October 13th, 2013
The Scenario: "Alex Rayne is late for a presentation at work and is anxious and nervous about being late leaving. She gets into the Bus from the driver's side, makes herself comfortable in the seat. As Alex Rayne is making herself comfortable in the seat have her squish the seat way back by pushing herself in the back in the seat.(If possible switch the seen from the passenger side as she fist starts to pump and crank). Have Alex Rayne pump the gas pedal slow/medium speed for a bit before cranking. Also hold in the clutch. Once she cranks it will not turn over, then pump the gas pedal for a bit and start cranking again. Do the pumping before and after cranking throughout the video. Film the video from the passenger side then some from the driver side alternating scenes. If possible make the engine sputter at times, start for a short period and have her rev the engine to warm it up then stall. Keep doing the pumping before each crank and after. Have her hold in the clutch much of the video and from time to time let up on it as she is pumping and cranking, crank a few times without holding the clutch Still do the pumping between the cranks. Take a few shots of her from the driver’s side holding in the clutch and letting up on it then holding it down as she pumps and cranks. During the video have her show herself getting frustrated and anxious and at times squishing the seat back. Later in the video from the passenger’s side have Alex Rayne just pump the Gas pedal only without cranking for about twenty seconds at slow/medium speed and then crank. At the end have her get out and slam the door being upset and calling work that her car will not start. " view more.
October 6th, 2013
She gets to experience a little cold-starting in the old 77 Camaro. She doesn't warm it up much and she finds out the hard way that you should always warm up these old cars before hitting the road. Each time she puts her foot on the gas to accelerate after she's backed out into the road, the car dies. This happens a few times before she's finally able to get it going. She has some fun driving fast along these back roads. view more.
October 6th, 2013
Gem has never gone muddin before, so this is all new to her. She starts out doing some little figure 8's in the mud and after a short while, Scarlet decides to hop in the passenger seat and ride shotgun as she guides Gem through the mini-lake of glop! She doesn't carry too much speed into it and after some splashing, the Jeep comes to a halt...the engine died. Gem fires it back up and as soon as she presses the gas, that distinct noise of the wheels spinning tells everyone that she's stuck! Scarlet does a bit of coaching as they try to free the Jeep from the mud. view more.
October 3rd, 2013
This was Mandie's very first shoot with PTP. It was a cold, winter's day and we were well into the shoot for the day when I recorded this. We were sitting in the Caddy, talking, when I started recording and guided her into a little teasing/flooding session. I wasn't sure how the car or Mandie would act for this impromptu clip. Enjoy this little tidbit of Mandie! :) view more.
September 29th, 2013
She's sportin some short shorts, flip flops that show off her pink toes and a sexy tank top. She's got the Monte Carlo really flooded from a little....no, from a LOT of pumping the gas pedal! She's getting frustrated with the car not starting. She does get it running near the end and revs it up pretty good! view more.
September 29th, 2013
She's got her sexy little secretary outfit on and she has to run some errands in her old jalopy! She keeps her driving gloves on for this car because with as much manhandling she has to do to it, it can mess up her soft hands. She is forceful in her pumping of this old car as she doesn't want to take any shit from it. But it's shit she gets as the old Mopar says, "Piss off!" ....but, Paige isn't one to give up easily... view more.
September 28th, 2013
We hadn't had the Bus very long when Barbie stopped by for a shoot. It was cold out and I wanted her to hop in, start it up and get the engine warmed up a bit. She's wearing some really tall red suede boots with some tight-n-shiny leggings. You get a good close up of her boots on the gas, massaging it up and down to keep the rpm's up. She even sits in the back of the Bus for a bit to check it out and see how roomy it is. Enjoy this super sexy and curvacious blonde playing in the at-the-time new toy! :) view more.
September 27th, 2013
Hana has some trouble getting the Volvo to fire up so she can run down the street to get some gas. She's wearing platform flip flops and some cute khaki shorts for this little adventure. She thinks she flooded it early on and looks at you to say, "Oops!" and then continues cranking. She does finally get the car running and heads to get some gas. There is a little bit of revving after she gets the car started and then some maneuvering the long car to get it out of it's parking spot. view more.
September 25th, 2013
The Scenario: "Scarlet is in a backroad and lets loose in this custom video while driving 2001 SS. She punches the gas time and time again. Lots of stopping and flooring action as well as some really great flirtatious dialogue and looks. She revs the engine for a bit . In this video I would like mostly full body shots with a good bit of tachometer vision and with some close-ups to her feet on gas. Scarlet teases with a sexy driving." view more.
September 22nd, 2013
She's up for giving you a little pedal pumping show in the old Coronet. She's not sure why you like her to try and start your old cars but, whatever, she's game. She first asks if you like what she's wearing and then you get in the back seat while she slides behind the steering wheel. You watch her tanned, toned legs pump the gas pedal a lot. She gets the car started pretty quickly and after revving it a bit, she looks at you and turns it off. She wants to make it a bit harder this next go-around. So she pumps the gas pedal to flood the engine and tries starting it...uh-oh, it won't start! view more.
September 22nd, 2013
We pick back up with Brooke still trying to get the Bug started. We're at the base of the muddy hill and if she can get the car started, the girls can finally hit up some mud! This clip is mostly of Brooke playing in the mud with the Bug. You'll quickly see why taking the Bug up there in this sticky mud was a bad idea. So much mud got packed up into the fender-wells of the front tires, they stop spinning from time to time. Makes it hard for Brooke to do some muddy donuts. We jump back and forth from the passenger seat to an outside observer in this clip. Lots of slippin-n-slidding, a little stuck here and there, some stalling and a lot of fun! :) view more.
September 21st, 2013
Gianna is driving the old Bug with her sister, Christal, riding shotgun. The girls chat as Gianna pilots the Bug around with a lot of shifting, braking and a few issues here and there. Her tanned bare legs and bright pink toes show up well against the black carpet and Christal adds some sexy teasing with her stockings near the end of the drive. view more.
September 21st, 2013
Both ladies are ready to go out and have some fun! Dressed in some tight leather pants and stiletto heels, Tinsley gets behind the wheel of the old Caddy to take them to town. Unfortunately, the car doesn't want to start! Tinsley is pumping away on the big, floor mounted gas pedal but the car only sputters a few times. It's flooded, bad! Mandie even tells her she's pumping it too much because she can smell the gas in the air. Tinsley just replies, "I know, I love it!" Mandie eventually slides next to Tinsley to try and get it started herself but no luck! They eventually give up and decided to call-in some Chinese food. view more.
September 19th, 2013
Heading back to the office to put in some late hours but her car doesn't feel like cooperating. Her peep-toe stiletto pumps pump the gas pedal over and over until the car starts to sputter and come to life. When she does get it running, she ends up having too much fun revving it to think about going to work...oops! view more.
September 15th, 2013
Scarlet has some errands in town to run this evening and you get to ride along with her as she makes her stops. This 31+ minute clip has a lot of different driving as well as some really hard starts in various parking lots. If you've ever wondered what type of 'adventures' a woman has with an old clunker, this is a front row seat to the action. This is another one of our as-real-as-it-gets clips that can't be topped. view more.
September 15th, 2013
The Scenario: "Tinsley will have suntan colored pantyhose on, red or pink nail polish if possible. Video will start with Tinsley in the car and saying "I will be right back I just have to get my phone." She will get out of the car and go inside. While inside the camera as my eyes will get out open the hood pull the coilwire then get back in the car. Then it will cut to Tinsley on her phone inside saying "Yeah I am going to have alittle fun with him." then say "yes I know. just hold it all the way down to clear it out." then say "I tried it earlier worked great." She will continue talking, the video will cut back to inside the car watching Tinsley walking back to the car and Tinsley finishing her call. She will get in the car and say "are you ready?" The camera will just nod to say yes..." If you like Tinsley, this video should make you fall in love with her pedal pumping action!! :) view more.
September 15th, 2013
The Scenario: Cassandra has picked up her car from the mechanic. He told her that car need some good revving so she slides behind the wheel of the car and revs, mostly aggressive, per her mechanics instruction. While she revs the car, Cassandra texts and calls Scarlet with her cell phone, writes a note and smokes a cigarette all while teasing by lifting her skirt up high on her legs. view more.
September 13th, 2013
Today, you're getting a ride home from your teacher, Vivian. You've always fantasized as to how much car trouble she has or how she might drive the old Camaro on her way to/from work. Today, you get to witness it first hand. You're already in the passenger seat as she comes out looking for you. She gets in the car and your excitement is building as she gets situated behind the wheel. Just before she turns the key, she gives the engine 2 gentle pumps of the gas and spins the motor over....from there, your dream becomes a reality! view more.
September 13th, 2013
Prue has gassed up the Monte Carlo and is ready to go but it takes a bit to get the car going at the pump. She's frustrated from the car being a dick and stalling earlier at the stop sign. She practices patience and gets it running but making the tight turn to leave causes the car to stall one more time before being able to hit the road. When she gets on the road, she puts her foot into the gas and isn't afraid for a little speed. There's a road I was looking for and we passed it twice before finding it. I was going to shoot some footage there but decided against it once we got there. So we head back to the house and I give her a hard time as she's parking the Monte Carlo. :D view more.
September 8th, 2013
She tried her best to get it started but at the end of this clip, the starter finally gave out. She tries a mix of pumping to get it started since she has had a lot of experience starting old cars growing up. But when the cars don't want to start, they ain't startin!! Enjoy listening to her beg, coax and sweet-talk the car into starting for her as she bounces up and down in the seat from pumping that gas pedal! view more.
September 7th, 2013
Reese is still having difficulties moving the Coronet. It's a tight squeeze to back up this huge car between the house and other cars parked around the yard. With the Coronet constantly stalling out on her, it keeps her on her toes. She does manage to make it around the bend which signifies the completion of her task. But in one last effort to make it challenging, the Coronet's tires spin on the driveway a bit as the weight of the car on the incline makes Reese have to punch it to get up the hill. This clip also signifies the last update we have of Reese. :( view more.
September 6th, 2013
The Scenario: "Cassandra is a very determined wife who is going to move the Volvo without her husband's help. She has a struggle to get the Volvo started with lots of long flooded cranking attempts. She pulls the choke right out and pumps the gas pedal a lot aggressively in her high heeled pumps. Eventually Cassandra pushes the choke in and gets the Volvo started and the car gets stuck in the grass/ mud but she is determined to drive forwards to try to free the car. We hear the rear wheels spinning as Cassandra revs up the engine and continually tries to drive forwards. The car stalls several times but Cassandra doesn't give up and resorts to her trademark heel-toe (what REAL heel-toe action is) whilst trying to crank the engine up. Cassandra eventually removes her shoes and we see bare feet with red painted toenails on the pedals. We see lots of pedal-pumping and driving/ stuck footage in her barefeet too." view more.
September 4th, 2013
The Scenario: "You're here to pick me up for a date and you knock on the door. You ask if I like what I see, and then tell me to hurry up, because you have a surprise for me. We get in the car, and you look at me and ask what I was doing under your hood the other day. You figured me out, you caught me disabling your car so that I'd have to come out and fix it. You ask me to show you what I did, so we get out, and you're being very flirty as we get under the hood. I disable the car, and we get back in. You ask me if you should start it, and then you begin cranking, and teasing me. You're asking me what it is that turns me on about seeing her crank. When you get down to your feet, you see my reaction and figure me out. You then take your shoes off and seductively pump, rubbing your feet together and on the pedal, talking dirty and being very seductive. At the end of the video, you look at me and ask if that was hot, grab me by the hand and pull me inside." view more.
September 1st, 2013
Tinsley does some sexy and aggressive revving in the old Dodge with her bare feet! She ends up making the car bleed some of it's coolant out but that doesn't stop her! She keeps on and on, smiling while she revs it! She even has a toe-ring on, for you toe-ring fans. :) view more.