February 23rd, 2014
She's getting her boots, jacket and gloves on before heading out the door with her kid. She's got to hurry up and get him to school or he's going to be late. He's being difficult this morning and she has to keep getting on to him as she's trying to start the car. It's one of those rainy, cold mornings that she wishes she could have just stayed in bed. view more.
February 20th, 2014
Just as we started to film this, a quick summer shower rolled in for a few minutes. It dropped just enough rain to steam things up on this hot day. Mandie takes the Bus for a spin and it's a sweet relief to feel the wind blowing! The roads are still wet as she drives around and we end up back at the house where she can rev it up nice and good for ya with her sexy bare feet and bare legs! view more.
February 19th, 2014
First part of the video is her trying to get the Volvo started and moved out of the way. It's blocking the car she takes to work. She's in her pajamas and wearing a pair of flip flops as she fights with the stubborn old wagon. After wasting too much time, she decides to go change and deal with it when she's dressed. She then returns in a black dress and pink/white peep-toe slides and tries once again to get the car started and moved. Unfortunately, it just won't start and she's forced to call in to work that she's going to be late. view more.
February 14th, 2014
We pick up in part 2 with Hana getting into the car again after making a stop. The damn car doesn't want to start again but this time, you can tell she's pumping it too much and flooding it. The car sputters and sounds like it's on the edge of starting but just won't catch completely. She's getting frustrated, you can tell by the look on her face. When she does get it started, she revs it hard out of frustration and to teach the car a lesson. Unfortunately for her, it takes a few of those lessons before it cooperates fully. Again, once she hits the road, she puts the pedal to the metal! view more.
February 12th, 2014
This is a good example of how this pedal pumping fetish is born. A cute girl is supposed to be watching the kid but instead goes for a spirited drive in the car. Flooring the gas, driving too fast and all in her bare feet! So much fun...except when she gets the car stuck for a bit...oops! How would she explain that if she wasn't able to get out? Good thing she did! view more.
February 11th, 2014
Takes her almost all of this 4minute clip to get the car started. It sputters and sounds like it wants to start often but we all know that Jeep is a BIG tease! She keeps working, flexing them leg muscles to pump the gas in those 5" stiletto pumps with an ankle strap. She's having a lot of car trouble but it's mighty fine to watch! :) view more.
February 11th, 2014
This is the full length documentary follows these two bounty hunters as they try to bust a crook! Hear what it's like to live the life of an on-the-edge, sexy and seductive woman who kicks peoples ass for a living while wearing stilettos and makeup! They are officers of the law who will stop at nothing to catch their man or woman. view more.
February 5th, 2014
She fights with the Monte Carlo the entire 6 and a half minutes of this clip. She's got a firm method of pumping the gas pedal and really puts her body into it. The car starts to sputter and catch like it wants to run but she's a bit too forceful and ends up flooding it out again each time. It's pretty humid and she's starting to work up a sweat. view more.
February 4th, 2014
Ellie Mae is pumping gas into the Jeep as Queen Red sits in the drivers seat, talking to her. The gas tank is full and Queen Red climbs across to the passenger seat as Ellie Mae slips back behind the wheel. She goes to start the Jeep and it doesn't start right away. She pumps pumps pumps that gas pedal and tries again...no luck. She keeps at it as Queen Red watches and finally tells her to "Don't do that!", in regards to how Ellie is pumping the gas. As they talk about whether or not it's enough gas, a vehicle slowly drives past with some little dudes in it checking the girls out. You can tell the girls aren't interested as they laugh and are like, "Awkward!" They swap seats, Queen Red gets it started right away and they head back to the house. While turning the Jeep around, Queen Red has a few stalling issues. She romps on it when she gets it started and finally, their 'quick' gas trip is over! view more.
January 31st, 2014
Poor Diana has a hell of a time in the Volvo in this custom clip. First, it doesn't want to start and when it does finally start, she almost can't make it out of the driveway before the car conks out. Just when things start going smoothly, the car stalls on her as she's driving...multiple times! She has to do the heel-to-to method (the REAL way you do it) at one point. She just wants to make it back home, screw this driving around crap!! view more.
January 31st, 2014
The Scenario: "Vivian bought a house that someone wants because its incriminating to them if remodeled so they decide to cut her brakes to get rid of her. We then see her going out to her car and driving off leaving brake fluid behind. As she drives her brakes get mushy and eventually give out...no brakes! After futile attempts to stop her car by pumping the brakes and having no emergency brake she finally turns the car off to stop. She gets out to see fluid and wonders if her brake line was cut. She gets back in her car and calls for assistance, pumping her brake the entire time. She then waits, pumping the brake being very vocal about her brakes...what happened to her brakes, were they tampered with....does someone want her dead?" view more.
January 31st, 2014
Most of these cars don't like the rain. The humidity messes with a lot of the old, rusted electrical connections in the ignition. Audrey walks to the car quickly while the rain has slowed a bit, gets in and begins her struggle to get this old VW running. She pumps the gas pedal quickly with her small, size 6 foot while wearing some brown leather, low-wedge strappy sandals. She gets the car to sputter a few times but never gets it to start. view more.
January 30th, 2014
She's heading back home now after making her stop and is still driving with just her pantyhose covered feet. She has to stretch to reach the pedals while navigating this windy road. She ain't afraid to push the gas a bit when she can! She looks darn cute in this big, loud Camaro! view more.
January 30th, 2014
Lot's of errands, appointments and family/friends to see when you're pregnant. Paige has quite a few places to make it to and her car is being a piece of shit! She keeps coaxing it to start, trying to be nice but it's only responding with the big middle finger! Ugh!! **This is our first video filmed with a brand new camera. Still learning it but so far, I'm very happy with it.** view more.
January 29th, 2014
I think this was the last video of the very first shoot I did with Hana. It could've been the 2nd shoot though...either way, a good while ago and back when we had the old Cadillac Fleetwood. I'm having her park the Cadillac but with it being cold and dark, it's a tough challenge. I'm using the camera with night-vision, so it's absolutely pitch-black if you're not looking through the view finder. She struggles with the big car, trying to not run over my bushes but parking it far enough out of the way to clear the driveway. LOTS of stalling, hard starting, revving and backing up with her feet going from the gas to brake often. That should fulfill a few more requests for you fine folks! :) view more.
January 27th, 2014
Cassandra has a rough....a ROUGH time driving the Volvo today! Lots of stalling, mis-shifting, revving too high, revving too low, neck-breaking bucking and other 'Oh-Shit!' moments in this clip! If you like girls who have a hard time driving a stick shift, you'll like this one! :) view more.
January 25th, 2014
It's time for FOOOOD! Damara hops behind the wheel of the Monte Carlo, takes a few attempts to get it going, lights up a cigarette, turns around in the yard and hits the road. They don't have far to go, so it's a quick drive. They place their order at the drive-thru and when Damara goes to start the car again, it doesn't start up right away. She gives that, "Uh-oh, LOL!" look to Scarlet but fortunately for them, they don't have to call for rescue as the car starts back up. Once they get the food, Damara digs in to a corn-dog as she drives back! view more.
January 22nd, 2014
Well, Rockell was unable to get her car out so she has gone inside to get you to come out and help her. You see the mess she has made....ugh, going to be a pain to clean up! She tells you to watch as she gets back in the car and continues her efforts to get the car out of it's slippery parking spot. The Monte Carlo stalls a lot and increases the difficulty of getting the car unstuck. I love parking a car here, makes for such great video! :) view more.
January 21st, 2014
Star is giving a student a ride home but her Jeep is having problems starting. She delicately pumps the pedal, trying not to flood it or make the student nervous about getting home. She puts the car in 'Neutral', thinking it'll help to start it, kinda like jump starting it. But since it's an automatic transmission, that doesn't do much. She keeps trying to get the car to crank but it just won't start! view more.
January 18th, 2014
She's leaving the grocery store on a breezy, chilly day. The walk across the parking lot seems longer with the wind blowing as it is. You watch her from another vehicle as she makes the walk, gets in her car and you can hear her having trouble starting it. We then see her issues starting it from the backseat as she nervously looks in her rear-view mirror. She's carefully pumping the gas pedal in her tan moccasin loafers and her diligence pays off as she's finally able to get the car started and leave! view more.
January 16th, 2014
She does some pedal pumping in the old Volvo and Monte Carlo on this chilly day while sporting a sexy leather outfit. The Volvo doesn't start for her and the Monte Carlo gives her all kinds of trouble. Weak batteries, stalling, warm-up style revving, exhaust shots and flexing of the thighs while pumping the pedals are in this clip. Enjoy! view more.
January 15th, 2014
Cassandra & Scarlet are going to the beach. Cassandra is loading up the Volvo at her house before she heads over to Scarlet's to pick her up. Cassandra has some trouble getting the car started but she keeps at it and gets the car started before the battery dies. She isn't about to let her trip get ruined! She shows up at Scarlet's house and the girls put more gear in the back of the wagon but when they go to leave, the damn thing won't start again!! This time, Cassandra kills the battery but fortunately, Scarlet has a spare handy. Once it's replaced, Cassandra gets the car started and revs it up nice and good before leaving. Just as things look like everything is going to finally go smoothly, Cassandra stalls the car while backing up...shit!! Lot's of shaking tail-pipe while cranking, exhaust blowing leaves/grass while revving and choke adjusting! **Ignore my dialogue in the very beginning. I didn't catch it until after I had deleted the original clips. So to preserve the quality of the clip, I didn't edit it out. Oops, lol! ** view more.
January 12th, 2014
For those of you that don’t know, Scarlet purchased the 1986 Monte Carlo for her site when we had a stint apart from each other. She loves that car, even though it’s a clunker. You don’t hear girls saying that about old junk cars often but it’s true, she does like taking it to run errands and on the days she might not want to fool with it, she still knows that it needs to be driven often to keep it in shape. A lot of these are filmed by Scarlet, most are filmed with her phone. There are a few ‘pedal play’ segments throughout these various compilations. Sometimes, Scarlet just wants to play with the pedals for poops-n-grins! While most of these will be in the Monte Carlo, there are some other cars mixed in as well.
You’re not going to find a better display of natural, real and authentic cold-start/old-start’s than this stuff here.
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