev it up good! view more.

Cassandra & Scarlet Crank the Camaro – #341

DirtyDiana & Scarlet, ‘Brokedown Hill’, 1 of 2


March 23rd, 2014

If you watched the clip of Cassandra driving the Camaro, this 2 part series shows you what was going on with the rest of us.  Keep in mind, Cassandra was leading and didn't have a cell phone.  So when the Bus broke down, Cassandra had no idea and kept going to the place we all were originally driving to. This video starts out with Dirty Diana driving the Bus while following Cassandra.  Diana is a bit rusty in the Bus and her platform, peep-toe stiletto sandals aren't making it any easier.  A red-light causes Dirty Diana to get split up from Cassandra and as Diana is trying to play catch-up, the Bus decides to take a crap while going up a long, gradual hill.  She pulls over and the rest of this first part is her and Scarlet trying to get the Bus running and movable so they can at least limp it back home.  Lots of cranking, stalling, pumping all 3 pedals, talking and authentic distress. view more.

DirtyDiana & Scarlet, ‘Brokedown Hill’, 1 of 2

It’s Just Not Vassanta’s Day in the Monte Carlo

March 23rd, 2014

Talking about some issues getting her damn car to start!!  It's a nasty day and made even uglier by her old junker refusing to start!  Her patent red stiletto pumps shine a bit as she rocks on her heel to pump the pedal.  She tries being patient but her patience is wearing very thin!  She's really getting pissed and I just have to tell her, "It's fine." because she thinks she's doing something wrong or breaking or something! view more.

It’s Just Not Vassanta’s Day in the Monte Carlo

Vivian Ireene Pierce Aggressive Driving in Suit & Boots, 1 of 2

March 21st, 2014

She's heading to work on a dreary morning.  She's wearing her conservative business suit (fan submitted) with some sexy, over-the-knee boots and a pair of black leather gloves.  She fires up the old 77 Z28 and revs it up nice and loud to get it (and you) warmed up!  She then hits the road, aggressively driving her route to work.  Flooring it when she can, kicking the automatic transmission down a gear to get up to speed quickly.  She even puts it in neutral to rev it up while she's coasting.  This car makes her morning commute worth it! **Thanks to the fan for submitting this outfit for Vivian and our other models to wear!** view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Aggressive Driving in Suit & Boots, 1 of 2

Star 2-Footing Cars in Sneakers

March 20th, 2014

She can't get the Jeep started to take to work, so she has to drive the Monte Carlo.  The Monte is acting odd today and she is going to have to 2-foot it to keep it from stalling.  She's never 2-footed a car before, so I have to guide her as we drive along.  She catches on after a rough start. view more.

Star 2-Footing Cars in Sneakers

Hana Cranking the Caddy in Boots, “Let’s Go Out”

March 19th, 2014

Ya'll are supposed to go out tonight but her big, old and cold car won't start!  She's eager to try a new restaurant and really gives this Caddy some good, long tries but each time she thinks she has won, it conks out.  She never even makes it out of the parking spot.  Lots of begging and pleading with the car as her boots *thumpthumpthump* on that floor mounted gas pedal! view more.

Hana Cranking the Caddy in Boots, “Let’s Go Out”

Scarlet Can’t Make her Lunch Date

March 16th, 2014

She's meeting a friend at a great place in town today.  They have reservations since the place is usually very busy.  Scarlet is on the phone with her friend as she gets in her car and starts it up.  It doesn't start up the first time so she tries again.  Nothing.  She tries again...nothing!  She keeps trying as she's on the phone with her friend but she's not getting anywhere.  Not to risk tearing the car up entirely, since it is not her car, she gives up and goes inside. view more.

Scarlet Can’t Make her Lunch Date

Mandie in the Bus Barefoot on a Hot Summers Day, 2 of 2

March 15th, 2014

Just as we started to film this, a quick summer shower rolled in for a few minutes.  It dropped just enough rain to steam things up on this hot day.  Mandie takes the Bus for a spin and it’s a sweet relief to feel the wind blowing!  The roads are still wet as she drives around and we end up back at the house where she can rev it up nice and good for ya with her sexy bare feet and bare legs! view more.

Mandie in the Bus Barefoot on a Hot Summers Day, 2 of 2

Kimberly Heart & Layna Britain Heading to a Party, 2 of 2


March 15th, 2014

Layna tells Kimberly to try it again as she's looking under the hood.  Kimberly spins it over a few times and gets the car started to where she can rev it up.  Thinking all is well, Layna slides back behind the wheel and starts revving it up herself.  She's rusty at driving a stuck, so she stalls it when trying to leave.  Kimberly gives her a few pointers but keep in mind, Kimberly can't drive a stick either.  Oh boy!! Lol!  They end up deciding it's best to just call a cab!   view more.

Kimberly Heart & Layna Britain Heading to a Party, 2 of 2

Princess Cranking & Revving the Monte Carlo – #263a

March 13th, 2014

Princess is trying to get the car started in a pair of patent brown stiletto peep-toe platform pumps (that was a mouthful! lol).  She's begging the car to start and at times, she gets it running but it ends up stalling out before she can ever get it in gear to drive.   view more.

Princess Cranking & Revving the Monte Carlo – #263a

Mrs. Audrey Giving Student Ride to School, 1 of 2

March 11th, 2014

Some days, Mrs. Audrey drives her 1977 Camaro Z28 to school because all the little boys love it!  You live a few houses down and she gives you a ride to school often.  Today, you're already in the passenger seat as she finishes moving her normal, daily driver SUV out of the way.  She slips her red leather driving gloves on her hands and starts the car...or tries to.  It takes her a couple of tries to get the old carbureted engine fired up.  She revs it up a bit to get some heat into the motor, releases the parking brake and backs up.  A few moments later, she's cruising down the road with you riding shotgun!  You arrive at the school and you both go inside. The class day is over and you've hopped in Mrs. Audrey's car to wait for her to get done with her teaching responsibilities. She walks up and notices you are in the car again.  She says, "You must really like this car?!"  Little does she know, just how much you like it!  She puts her gloves on again and starts it but it doesn't start on that first attempt.  She tries again...and again but it still won't start. She tells you, "It's okay, it's hard to start sometimes."  ..and she keeps at it.  She says, "I hope it starts also, it'll be pretty embarrassing if it doesn't."  The video ends with her still trying to get it started. view more.

Mrs. Audrey Giving Student Ride to School, 1 of 2

Brooke & Marie Bikini Pedal Pump the BMW 2002


March 8th, 2014

Here's a little 'taste of summer' clip of Brooke & Mari cranking and revving the old BMW 2002 in bikini's and cut-off shorts!  Brooke is wearing sneakers and Mari is wearing some thong sandals.  

Brooke & Marie Bikini Pedal Pump the BMW 2002

Cassandra & Scarlet Crank the Coronet in Clogs – #421


March 7th, 2014

The LOVE their sexy clogs and as they slip them on, they talk about them for a moment.  The girls then walk to the Coronet to see if they can get it started.  Cassandra slides behind the wheel first and tries getting the old Dodge to run.  Scarlet gives her some tips since what Cassandra is doing doesn't seem to be working.  After trying for a while, Scarlet tells Cassandra to move and she then gives it a try.  She doesn't have any luck either and the battery ends up dying. view more.

Cassandra & Scarlet Crank the Coronet in Clogs – #421

Sugar Momma Driving the Jeep in Pink Dr. Scholl’s

March 7th, 2014

She pumps the gas about 6-7 times before starting up the Jeep.  I don't know, maybe she wanted to make it hard to start because she likes a challenge.  It fires up on the 2nd try and she turns the Jeep around and hits the road.

Sugar Momma Driving the Jeep in Pink Dr. Scholl’s

Rockell Starbux Stuck in Strappy Sandals & Rain Boots, 3 of 3

March 6th, 2014

Filmed mostly outside the car with lots of angles peeking in through the door to watch her work the pedals, Rockell is still trying to get unstuck in the Monte Carlo.  This parking spot is not all rutted up from her previous attempts at getting out.  Just when she thinks she's going to get out, she comes off the gas pedal too quickly and the car dies, which kills her forward momentum and she has to start over. We've used this spot a LOT because we really do park cars there when we're not shooting.  So as it rains over time, the car gets settled in the ruts and makes for a genuine, authentic and REAL stuck.  No using the brake pedal or parking brake to keep the car simulated stuck.  No putting bricks or rocks under the front tires.  No obvious getting unstuck but then backing back up into it to fake getting stuck again.  view more.

Rockell Starbux Stuck in Strappy Sandals & Rain Boots, 3 of 3

Barbie Cranks the Blazer in Daisy Dukes & Cowgirl Boots

March 4th, 2014

Barbie tries starting the old Blazer in some cowgirl boots, booty shorts and a tied-up button down shirt.  3 different cameras capture her ordeal as she tries getting the car started before the battery dies.  

Barbie Cranks the Blazer in Daisy Dukes & Cowgirl Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Filming Herself Driving the Coronet in Sandals

March 2nd, 2014

She's out cruising around for a bit and took the little camera with her to film it.  You watch, from her point of view, her working the pedals in the big land barge.  Lots of gas and braking as she hits red lights, stop signs and traffic.  She even stalls the car out twice, with the second one forcing her to tell people to go around her because she stalled it.  You can hear her apologize for the congestion...oops! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Filming Herself Driving the Coronet in Sandals

Tinsley Cranking the Camaro – #379

March 2nd, 2014

Tinsley can't get her car to start for her today.  It just got through raining and the damp air makes it really difficult to crank.  She tries for a while but gives up and goes inside.

Tinsley Cranking the Camaro – #379

Audrey Starts & Drives the Jeep in Black Hose & Peep Toes

March 1st, 2014

The Jeep is easily flooded when it's warm.  We hadn't been filming at Cassandra's long when we had to head back home.  Audrey gets behind the wheel and finds out just how easy it is to have the Jeep not cooperate with you!  She spends a few minutes getting it started and when it FINALLY starts, she makes up some of the lost time by driving fast home! view more.

Audrey Starts & Drives the Jeep in Black Hose & Peep Toes

Cassandra, Elizabeth & Scarlet Pedal Pumping the Bus, 1 of 4

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February 27th, 2014

This first clip of this series shows the girls trying to get the Bus started.  They each have a go at it, thinking they can do it better than the other.  At one point, Scarlet hops out to go look at the engine but can't see anything wrong with it.  She gets behind the wheel again and is victorious at getting the engine to run.  Looks like they're ready to roll! view more.

Cassandra, Elizabeth & Scarlet Pedal Pumping the Bus, 1 of 4

Kimberly Heart Sexy Pedal Pumping in Leather

February 25th, 2014

It's one hell of a gorgeous day that is made even hotter with Kimberly Heart sporting some super tight leather pants and a skimpy leather halter top.  She's got on a pair of leather, pointy-toed stiletto pumps to round out the outfit as she starts, revs and plays in the Monte Carlo and Jeep.  This girl has sexiness oozing out of her pores and I'm just doing all I can to keep the camera on the action. :) view more.

Kimberly Heart Sexy Pedal Pumping in Leather